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  • The Hawaii Chapter Of The American Public Works Association To Replace Road Delineators Along The Pensacola St Reet Bike Lane

The Hawai‘i Chapter of the American Public Works Association to replace road delineators along the Pensacola Street bike lane
The protected bike lane along Pensacola Street, facing makai.

HONOLULU – On Saturday, February 26, 2022, 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m., members of the Hawai‘i Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) will remove and replace damaged traffic delineators along the Pensacola Street protected bike lane, between Lunalilo Street and South King Street. These volunteers will perform the work under the coordination of the city’s Mālama O Ka ‘Āina community volunteer program, which is administered by the Department of Facility Maintenance’s Division of Road Maintenance (DRM).

The APWA chose to start off 2022 and the Year of the Tiger through public service, to help bring attention to the importance of volunteerism and the public works system. The city is grateful to the members of the APWA for volunteering their time and resources, as regular maintenance of the road delineators on Pensacola Street is essential in providing protection and an increased sense of safety for users of the two-way bike lane. 

Additional support for this project is being generously provided by First Baptist Church of Honolulu and the city’s Department of Transportation Services.

To find out more about volunteer opportunities, please call DRM at (808) 768-3606.

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