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Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board Meeting OCTOBER 2021 Minutes
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Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board No. 11
October 2021 Minutes
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2021, 6:00 P.M.
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ryan Tam called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Quorum was established with 10 members present. (Note: This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action.
Board Members Present: Rodney Chang, Dyson Chee, Kim Coco Iwamoto, Ron Komine Jr., Ryan Tam, Jason Wong, Melissa Wong, Joshua Nam, Kathleen Lee, and Michael Zehner.
Board Members Absent: None.
Guests: Firefighter I Shannon Sasson (Honolulu Fire Department); Sergeant Hosaka (Honolulu Police Department);Mayor's Office of Culture and Arts (MOCA) Executive Director Makanani Sala (Mayor Blangiardi's Representative), Councilmember Carol Fukunaga, Council Member Calvin Say; Cindy McMillan (Governor David Ige's Representative), Council Chair Tommy Waters, House Speaker Scott Saiki, Dylan Leigh (State House Speaker Scott Saiki's Office); Craig Nakamoto (Hawaii Community Development Authority-HCDA); Sherman Wong and Kau'i Arce (Liliuokalani Trust); Kaiulani Sodaro (Howard Hughes Corporation); Isaiah Sato (R.M. Towill Corporation); Franz Kraintz (Department of Planning and Permitting-DPP); Kainoa Kaumeheiwa-Rego (Common Cause Hawaii); William Ammons, Johnnie Mae Perry, Isaac Yuen, Maheshi K., (Residents and public); and Naomi Hanohano (Neighborhood Commission Office). There were 53 total attendees. Note: Names are not included if not legible on screen or is a phone number on zoom.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): Firefighter Sasson gave the fire statistics and Halloween safety tips which can be found at https://fire.honolulu.gov/.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Report: Board member Iwamoto asked, and Firefighter Sasson noted the statistics is only for the Ala Moana area. Chair Tam noted a copy of the report is in the Google Drive.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD): Sergeant Hosaka reported crime statistics for the Ala Moana/ Kakaako area and gave vehicle break in prevention tips which can be found at www.honolulupd.org.
Questions comments and concerns followed:
1. Homeless: Board member Komine noted his concern with a homeless camp on the "outskirts" of Ala Moana Beach Park noting he appreciates HPD efforts and has seen officers in the area but there seems to be a problem with an individual who does not want to seem to leave. Sergeant Hosaka noted he is familiar with the camp and the concerns are being addressed as "First Watch" Officers have an ongoing project to to clean up the area and prevent the "Residentially Challenged People" (RCP) from coming back.
2. Noise: Chair Tam asked if there are noise complaints from gyms or other facilities, can HPD do anything about it. Sergeant Hosaka noted HPD can do enforcement if the noise comes from an "amplified device" such as a loudspeaker. HPD noted noise complaints are handled by the Department of Health (DOH) that comes out to measure the noise and if it above a certain level, then HPD can cite.
3. Drum Players: Board member Komine asked, and Sergeant Hosaka noted the drum players in Ala Moana Beach Park does not fall under the category of an amplified device but anyone who wants to make a complaint must meet with HPD Officers. Komine also asked and Sergeant Hosaka noted that permits for the park falls under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR).
4. Bridge "Chop Shop": Board member Komine noted bringing this concern up at "every meeting" which has been there for years. Sergeant Hosaka noted he will let the plain clothes officers know about the concern.
5. Boom Box Law: Resident Maheshi asked how HPD enforces that law. Sergeant Hosaka noted is for vehicles that has loud systems, but HPD must observe the violation to cite the vehicle.
6. Gym Noise: Resident Isaac Yuen noted he submitted the complaint about the "gym noise" but has had difficulty because the gym will reduce the noise when HPD visits but turns it back up when they leave. Sergeant Hosaka noted the Sergeant who has been tasked with that complaint is "at his wit's end" and may just cite the business after numerous complaints and warnings.
FILLING OF VACANCIES: Sub district 1: Hearing no volunteers or nominations, this item was deferred.
932 Ward Avenue Renovation - Sherman Wong and Kaui Arce from the Liliuokalani Trust noted the trust bought the building which was formerly the Honolulu Club. Arce noted the trust is planning to renovate the building to create a Youth Center who will primarily service Kamali'i (local children) from the Honolulu area. The Center will create transformational programs for local youths which includes a focus on Arts/Sports/Ventures/Technology. The program will be called the Olino Pathways program which is a child centered holistic approach rooted in Hawaiian culture. Wong noted the project will mostly use the existing building and is taking advantage of different floor sizes and layouts which will fit the different programs and showed some renderings of the project. They are hoping to start the project in Summer 2022 and complete it by early 2024. Chair Tam noted the full presentation is available in the Google drive along with letters of support.
Ward Village Update - Kaiulani Sodaro from the Howard Hughes Corporation gave some community highlights and noted the Aalii Tower which opened earlier this month that has 751 units available and welcomed home 150 local families though the reserved housing program. Sodaro noted they have opened the Ulana Tower sales gallery for that offering which will have 697 reserved homes for local families which can be seen at www.ulanawardvillage.com . Sodaro gave an overview of their plans for public open space focusing specifically Victoria Ward Park and Auahi Street and gave a timeline of the project which is expected to last to 2025. Sodaro then noted the next phase of development will be call the Kalae Ward Village at the corner of Ward Avenue and Ala Moana Boulevard and they will start the HCDA process in the fourth quarter of 2021. Sodaro gave her contact information as Kaiulani.sodaro@howardhughes.com if anyone has any questions and noted that Craig Nakamoto of HCDA will notify the board of any upcoming meetings.
Questions comments and concerns followed:
1. Copy: Chair Tam asked if a copy of the presentation could be put in the Google drive.
2. School Impact Fee: Board member Nam asked and Sodaro noted it is a DOE requirement which each complex area is different, but it is broken down into a land contribution value and a construction contribution value.
Straub Plan Review Use Updates - Isaiah Sato from R.M. Towill Corporation gave a brief update of the plans which was shared at the September 2021 board meeting regarding the Plan Review use application for Straub Medical Center Redevelopment, 15-Year Master Plan relating to Council Resolution 21-219, CD1. Sato noted the current hospital was built in 1973 and needs to expand to accommodate more patients, provide space for more clinical services and parking. Sato shared some photos of the existing structure noting that Straub has been working on acquiring property around the existing hospital for the expansion. The 15-Year Master Plan will be done in four (4) phases: Phase One (1): Construct a new parking garage (Year 1-4), Phase Two (2) Construct a new hospital/clinic (Year 5-10), Phase Three (3): Construct a new porte cochere and landscape garden (Year 11-12) and Phase Four (4): Renovate existing hospital building and Strode (Year 13-15). Sato noted the plan shows a lot size of 5.09 acres, a floor area of 760,000 square feet, the maximum height limit of 240 feet with the hospital having 16 floors, the parking garage having 17 floors providing 1,916 spaces (on site) and 180 beds available for patients.
Questions comments and concerns followed: Resolution of Support: Chair Tam asked, and Sato noted they do not need a resolution but encourages everyone to attend the Council meeting to share their support.
Keeaumoku Complete Streets Project Public meeting - Franz Kraintz from DPP noted he attended the January 2021 Board meeting to speak about this project which is to address safety concerns along the Keeaumoku corridor. Kraintz noted the plan is to have a better mix of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles. After reaching out to the community, the design team has come up with two (2) options for the project. Kraintz noted the community meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. which will held virtually. To register for the meeting: https://rebrand.ly/keeaumoku.
Questions comments and concerns followed: Handouts: Board member Rodney Chang asked and Kraintz noted they are still working on the handouts and plans to make it available in advance of the meeting.
Approval of the Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes. Hearing no objections, The Board approved the September 28, 2021 regular meeting minutes as presented by UNANIMOUS CONSENT.
Attendance of Board members at other meetings: None.
Neighborhood Updates: None.
Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC): Chair Tam gave a brief report and noted if anyone is interested, they can go to the website: www.Oahumpo.org
Chair's Report: Chair Tam noted the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 adopted the Ala Wai Promenade Resolution in support of the project.
Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Iwamoto reported a remaining balance of $482.49 Iwamoto noted asking Neighborhood Assistant Spencer Johnson about the Olelo video contract and is waiting to hear back.
Selection of Secretary: No one volunteered for this position.
Discuss COVID-19 pandemic and response: Chair Tam gave the update of the number Covid deaths in Hawaii since September 28, 2021 is 125 and encourages everybody to get vaccinated. You can find the complete report at: https://health.hawaii.gov/coronavirusdisease2019/current-situation-in-hawaii/
Questions comments and concerns followed: Looking Forward: Board member Chang noted looking forward to the day when Covid restrictions are lifted and would like elected officials to talk about it because it seems there is no end in sight.
Discuss City and State Reapportionment Plans 2021 - Kainoa Kaumeheiwa-Rego from Common Cause Hawaii gave a brief presentation of the planned State Reapportionment which can be found at https://elections.hawaii.gov/about-us/boards-and-commissions/reapportionment/. Kaumeheiwa-Rego noted link to the Honolulu Reapportionment Commission Website: https://www.honolulu.gov/elections/resources/reapportionment.html and her contact information is phone number 808-497-4629 and email kainoa@kaiwiula.com. Kaumeheiwa-Rego noted that reapportionment is done every 10 years following the US Decennial Census and the last reapportionment was done in 2011 following the 2010 census. Kaumeheiwa-Rego defined what reapportionment and redistricting are. Kaumeheiwa-Rego noted that redistricting matters are important because it affects political power, whether diverse communities are represented in legislative bodies which directly has an effect of what is taken up legislatively and it gives you the opportunity to choose who represents you. Kaumeheiwa-Rego noted the people should have a voice on how the district lines are drawn, presently the State Reapportionment Committee which is a bipartisan commission which has eight (8) members. Kaumeheiwa-Rego noted only permanent residents are counted in reapportionment excluding military members and college students who are not registered to vote in Hawaii or have a Hawaii State Driver's License, this exclusion significantly affects Oahu. Kaumeheiwa-Rego noted a case study from the 2011 where Oahu lost a Senate seat and Hawaii Island gained a Senate seat. The 2020 Census showed a population increase of 94,970 new residents. Kaumeheiwa-Rego noted the Senate seats remained the same for 2021. Kaumeheiwa-Rego noted because of time restraints she will make this information available to Chair Tam and also noted they are reaching out to all the Neighborhood Boards to give the public this information.
Questions comments and concerns followed: Flags: Board member Iwamoto asked if "flags" go up when lines are drawn to exclude "work force" residential buildings and pull in more "luxury" residential buildings in particular districts. Kaumeheiwa-Rego noted substantial changes in the Ala Moana/Kakaako area and suggested Iwamoto make her concerns known to the Commission.
Discuss Community Noise Issues around 1221 Kapiolani Boulevard - Board member Komine noted he spoke to the DOH noise complaint department who spoke to the individual about the noise and everything seems to be okay.
Community Noise issues around 956 Kawaiahao Street - Board member Chang noted receiving a concern about the noise issues in this area and noted the HPD Sergeant did a good job explaining what the problem is and what could be done about it. Chang added that maybe someone from the State contact the DOH and have them look at the noise situation from the gym at that address and use the decibel meter to measure the noise level. Resident Yuen noted he is the person who made the complaint and does not want to see businesses leave Kakaako but have better legislation to address such issues without getting HPD involved. Yuen noted with better guidelines, businesses will know what the requirements are. Chair Tam noted there are other businesses in the area that does have a noise problem but thanked Yuen for bringing the problem to the Board's attention.
Mother Waldron Park Lighting - Chair Tam noted receiving an email from a former Board member who informed there is not enough lighting in the park and families have to leave the park early. Chair Tam noted this may be a good Capitol Improvement Project (CIP) request.
McKinley High School Overgrowth (This was brought up earlier in the meeting): Former Board member William Ammon noted his concern with the terrible condition of the landscaping on the Pensacola Street side of McKinley High School. Ammon noted there are weeds and trash along the fence and sidewalk.
Mayor Rick Blangiardi: Culture and Arts Executive Director Makanani Sala reported on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 the parking stall markings were removed in front of the Moana Pacific Building and on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 there was a call from Randy to say that cars were ignoring the fact that the space was removed and were still parking there illegally. Director Sala noted in anyone sees cars parking illegally, please call HPD. Director Sala noted Mayor Blangiardi wants to reopen as much as possible knowing that people needs to be safe but still go on with their lives. The Department of Emergency Management (DEM) has rewritten rules and trying open "static" events then "interactive" events, there are tons of plans to reopen but it will depend upon how the City can work with the State agencies to get the approvals. No questions.
Councilmember Carol Fukunaga: Councilmember Fukunaga gave her report and took questions.
Questions comments and concerns followed:
1. Traffic Light: Chair Tam noted it would be great if the light could be restored to assure safe pedestrian crossing.
2. Dog Park: Board member Chang noted he brings this up every year and is looking forward to a dog park for the area. Councilmember Fukunaga noted working with DPR who established two (2) temporary parks at Mother Waldron Park but one (1) was converted to a pickle ball court. Councilmember Fukunaga noted receiving a request from a dog obedience training school for a dog park and her office is looking for locations in the Kakaako park area.
Councilmember Calvin Say: Councilmember Say noted the link to his October Newsletter along with several other links are in the chat and gave a summary. https://calvinsay.files.wordpress.com/2021/09/cm-say-october-2021-newsletter2.pdf.
Questions comments and concerns followed: Update: Chair Tam asked and Councilmember Say noted the owners of the Meadow Gold is waiting for financing to redevelop the property.
Council Chair Tommy Waters: Chair Waters gave his report. No questions.
State Representative Adrian Tam: Representative Tam gave his report. No questions.
State House Speaker Scott Saiki: Speaker Saiki gave his report. No questions.
Senator Sharon Moriwaki: Charles Izumoto gave Senator Moriwaki's report. No questions.
Governor David Ige: Communications Director Cindy McMillan gave the report and took questions.
The October Capitol Connection can be found at https://governor.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/FINAL-OCTOBER-Capitol-Connection-2021.pdf.
Questions comments and concerns followed: Noise: Board member Chang asked and Director McMillan noted there is a noise branch at DOH and she will find the contact information. (In the chat) Shawn Haruno, Acting supervisor 808-586-4700, email shawn.haruno@doh.hawaii.gov.
U.S. Congressman Ed Case: Derrick Clark gave Representative Case's Quarterly report. No questions.
Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA): Craig Nakamoto gave the report and noted their next meeting will be on December 2, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. virtually. Please call 284-0255 if anyone needs help to register for the meeting.
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transit (HART): Chair Tam noted the report was emailed and will present to the Board upon request.
Board of Water Supply (BWS): Chair Tam read the BWS report which stated no main breaks for the month of September 2021. Information on the new Water System Facilities Charge (WSFC) and water saving tips can be found at www.boardofwatersupply/com.
THANKFUL: Board member Chang noted November will be the last meeting for the board and if members could think about something they are thankful for and share it at the meeting.
• Covid-19 Vaccines: Find a vaccine provider near you at https://www.oneoahu.org/find-vaccine.
• Keeaumoku Complete Streets Project: A virtual public meeting on initial design concepts will be held on November 16, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Register at https://rebrand.ly/Keeaumoku.
• TheBus Service Changes: Effective Sunday, December 5, 2021, Route 8 will be extended into Makiki, Route 17 will become Route 102, and Route 15 will become Route 123. For questions, contact the Department of Transportation Services at 808-768-8372 or thebusstop@honolulu.gov.
• Honolulu Marathon: Road closures on Sunday, December 12, 2021 along Ala Moana Boulevard (Ewa at Atkinson Drive), Nimitz Highway (Koko Head of Smith Street), King Street (Nu uanu Avenue to Kapi olani Boulevard), and Pi ikoi Street (Kapi olani Boulevard to Ala Moana Boulevard) begin at various times beginning at 12:30 a.m. until approximately 8:00 a.m. https://www.honolulumarathon.org/key-information/traffic-advisory
• Ala Moana Boulevard Resurfacing: The State Department of Transportation has obtained Community Noise Variance for construction work along Ala Moana Boulevard (Ewa of Piikoi Street) that will occur 5 nights per week (Sunday-Thursday) from 7:00 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. the next day. Work should continue through the end of September 2022.
• Permit Reviews: Development proposals that require neighborhood board input are posted at: http://www.honoluludpp.org/ApplicationsForms/ZoningandLandUsePermits/NeighborhoodBoardMaterials.aspx.
• Next Meeting: The next regular meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 is scheduled for Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. online via zoom.
• Action Committee Meeting: The Community Action Committee Meeting for the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 is scheduled for Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. online via zoom.
• lelo Broadcasts: Broadcasts of the Ala Moana-Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 meetings are on lelo 49 on the first and third Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m., and every second Sunday at 6:00 p.m. The full schedule is at https://olelo.org/tv-schedule/ or full archive at https://www.honolulu.gov/cms-nco-menu/site-nco-sitearticles/1657-board-meeting-video-archive.html
ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business before the Board, Chair Tam adjourned the meeting at 8:04 p.m.
Submitted by: Naomi Hanohano, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Dylan Whitsell, Deputy
Finalized by:
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