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Hawaii State Foundation On Culture and The Arts JUNE - JULY 2023 Newsletter
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Artwork dedicated at Waimea Middle Public Conversion Charter School, recent additions to the SFCA Art in Public Places Collection, summer arts calendar and more!
SFCA Art in Public Places

“Fear of the Unknown” exhibit at State Art Museum
Museum visitors are invited to contemplate 34 enigmatic artworks by 28 artists in the ʻEwa gallery (second floor). Take a closer look and find details that help reveal narratives of exploration, change, and discovery.
Some artworks are recent additions to the SFCA Art in Public Places Collection, on display to the public for the first time, including “Eianā Kini Akua (Ancestors with Us)” by Meleanna Meyer and “Future Kiʻi” by Solomon Enos, both works acquired from the 2023 ʻIke Kanaka exhibition at Maui Arts and Cultural Center, and “Kāhea, a call” by Abigail Romanchak, acquired from the 2023 ʻAi Pōhaku, Stone Eaters exhibit at the University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa Art Gallery.
Image: “Future Kiʻi” by Solomon Enos, oil and graphite on paper. SFCA Art in Public Places Collection.
Read more about Fear of the Unknown

“Ola I Ka Wai” sculpture dedicated at Waimea Middle Public Conversion Charter School
The SFCA has dedicated gateway sculpture “Ola I ka Wai (Water is Life)” by artist Stuart Nakamura as part of the SFCA Art in Public Places-Artists in Residence program.
“Ola I Ka Wai” is a stainless-steel sculpture that celebrates the observational scientific methods practiced by Native Hawaiians and their application into other academic fields such as mathematics, chemistry, and astronomy. The work is installed in between the Waimea Middle Public Conversion Charter School campus garden and recently constructed z-building to represent the connection between the school’s commitment to mālama ʻāina, agricultural curriculum, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programming. Read more on the SFCA website:
Ola I Ka Wai at Waimea Middle School

SFCA Call for Artists: Public Art Request for Qualifications
The Art in Public Places Program of the Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) has posted a Request for Qualifications on CallFor Entry (CaFE) for the SFCA Art in Public Places Program. The program is seeking qualifications from individual artists for artwork to be commissioned for various locations statewide. Sites for art may include opportunities for three-dimensional freestanding sculpture, two-dimensional images translated into durable materials, and large painted murals.
Through this call the SFCA intends to establish a qualified pool ofprofessional artists for consideration. Applications will only be accepted online through (2023 APP Hawaiʻi Request for Qualifications). You must be registered on CaFE before you can log in and apply for a call for entry.
Applications close September 1, 2023.
SFCA Public Art RFQ
2023 Hawaiʻi State Legislature Updates

Photo: Hawaiʻi State Capitol building. Photo credit: State Foundation on Culture and the Arts/Mark Galacgac.
Update from Karen Ewald, SFCA Interim Executive Director: Bills impacting SFCA that went to conference were HB478, HD1, SD2 Artist Fellowships, HB473, HD1, SD1 Creative Workforce Grants and HB 475, HD1, SD2 Art in Private Places and SB1532 SD2 HD1 Hawaii Leadership Awards Program. Ultimately, the State Foundation received no additional funding, yet all of the bills to de-fund the foundation died earlier in the session. HB478, HD1,SD2 Artist Fellowships did pass, not as an appropriation but setting criteria for commission membership and appointing House and Senate Committee chairs to the SFCA commission as ex-officio.
HB475 HD1SD2 Art in Private Places is expected to be vetoed by Governor Green. Veto Rationale: The use of state-owned artwork purchased from the Works of Art special fund to support non-state individuals, businesses or entities goes against the original intent of Art in Public Places law. This legislation may violate Article VII, Section Four of the Hawai‘i State Constitution, which prohibits the appropriation of public property for any use beyond a public purpose. Furthermore, the enaction of this bill into law may compromise the state’s tax-exempt bond program, negatively impact our bondholders and the state, increasing debt service costs and tarnishing the state’s financial reputation.
There are several concurrent resolutions that will impact the organization, including Senator Lee’s, SB1504 Museum of Modern Hawaiian History Task Force and HCR37 and Representative Yamashita’s resolution on the Transfer of Funds to the Works of Art Special Fund.
We were very successful this year building relationships with the freshman chair Adrian Tam of the House committee on Culture, Arts and International affairs, and in the Senate, Transportation and Culture and the Arts committee chair,Christopher Lee. Both chairs are learning more about the foundation and we have established regular communication to ensure were all on the same page.
Art at the Capitol was a highlight this year and an opportunity to showcase the foundations work. A special shout out to Art in the Capital co-chair Representative, Sonny Ganaden, who is an artist himself and a champion for the work we do.
It was a team effort this session and we are grateful for the support and guidance received from so many people and organizations.
SFCA Arts Education
SFCA Artists in the Schools Spotlight: Hawaiʻi State Distance Learning Program

The Hawaiʻi State Distance Learning Program recently shared on Instagram (@HiStateDistanceLearningProgram) “Here are some of the completed projects from Mrs. Ben’s class with the help and guidance of Maggie Sutrov. Students created an original work of art that communicates human impact on a location they know well. These pieces were created by Azariah Teixeira, Saraiyah Ware-Vigil,Joslen Ordenstein, and Shanti Lake Foster.”
SFCA Artists in the Schools provides State of Hawaiʻi Department of Education public and charter schools with engaging, creative, and fun learning experiences based on the Fine Arts standards for all grade levels, through residencies with qualified, trained teaching artists from the Artistic Teaching Partners (ATP) Roster. Many of these teaching artists integrate their art form with other core curriculum areas, such as language arts, math, social studies, and science, meeting both Fine Arts and other core standards.
SFCA Artists in the Schools Spotlight: Mānoa Elementary

Student Artworks Featured in Art Exhibit at Kapolei Hale
Honolulu Mayor’s Office of Culture and Arts (MOCA): “This series of concrete and lyric poetry by Mānoa Elementary School is now on view at Kapolei Hale part of the exhibit “Aloha ‘Āina Art by Hawai‘i’s Keiki and ‘Ōpio.”
Students from Mānoa Elementary School worked with professional writer Laurel Nakanishi to create concrete and lyric poems as a part of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) Artists-in-the-Schools program. After studying the history, geography, and moʻolelo of Mānoa, including visits from three kūpuna who grew up in the valley, students wrote lyric poems that expressed their relationship with Mānoa. Nakanishi then led the students in the creation of concrete poetry inspired by the work of Native Hawaiian photographer Kapulani Landgraf.”
The exhibit is open through June 23, 2023 at Kapolei Hale (Kapolei Satellite City Hall).
The SFCA Artists in the Schools program provides art residencies to Hawaiʻi public and charter schools.
Learn more about the exhibit
2023 Poetry Out Loud
Hawaiʻi Student Runner-Up in 2023 Poetry Ourselves Competition
The National Endowment for the Arts is excited to announce that Irene Jiayi Zhong, a junior at Punahou School in Hawaiʻi, was selected as the runner-up in the 2023 Poetry Ourselves competition in the written category for her original poem, “17 Going On Eternity.”
Poetry Ourselves is an optional competition open to the state champions competing at the Poetry Out Loud National Finals. The students have the opportunity to showcase their creativity by submitting an original work of poetry in one of two categories: either a written poem or a video of a spoken poem, both of which were judged by poet Mahogany L. Browne and announced at the 2023 National Finals. The full text of Irene’s poem is available on the NEA website:

SFCA Grantee Spotlight
Lahaina Arts Guild has provided no-cost art instruction to 3,000 Maui students
In May 2023, Lahaina Arts Guild provided art instruction to its 3,000th student since July2022 at King Kamehameha Elementary. The organization provides no-cost arts classes, supplies, and professional instruction to schools and communities throughout Maui, and is supported in part by an SFCA Biennium Grant.
Maui Academy of Performing Arts’ Academy Program engages over 600 children and youth
The Maui Academy of Performing Arts has reported “Maui Academy of Performing Arts (MAPA) provides weekly classes in ballet, jazz, tap,hip hop, contemporary, lyrical, creative movement, creative drama, acting, and musical theatre for students of all levels and abilities - ages three years old to kupuna. The Academy Program supported by the SFCA Biennium Grant fiscal year 2023 engaged 633 children and youth, 36 adults, and directly involved 12 teaching artists. MAPA continues to evaluate the programs offered to ensure the community needs are being met. The variety of programs increases enrollment, contributes to job creation and retention in the arts sector, and helps diversify Maui’s economy. Participation in arts engagement activities develops flexibility, creative thinking, communication, and collaboration.”
Leeward Community College opens new art gallery on campus; first exhibit sponsored in part by SFCA funding
The new Hōʻikeākea Gallery at Leeward Community College (LCC) in Pearl City (Oʻahu) has opened and will showcase works from LCC students, faculty, and other artists. Learn more on the LCC Arts website ( The first exhibition, “ʻAi Pōhaku, Stone Eaters”, pays homage to Hawaiian artists and culture bearers, and offers audiences an opportunity to form meaningful connections to their diverse work while ensuring that their story-telling, through art, is sustained in their ancestral homelands and abroad. The exhibition at Hōʻikeākea Gallery runs May 1–August 25 and is supported in part by funding from the SFCA.
Honolulu Theatre for Youth (HTY) new episode “Bringing Paʻakai” on television documents Native Hawaiian practice of cultivating salt
The episode features clips from HTY’s recent show, “The Paʻakai We Bring”, and documents the native Hawaiian practice of cultivating paʻakai (salt). The team traveled to Hanapēpē, Kauaʻi to learn from the families who have worked the salt beds for generations. The episode aired in June on K5. Honolulu Theatre for Youth productions are supported in part by grant funding from the SFCA.
Hawaiʻi International Film Festival presents in-flight programming on Hawaiian Airlines, including Robin Lung’s “Nancy Bannick: Saving Honolulu’s Chinatown”
The Hawaiʻi International Film Festival (HIFF) has been presenting in-flight programming celebrating and showcasing Hawaiʻi’s filmmakers and locally produced short films in partnership with Hawaiian Airlines. From April – July 2023, one of the featured films is “Nancy Bannick: Saving Honolulu’s Chinatown”, a short documentary film supported in part by an SFCA American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant.
HIFF also received an SFCA ARPA grant for their 41st annual Hawaiʻi International Film Festival. As of 2022,HIFF has showcased 28 HIFF Made in Hawaiʻi Films on Hawaiian Airlines transpacific flights. Learn more about the program on the HIFF website:
The May 2023 SFCA email newsletter featured Prince Dance Company in a grantee spotlight with the incorrect location of the organization. Prince Dance Company is based on Hawaiʻi Island.
Grants and Opportunities

Beware of SAM scams!
If your organization is registered with - the U.S. Government’s System for Award Management - you might get an email from someone claiming or implying an affiliation with the government and offering to“help” you. You do not need to pay a fee to register or to keep your entity registration active. It is 100% free. If you receive an unsolicited email, do not click on any links. To confirm the legitimacy of an email or mailing, please forward it to the SFCA staff at

July 2023 Grants and Opportunities Highlights
A longer list of federal government, state government, and other arts and culture grants/opportunities (including calls for artists) is on the SFCA website: Grants and Opportunities (June 2023). Questions regarding a particular opportunity should be directed to the organization listed with the opportunity. Inclusion here should not be interpreted as an endorsement.
•SFCA Seeks Grant Review Panelist Volunteers with a professional background in culture and the humanities to join our grant review panelist roster. Panelists must be Hawaiʻi residents with experience in Heritage & Preservation, Community Arts, Arts Education, and Presentation & Performing Arts. We encourage those with a background in Arts and Healing, Community Development related to arts and culture, cultural practitioners of all disciplines, and new and emerging members of the arts and culture community to apply. Contact the SFCA grants program at
•Honolulu Mayor’s Office of Culture and the Arts (MOCA) Call for 2024 Exhibition Proposals MOCA manages civic spaces inside Honolulu Hale such as the courtyard and Lane Gallery. These spaces are used to showcase the talents of visual artists and showcase the work of non-profit organizations and schools from our diverse community. Partnerships with community organizations have enabled MOCA to grace the halls of City buildings with a wide range of artwork displayed on a monthly basis. All exhibits are free and open to the public. For more information and to apply, please visit the MOCA website:
•Kahilu Exhibits Call for Exhibition Proposals. Kahilu Theatre is a not-for-profit community arts and education center dedicated to serving the diverse Hawai’i Island community. Each season Kahilu Theatre fulfills their mission through presenting world-class artists from Hawaiʻi and beyond, sustaining a youth arts education program, providing performance space for community-based productions, and showcasing local visual artists in their two galleries. Applications close October 1, 2023. For more information, please visit the call on Call For Entry: You may need to be logged in to view the call; it is free to set up a Call For Entry account.
•Kauaʻi Society of Artists Calls for Artists (Kukui Grove Center, Lihue)
◦Art Kauaʻi 2023 entry day Saturday, September 9, 2023. Exhibit September 16 – October 27, 2023.
◦Small Works Show entry day Saturday, November 11, 2023. Exhibit November 18-January 5, 2024.
•For more information, please visit the Kauaʻi Society of Artists website:
•Downtown Art Center “Artists of Hawaiʻi” call for artists opens on CAFE August 14, 2023. For more information, please visit the DAC website:
•Hawaiʻi Handweavers’ Hui and The Glass Fusion Collective “Surrounded by Water” juried art exhibition, Downtown Art Center (Honolulu), August 2-18, 2023. Online registration begins July 1, 2023.For more information, please contact the Hawaiʻi Handweavers Hui at or visit their website at
Calls for Artists on CAFE The Call for Entry (CAFE) website can be searched by state (choose the “sort by” menu on the left side of the screen). Search the Café website:
•“2023 Abstract Only! 13th Annual Multimedia National Juried Competition” Hawaiʻi Island Art Alliance. Open to all U.S. national and Hawaiʻi-based 2D and 3D abstract artists in all mediums. Works must be abstract art. Entries open through July 14, 2023. For more information, please visit the CaFE website:
Additional calls for artists are posted on the SFCA website:
Grants and Opportunities (July 2023)
SFCA Art in Public Places Program

20 artworks added to the SFCA Art in Public Places Collection
On May 17, 2023, the SFCA Board of Commissioners approved the acquisition of twenty artworks for the SFCA Art in Public Places Collection. All of the works were nominated by committees visiting Hawaiʻi exhibitions. A list of artworks recently approved for acquisition (purchase or gift) can be viewed on our Art in Public Places Program page, along with information about how to invite a committee to an exhibit and a link to the Art in Public Places Collection online photo album of artworks.
These artworks will be eligible for placement in hundreds of state government sites across Hawaiʻi, including libraries, schools, and the State Art Museum.
Photo: “The Queen’s Quilt” kapa(bark cloth) by Bernice Akamine, 2023. SFCA Art in Public Places Collection.
Read more: Recent Additions May 2023
Acquisition Award Selection Committees (AASCs) Recent and Upcoming Exhibit Visits
Acquisition Award Selection Committee (AASC) visits continue to provide important support for artists and arts organization venues statewide. Artworks for the SFCA Art in Public Places Collection are selected via an AASC from juried or curated exhibits statewide. An AASC visit must be requested by the exhibition organizers and approved by the SFCA Board of Commissioners. An AASC Request Application can be submitted online at at least 4 months prior to the opening reception of the exhibition.
The SFCA Board of Commissioners recently approved Acquisition Award Selection Committee (AASC) visits to these exhibits:
•“Hal Lum and Nanea Lum in Conversation”, Aupuni Space (Honolulu, Oʻahu), July 27-August 10, 2023.
•“2023 Abstract Only! 13th Annual Multimedia National Juried Competition”, Wailoa Center (Hilo, Hawaiʻi Island), August 4-September 14, 2023
•“Phase Change: Porcelain in Flux”, Donkey Mill Art Center (Holualoa, Hawaiʻi Island), August 26-October 14, 2023
•“2023 Hawaiʻi Watercolor Society Open Show - Reflections in Water”, Hawaiʻi Watercolor Society at the East-West Center Gallery (Honolulu, Oʻahu), August 27-October 1, 2023.
•“Hōʻeu Mana”, Arts and Letters Nuʻuanu (Honolulu, Oʻahu), September 1-October 14, 2023
•“Mālama Wao Akua”, Hui Noʻeau Visual Arts Center (Makawao, Maui), September 9-November 3, 2023
•“Art Kauaʻi 2023”, Kauaʻi Society of Artists (Līhuʻe, Kauaʻi), September 16-October 27, 2023
•“Hawaiʻi Craftsmen Annual Statewide Exhibition 2023”, Hawaiʻi Craftsmen, Downtown Art Center (Honolulu, Oʻahu), September 30-October 28, 2023 Approved AASC visits are also posted on the SFCA's website: Selling Your Art.
Hawaiʻi State Art Museum (HiSAM)

Fear of the Unknown
Now open! Museum visitors are invited to contemplate 34 enigmatic artworks by 28 artists in the ʻEwa gallery (second floor). Take a closer look and find details that help reveal narratives of exploration, change, and discovery.
Image: “MINU GA HANA” intaglio print by Tiana Honda, 2019. SFCA Art in Public Places Program.
Events at the State Art Museum

The Vibe
Friday July 14, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Free, all ages welcome evening of art and music.
The Vibe

2023 Jazz Music School
2023 Jazz Master Class July 17-21. Learn jazz standards and music theory from professional musicians, including guest artist Takuya Kuroda. Sign up at
Honolulu Band Camp
Check the HiSAM website calendar for additional information:
The museum is open Monday - Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 250 South Hotel Street (entrance on Richards Street), downtown Honolulu.
HiSAM Calendar
Subscribe to the HiSAM Newsletter
Performing, Teaching, and Presenting at the State Art Museum
If you are interested in doing contract work performing, teaching, or presenting in the Hawaiʻi State Art Museum, please go to one of the forms linked below:
•Performing at HiSAM: HiSAM Performance Request Form
•Teaching a Workshop at HiSAM: Workshop Teacher Application Form
•Installation in the Mirror Room: Mirror Room Installation Proposal Form
◦Please note that this is our installation space and only full proposals will be considered. If you are interested in using our POD studio space, please complete that form instead.
•Utilizing the Passion on Display (POD) Space: POD at HiSAM Proposal Form
◦Please note that this is considered free studio space and is not a paid opportunity. If you would prefer to have an installation at HiSAM, please complete the form for the Mirror Room.
Rent the Museum
Hold a special event at the Hawaiʻi State Art Museum! Indoor and outdoor spaces are available for events, parties, and film sets. Learn more about the facilities rental program on the State Art Museum website:
Arts and Culture Calendar
This arts and culture calendar features SFCA grantees, partners, and Hawaiʻi state and local government programs and events. A longer list of events is on the SFCA website news page:
Questions regarding a particular opportunity should be directed to the organization listed with the opportunity. Inclusion here should not be interpreted as an endorsement.
July 2023 Arts and Culture Highlights

•Leeward Community College (Pearl City,Oʻahu): the new Hōʻikeākea Gallery has opened and will showcase works from LCC students, faculty, and other artists. Learn more on the LCC Arts website ( The first exhibition, “ʻAi Pōhaku, Stone Eaters”, pays homage to Hawaiian artists and culture bearers, and offers audiences an opportunity to form meaningful connections to their diverse work while ensuring that their story-telling,through art, is sustained in their ancestral homelands and abroad. Exhibit open through August 25, 2023.
•46th Annual Prince Lot Hula Festival, SaturdayJuly 15, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the Frank F. Fasi Civic Grounds (Honolulu). Free and open to the public. For more information, please visit the Moanalua Gardens Foundation website:
•2023 Queen Liliʻuokalani Keiki Hula Competition,July 27, 28, and 29 at the Brigham Young University-Hawaii Cannon Activities Center (Laie, O’ahu). For more information, please visit
•Bishop Museum “Ola Ka No’eau: Excellence in Hawaiian Artistry” exhibit features artwork from 13 notable Hawaiian artists. Public programming includes a series of Living Culture workshops by some of the featured artists. July23, Niho ʻOki (utility knife) workshop with ʻUmi Kai.August 12 and 13, Lei Hulu Kāmoe with Kawika Lum-Nelmeida. August 13, Kōkō Pūʻalu with ʻUmi Kai. Learn more about the exhibit and workshops on the Bishop Museum website:
•Hawaiʻi International Film Festival (HIFF) Summer Flix free outdoor films at the Prince Waikiki, including a selection of award-winning Hawaiʻi films. Some screenings will feature live Q&A with special guests. July 19: “Every Day in Kaimukī” withdirector Alika Tengan and “This is the Way We Rise” with director Ciara Lacy.July 26: “Waikiki” and “Hawaiian Soul” with director ʻĀina Paikai. August 2:“The Wind and the Reckoning”. Learn more on the HIFF website:
Arts and Culture Calendar July 2023
SFCA in the Media

University of Hawaiʻi News
July 5, 2023
UH artists explore the ‘Fear of the Unknown’
“University of Hawaiʻi artists investigate the “Fear of the Unknown” at an exhibit at the Hawaiʻi State Art Museum opening July 7. Art pieces by 14 UH Mānoa and UH Hilo alumni and five pieces from faculty (three of whom are also alumni) from UH Mānoa, UH Hilo and Kapiʻolani Community College will be on display. […] “Hawaiʻi was the first state in the U.S. to establish a percent-for-art law, by legislatively accessing one percent of the construction cost of new state buildings to fund the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (1965) and the Art in Public Places Program (1967),” said Gaye Chan, associate dean of the UH Mānoa College of Arts, Languages & Letters, and one of the UH artists in the exhibit. “It is hard to overstate how these initiatives support and encourage Hawaiʻi artists to stay the course in a city that has few other resources for artists.”
Read the full article on the University of Hawaiʻi website:
University of Hawaiʻi News
Honolulu Family magazine (online)
May 18, 2023
Explore These Free Museums on Oʻahu
“The Hawai‘i State Art Museum is always free for residents and visitors alike. Keiki can visit the galleries or take a walk through the sculpture garden outside to find Mr. Chickenpants and other friends. HiSAM hosts a variety of special events,including Super Saturday. The family-friendly event happens four times a year,and along with perusing the galleries, you can delight in a full day of free workshops, performances and live music.” Read the full article online:
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies
June 2023 Newsletter
Hawaiʻi Supporting Native Hawaiians in Public Art
“A 2022 HSFCA report to the state legislature highlighted the recent progress made by the agency and the impactof supporting Native Hawai’ians through the APP program: From just 2020-2022,HSFCA has increased its percentage of total works by Native Hawai’ians from3.9% to 18.3% and has purchased nearly $1.5 million in Native Hawai’ian art.” Read the full article
SFCA Board of Commissioners
Upcoming 2023 Meeting Schedule
•July 19, 2023
◦Art in Public Places Committee 10:30 a.m.
◦General Board Meeting 11:00 a.m.
Meeting schedule is also posted to the SFCA website calendar:
Decisions about grants, artwork purchases, and more are made by the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) Board of Commissioners. Meetings are currently being held virtually on Zoom, and the public is invited to attend. Appointed by the state governor, the Board of Commissioners oversees the Executive Director, provides input, and approves spending. Commissioners are volunteers and do not receive compensation for their duties.
Individuals may submit written testimony on posted agenda items in advance of the meeting via email to or by mail addressed to the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, 250 South Hotel Street, 2nd Floor, Honolulu, HI 96813. Individuals interested in signing up to provide oral testimony on posted agenda items at the meeting may submit their name, email, and phone number to Individuals may provide oral testimony at the meeting via the above-listed video conferencing link or by calling the above listed telephone number. Testimony presented during the meeting will be limited to three minutes each.
Agenda items for General Meetings may include approval of artwork acquisition recommendations and Acquisition Award Selection Committee (AASC) art exhibit visit recommendations.
Agendas and minutes are also posted on the SFCA Board of Commissioners page.
2023 State Holiday Schedule
The Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts office is closed on Hawaiʻi state government holidays. The Hawaiʻi State Art Museum is open on some holidays - please check the museum calendar to confirm:
2023 Hawaiʻi State Holidays
•August 18, Statehood Day
•September 4, Labor Day
•November 10, Veterans’ Day
•November 23, Thanksgiving
•December 25, Christmas
SFCA Office
The SFCA office is open by appointment. SFCA is operating in a hybrid model of teleworking where all staff are available by email or telephone. If you aren’t sure who to contact, email or call (808) 586-0300 and leave a voice message, including your name and telephone number.
The May 2023 SFCA email newsletter featured Prince Dance Company in a grantee spotlight with the incorrect location of the organization. Prince Dance Company is based on Hawaiʻi Island.
Copyright (C) 2023 Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts. All rights reserved.
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The mission of the Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts is to promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawaii. HSFCA funding is provided by the State of Hawaii and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Hawaii State Art Museum

To promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawai`i. HSFCA funding is provided by the State of Hawai`i and the National Endowment for the Arts. The HSFCA is administratively attached to the Department of Accounting and General Services.
The musuem is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed State and Federal Holdays. Always free admission. For pre-recorded information call 586-0900.
The Hawai'i State Art Museum is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free. For pre-recorded summary information on the museum, call (808) 586-0900. For current museum program information, call the HSFCA Art in Public Places Program at (808) 586-0305. To arrange an educational tour of the museum, call (808) 586-9958.

For information on the HSFCA; the Hawai'i State Art Museum; HSFCA grants, programs, and services; Hawai'i arts and culture events; and USA and worldwide arts opportunities, visit the HSFCA website,
Questions? Ready for an appointment?
Featured Product/Service
Hawaii State Art Museum
The Hawai'i State Art Museum is dedicated to presenting the largest and finest collection of works by Hawai'i artists that celebrate the diverse artistic and cultural legacy of Hawaii.
250 South Hotel Street, 2nd Floor, Honolulu, HI (View Map)
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