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Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board Meeting OCTOBER 2023 Minutes
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October 2023 Minutes
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2023, 6:00 P.M.
Video recording of this meeting can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7bSO4zUsz4
Meeting materials are available online at: https://tinyurl.com/nb11home
I. CALL TO ORDER [0:00:01]: Chair Lee called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Quorum was established with eight (8) members present. Note: This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action. Board members must be in-person or have video access.
Board Members Present: Dyson Chee, Emma Davis, Lori Farinas, Kim Coco Iwamoto, Kathleen Lee, Richard Webb, Jeanne Rice, Lynn Mariano, Rodney Chang (arrived at 6:12 p.m.), and Caroline Faringer (appointed at this meeting).
Board Members Absent: None.
Guests: Lieutenant Arnold Sagucio (Honolulu Police Department); Ben Sullivan (Mayor Blangiardi's Representative); Adam Weintraub (Governor Green's Representative); Janel Denny and Councilmember Calvin Say, Robin Henski (Councilmember Dos Santos-Tam); Representative Adrian Tam, Frank Rogozienski (Speaker Scott Saiki); Taylor Date (Representative Nishimoto); Ronald Higa (Liliha Neighborhood Board No. 14); Charles Izumoto (Senator Moriwaki's Representative); Isaiah Sato (R.M Towill); Johnny Reid (HART); Myoung Oh, Daniel Simonich, Brandon Childress, Mari Kae, Judy Hernandez, Char Ontai, Francine Murray (HCDA); Megan Chinn (Honolulu Night Market); Mr. Toba, Brad Kaliko Yamamoto, Franklin Chung (Residents and Guests); and Spencer Johnson (Neighborhood Commission Office). There were 35 total attendees. Note: Names are not included if not legible on the guest sheet.
Filling of vacancies: One vacancy in each of the following; Subdistrict 1, Subdistrict 3.
[0:01:34] Iwamoto Nominated Caroline Faringer to fill the SD03 vacancy. Hearing no other nominations, the board conducted a roll call vote. Caroline Faringer filled the SD02 vacancy 8-0-0 (AYE: Chee, Davis, Farinas, Iwamoto, Lee, Webb, Rice, Mariano. NAY: None. ABSTAIN: None.) [0:02:33]
Faringer was sworn in at 6:05 p.m., nine (9) members present.
Approval of Minutes [0:05:01]: August 22, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
[0:07:56] Iwamoto Moved and Farinas Seconded the Motion to approve the August 2023 meeting minutes as written. The Motion WAS ADOPTED 9-0-0 (AYE: Chee, Davis, Farinas, Iwamoto, Lee, Webb, Rice, Mariano, Faringer. NAY: None. ABSTAIN: None.) [0:08:05]
Attendance at other meetings [0:08:16]: None.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): There was no representative present. A report was submitted online. The full report can be found at: https://tinyurl.com/nb11home or the HFD website: https://fire.honolulu.gov.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) [0:09:36]: Lieutenant Sagucio reported the crime statistics and HPD updates. For more information, visit: https://www.honolulupd.org.
Chang arrived at 6:12 p.m., 10 members present.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed. [0:12:35]
Project status: 1500 Kapiolani IPD-T: Isaiah T.K. Sato, R.M. Towill Corporation, presented the following. The purpose of the presentation was to provide an update on the 1500 Kapiolani development, an approved, mixed-use, hotel, residential, and commercial project. R.M. Towill Corporation is requesting to extend the deadline to obtain a building permit. Full presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V7HaEWGJAs9xoBDBbF4diWc79JEAMgFG/view?usp=drive_link
Questions, comments, and concerns followed. [1:00:18]
Honolulu Night Market [1:31:53]: Megan Chinn, Director of Marketing Communications, Olomana Loomis ISC, presented the following. The Honolulu Night Market will be held on Saturday, November 18, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at Keawe and Auahi Street. More event details can be found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PVhYgJHmQdUgB84mONt9UntxPS4vmIeD/view?usp=drive_link
Questions, comments, and concerns followed. [1:35:13]
• Subdistrict 3 - Member Jeanne Rice: Rice reported information about the delayed renovations at McCoy Pavillion.
• Other subdistricts: Mariano commented on the lack of housing in Honolulu.
• Pacific Auto Center - 754 Queen Street: Chang reported a concern about Pacific Auto Center, relating to aggressive behavior, and releasing toxic material into the storm drain.
• Unsheltered: Resident Franklin Chung raised concerns about HPD's enforcement on houseless individuals.
• Developments: Resident Mari Kae raised concerns about new developments, relating to utilities such as water.
• Infrastructure: Mariano raised concerns about the reduction of traffic lanes on Pensacola Street.
• Affordable Housing: Davis inquired about the affordability of affordable housing.
Mayor Rick Blangiardi [2:08:12]: Deputy Director Ben Sullivan, Office of Climate Change, Sustainability, and Resiliency
• Newsletter: https://www.oneoahu.org/newsletter.
• Emergency Sirens: Sirens can be used for any emergency situation which requires immediate attention of the public, which could be natural hazards or human-caused events.
• Houseless: From January to September 2023, Hawaii Health and Harm Reduction Center (HHHRC) visited the Ala Moana / Kaka ako areas (west of Pi'ikoi Street) on a weekly basis (every Tuesday) to offer outreach services to anyone encountered in the area. In September 2023, HHHRC adjusted its schedule and now visits the area on Fridays. They will continue to outreach to unsheltered individuals and families west of Pi'ikoi Street as appropriate.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed. [2:12:52]
Councilmember Calvin Say [2:22:27]: Councilmember Say submitted a report and was available for questions.
• Newsletter: https://www.honolulucitycouncil.org/district-5-say
Questions, comments, and concerns followed. [2:23:20]
City Councilmember Tyler Dos Santos-Tam [2:29:54]: Robin Henski reported the following.
• Newsletter: https://tinyurl.com/nb11home or https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6098c5bb75e480679bd2fab3/t/6520546aad75b30bd4278127/1696617595271/2023.10+Newsletter.pdf
• Feral Chicken Mitigation Programs: https://www.honolulu.gov/rep/site/csd/Feral_Chicken_Info_Sheet.pdf
• Dog Park Locations: For potential dog park suggestions, contact Constituent Services Director, Lynn Robinson Onderko at 808-768-5045 or l.robinson@honolulu.gov
State Representative Scott Nishimoto [2:33:33]: Taylor Date reported the following.
• E-Waste: Going Green E-Waste Drive at McKinley High School on Saturday, October 28th from 9-11 a.m.
State Representative Adrian Tam [2:36:01]: Representative Tam reported the following.
• Newsletter: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/memberfiles/House/Tam/Newsletters/2023OctNewsletter.pdf
• Town Hall: A successful town hall meeting was held in September, 2023.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed. [2:37:16]
State House Speaker Scott Saiki [2:37:52]: Frank Rogozienski reported the following.
• Newsletter: https://saiki.house/OctNeighborhoodBoard
Senator Sharon Moriwaki [2:38:38]: Charles Izumoto reported the following.
• Report: https://senatormoriwaki.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/10-Ala-Moana.pdf
Questions, comments, and concerns followed. [2:41:02]
Governor Josh Green [1:42:07]: Adam Weintraub provided the newsletter and was available for questions.
U.S. Congressman Ed Case: No representative was present.
Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA): Francine Murray reported the following.
• Newsletter: https://dbedt.hawaii.gov/hcda/files/2023/10/October-2023-Community-Connection.pdf
Questions, comments, and concerns followed. [2:44:06]
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transit (HART) [2:46:22]: Johnny Reid reported the following. The City Department of Transportation Services (DTS) manages day-to-day operations of Skyline. If you have any questions regarding day-to-day operations and maintenance of the Skyline, including information such as ridership numbers, train and station schedules, rider fares, integration of TheBus, please visit DTS' Skyline website: Honolulu.gov/Skyline; contact the Skyline Customer service via telephone at (808) 848-5555 (option #4) or you can write and send an email to: skyline@honolulu.gov
Questions, comments, and concerns followed. [2:48:37]
Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) [2:50:09]: No representative was present; a report was submitted.
• NB11 social media accounts: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlaMoanaKakaakoNB11; Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alamoanakakaakonb11/
• Permit Reviews: Development proposals that require neighborhood board input are posted at: http://www.honoluludpp.org/ApplicationsForms/ZoningandLandUsePermits/NeighborhoodBoardMaterials.aspx.
• Final decision of variance application review for WW 800 Kobayashi Group, 888 Alia LLC, 888 Ala Moana Blvd. (documents in NB11 share drive)
• Liquor Commission Public Hearings: Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. for Chong Qing Hot Pot, 1200 Ala Moana Blvd.
• Next Meeting: NB11 meets every fourth Tuesday of the month (pending recessed meetings). The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Makiki Christian Church and online via WebEx.
• lelo Broadcasts: Recordings of the meetings are broadcast on lelo 49 on the first and third Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m., and every second Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Upcoming broadcast will be on at 8:30 a.m. The full schedule is at https://olelo.org/tv-schedule/). Recordings may also be viewed at https://www.honolulu.gov/cms-nco-menu/site-nco-sitearticles/1657-board-meeting-video-archive.html
X. ADJOURNMENT [2:51:06]: As there was no further business, Chair Lee adjourned the meeting at 8:53 p.m.
Submitted by: Spencer Johnson, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Naomi Hanohano, Community Relations Specialist
Finalized by: Kathleen Lee, Chair
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