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With Permission / Courtesy of: City and County of Honolulu Neighborhood Commission Office



TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2025 at 6:00 P.M.



Video Recording of Meeting:

Google Drive Link:

1. CALL TO ORDER -- [0:00:017]: Chair Kathleen Lee called the Ala Moana-Kakaʻako Neighborhood Board No. 11 meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Quorum was NOT established with 5 members present. Note: This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish a quorum and to take official Board action.

Board Members Present: Rodney Chang, Lori Farinas, Kathleen Lee, Jeanne Rice, Dale Vanderbrink, Lynn Mariano (arrived at 6:06 p.m.), Karen Cheung (arrived at 6:11 p.m.), and Dyson Chee (arrived at 7:40 p.m.).

Board Member(s) Absent: Emma Davis and Caroline Faringer.

Guests: Fire Fighter Urasaki (Honolulu Fire Department); Corporal Joel Saniatan and Sergeant Mochizuki (Honolulu Police Department); Jessica Lee (Student); Ron Iwami, Tommy Why, and Shani (Friends of Kewalo's Organization); Maribell Pabalan (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART); Robin Henski (Councilmember Tyler Dos Santos-Tam); Sophia Anderson (Councilmember Nishimoto); Ben Sullivan (Mayor Rick Blangiardi); Representative Ikaika Olds (House District 23); Representative Kim Coco Iwamoto (House District 25); William Nheiu (Governor Josh Green); Patrick Watson (HART contractor Frank V. Coluccio Construction Company, Inc.); Eduardo Hernandez, Michele Lee, Bishop Quinn Hashimoto, Patt Stolsa, Michelle Opetek, Garrett Miyata, Tai Pa, Myk Oxmaul, James Gieschen, Daniel Simonich, Maheshi (Residents); Camilia Epa Gomes (Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO). Note: Name was not included if not legible. There were 34 total participants.

Roll Call -- [0:00:22]: Chair Lee called for a roll call, which was conducted by Neighborhood Assistant Camilia Epa.


Honolulu Fire Department -- [0:01:42]: Fire Fighter Urasaki provided the January 2025 monthly statistics and safety tip in regards to preparing for power outages. For more information and resources:

• Report:

Member Mariano joined at 6:06 p.m., 6 members present.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:03:06]

Honolulu Police Department -- [0:07:41]: Sergeant Mochizuki provided a chart comparing annual crime statistics for the last two years. There is a large increase in liquor related crimes and drug related crimes in 2024 compared to 2023. There was a small increase in auto theft and simple assault cases in 2024 compared to 2023. The safety tip for the month is in regards to pedestrian safety awareness.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:09:43]

Member Cheung joined at 6:11 p.m., 7 members present.

Member Cheung left the meeting at 6:23 p.m., 6 members present.

3. PRESENTATIONS -- [0:29:31]

Hearing no objection, Chair Lee took the agenda out of order to hear Item 3.3.2 Police Week Kickoff at this time.

Police Week Kickoff -- Monday, May 12, 2025: Honolulu Police Department (HPD) Corporal Joel Saniatan informed the Board that HPD will be using 3 lanes from HPD main station to the State Capitol on Monday, May 12, 2025 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The lanes will be coned off for the memorial march during this time. The march is expecting participation with over a hundred marchers. There will be one lane open for traffic flow and all the lanes will re-open once the march is done at 6:30 p.m.

Korean Language Program Expansion Resolution -- [0:30:48]: Jessica Lee (Student) shared her support for the expansion of Korean Language Programs in schools. Lee provided statistics and data to support the benefits of adding Korean Language programs to schools. She introduced a draft resolution for the Board to consider supporting to request for the State Department of Education to expand Korean Language programs for McKinley, Roosevelt, and Kaimuki High School. This resolution was passed at the Manoa Neighborhood Board.

• Draft Resolution:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:32:24]

Kakaʻako Makai/Senate Bill 534 -- [0:33:07]: Ron Iwami, Tommy Why, and Shani (members from Friends of Kewalo's Coalition) shared the environmental and health impacts if proposed residential development in this land parcel was to be approved. There is concern of the negative impacts the Senate Bill will cause to the shoreline. The Senate bill would allow Office of Hawaiian Affairs to develop residential towers (affordable housing) on certain parcels of Kakaʻako Makai. However, the bill does not identify which parcels they would build on. The coalition is in opposition to this bill because the proposed area to build towers would be near Kakaʻako Waterfront Park which was a former landfill site and the coalition is concerned that it would release toxic contaminants into the ocean and air for residents, workers, and people who use the area for recreational use e.g., fishing, surfing, etc. The Coalition is calling for public support to submit testimony for the hearing of this bill to the State Legislature.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [0:49:21]

4. BOARD BUSINESS -- [0:58:38]

Approval of the Tuesday, January 28, 2025 Meeting Minutes -- [0:58:38] [0:58:52] -- Farinas MOVED and Mariano SECONDED approval of the January 28, 2025 meeting minutes as written. Hearing no objections, the motion to approve the January 28, 2025 meeting minutes as written was ADOPTED; 6-0-0 (Aye: Chang, Farinas, Lee, Mariano, Rice, Vanderbrink; Nay: None; Abstain: None) -- [0:58:57]

Action Committee Report -- [0:59:04]: Member Vanderbrink highlighted the topics that were discussed at the last action committee meeting (every second Thursday). The committee discussed various outreach initiatives to get the community involved. They will seek out more information to obtain a booth at the Kakaʻako Farmers Market. They would like to start a newsletter to share events in the neighborhood and highlight small local or new businesses in the area. They will do more postings on their social media pages to get more people to tune in either in-person or online. Lastly, they would like to do outreach work with schools to have younger generations get more involved in their neighborhood and learn the functions of the Board.

Discussion on ICE encounters -- [1:00:55]: Member Vanderbrink shared a brief story to inform the community of a small business in Waikiki that had an ICE agent enter the store and request to see all of the I.D.'s of the employees who were working. Due to the recent active activity of ICE in the State, Member Vanderbrink wanted to provided online resources to the public that will help individuals understand their rights and the laws if they find themselves or know anyone who experiences the same situation.

• Online Resources: and

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:04:13]


Subdistrict 4 Report -- [1:05:48]: Member Farinas shared she had attended a meeting held earlier in February for Senate Bill 1632 (related to affordable housing for Hawaii's workforce) and highlighted data that was provide at the meeting to learn about Hawaii's housing crises for local families and alternative solutions that were shared at the meeting.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:09:03]

Subdistrict 3 Report -- [1:09:30]: Member Rice reminded the Board to continue looking for solutions from the City addressing more parks to allow people to walk their dogs in the district.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:11:02]

Subdistrict 3 Report -- [1:18:56]: Chair Lee shared a concern is SD 3 on behalf of Member Faringer who wasn't able to attend the meeting. There is an electrical post structure that has been knocked over numerous times in accidents near the corner of Piʻikoi St. and Ala Moana Blvd. in the center median near the left-hand lane on Piʻikoi Street. Residents would like to know when it will be repaired or removed because it's been in the same condition for about a year.

• Photo of broken electrical post structure:


Candidate Introduction to the Board -- [1:20:04]: Resident -- Eduardo Hernandez a resident wanted to introduce himself to the Board and shared he will be running as a candidate in the 2025 Neighborhood Board Election.

Dirty Street Signs -- [1:21:17]: Member Mariano shared there are some street signs that need to be cleaned and wiped down because they are difficult to read especially in the evening. He specifically mentioned the street sign on the corner of Kapiolani Blvd and Piʻikoi Street. He would like to request signs to be cleaned within the district.

Issues Faced with City Prosecutor's Office -- [1:21:30]: A resident expressed frustration as a small business owner and shared his experience trying to prosecute individuals for theft at his store. He has tried to prosecute individuals caught stealing only to find that they are released the next day and aren't being prosecuted. He would like to know more from the City Department of the Prosecuting Attorney on why it is can be a challenge to prosecute individuals who repeatedly commit offenses and have been cited by the Honolulu Police Department.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:25:18]

Hearing no objection, Chair Lee took the agenda out of order to hear Item 5. Subdistrict reports at this time.


Subdistrict 4 Report -- Continued -- [1:25:50]: Member Farinas shared that the Blaisdell Pono Patrol, which helps to increase safety and cleanliness in the neighborhood will meet Wednesday, February 26, 2025 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The patrol meets every first and third Wednesdays at the Blaisdell Center (corner of Ward Avenue on South King Street). Farinas also shared Hawaii Youth Symphony and Orchestra will host a free concert to the public to celebrate Beethoven Festival. The concert will be on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 7:30 p.m. at the Blaisdell Concert Hall; reservations and tickets are not required. The Kings 10k Run will also take place on Sunday, March 2, 2025 from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.; therefore, road closures are expected in the district.

• Blaisdell Citizen Pono Patrol email:

7. AGENCY REPORTS -- [1:27:35]

Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) -- [1:27:37]: Chair Lee stated Francine Murray would not be in attendance but did want to share with the Board the next HCDA Board meeting is on Wednesday, March 5, 2025.

Honolulu Authority for Rapid [Transportation] (HART) -- [1:27:53]: Maribell Pabalan from HART's Public Involvement team shared there were no updates at this time to report to the Board but offered presentations about the City Center Guideway at future Board meetings if the Board was interested.

• Downtown Utilities Relocation (CCUR III) Project Questions or Assistance: email

• Frank Coluccio Construction Company weekly e-blast:

Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) -- [1:28:33]: No representative present.


State Senator Sharon Moriwaki (District 12) -- [1:28:46]: Joseph Kopshy was present to take any questions back to the office.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:29:11]

State Representative Ikaika Olds (District 23) -- [1:30:32]: Representative Ikaika Olds shared the state Legislature is currently in a five-day recess and preparations for the crossover have begun for all the Senate and House bills that passed first reading.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:31:15]

State Representative Adrian Tam (District 24) -- [1:34:14]: Representative Adrian Tam provided bill updates and shared a recap of the town hall in collaboration with Senator Sharon Moriwaki at Jefferson Elementary School.

State Representative Kim Coco Iwamoto (District 25) -- [1:35:45]: Representative Kim Coco Iwamoto provided updates and shared the House Finance Committee continues to meet during the five-day recess and shared the status of the House Bill 424 (relating to school meals). Representative Iwamoto also provided insight on the possible impacts the State will experience from the Federal budget cuts. She has a survey that the public is welcome to complete and mail or drop off at her office.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:40:04]

City Councilmember Tyler Dos Santos-Tam (District 6) -- [1:40:53]: Robin Henski provided the newsletter and was present to take any questions back to the office.

• Newsletter:

City Councilmember Scott Nishimoto (District 5) -- [1:41:48]: Sophia Anderson provided the report and highlighted the following: Councilmember Nishimoto will be co-sponsoring his 16th annual free tax preparation clinic on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at the Hawaii State Library. The Hawaii VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program and their volunteers will be there to prepare attendees taxes for free at the event.

• To subscribe to Councilmember Nishimoto's weekly e-blast, please go to:

Mayor Rick Blangiardi's Representative -- [1:44:04]: Ben Sullivan provided the report and highlighted the following: a new 90-unit Bill 7 affordable housing development breaks ground in Makiki; and the City started repairs on the seawall and walkway at Queen's Surf in Waikiki near the Barefoot Beach Café.

• Newsletter:

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:46:30]

Member Chee joined at 7:50 p.m., 7 members present.

[1:49:00] -- Due to losing internet connection at the in-person meeting, the WebEx recording stopped.

Chair Lee called for a recess at 7:51 p.m.

Chair Lee called the meeting back to order at 7:55 p.m.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [1:50:11]: Mayor's Representative, Ben Sullivan continued to provide his response to the questions in regards to the fallen tree onto the roadway on Kapiolani Blvd near Keʻeaumoku Street.

[1:52:40] -- Due to losing internet connection at the in-person meeting again, the WebEx recording stopped.

Chair Lee called for a recess at 8:00 p.m.

Chair Lee called the meeting back to order at 8:05 p.m.

Governor Josh Green's Representative -- Continued: William Nhieu provided the report and highlighted the following: Operation Hire Hawaiʻi Initiative; opening of the Kolowalu Dog Park; The State Department of Agriculture digitized the plants and animals' declaration forms on the airlines that arrive to any of the airports in the State of Hawaiʻi; and the State Department of Consumer Affairs will have their 20th Annual National Consumer Protection Week Fair on Thursday, March 6, 2025 at the Hawaii State Capitol from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the fourth floor.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:18:42]: Member Rice asked follow-up questions in regards to Governor Green's recent visit to Japan and what is the State doing to help bring back tourist from Japan to Hawaiʻi. Member Mariano inquired about the executive order to launch the Operation Hire Hawaiʻi event. The Governor representative shared that Operation Hire Hawaiʻi is to expedite the hiring process for applicants applying for open State employed positions. This initiative is due to the recent federal job cuts that recently occurred.

[2:05:10] -- The WebEx connection resumed during the questions, comments and concerns for Governor Greenʻs representative.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed -- [2:05:10]: Member Mariano would like to know if the initiative will be extended to residents as well. The Governorʻs representative shared it is open to all residents in Hawaiʻi.

[2:06:35] -- Hearing no objections, Chair Lee adjourned the meeting at this time due to the technical difficulties with the internet connection at the in-person meeting.

XI. ADJOURNMENT -- [2:06:40]: Chair Lee adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.

Submitted by: Camilia Epa Gomes, Neighborhood Assistant, NCO

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