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Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board Meeting May 2021 Minutes
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Ala Moana Neighborhood Board No. 11
May 2021 Minutes
TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021, 6:30 P.M.
Kapalama Hale, 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Room 153
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Tam called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Quorum was established with nine (9) members present. (Note: This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action. Chair Tam welcomed attendees to the Tuesday, April 27, 2021 regular monthly meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 at Kapalama Hale and on Zoom. Note: Names are not included if not legible on guest sheet or is a phone number on zoom.
Board Members Present: Chris Chung, Robert Clayton, Carolyn Faringer, Ron Komine Jr., Kathleen Lee, Lynn Mariano, Ryan Tam, Rodney Chang, Doug Cullison.
Board Members Absent: Michael Zehner.
Guests: Sergeant Stephen Keogh (Honolulu Police Department); Makanani Sala (Mayor Rick Blangiardi's Office); Councilmember Carol Fukunaga; Janel Denny (Councilmember Calvin Say's Office); Davin Aoyagi (Council Chair Tommy Waters' Office); Cindy McMillan (Governor David Ige's Office); Craig Nakamoto (Hawaii Community Development Authority); Senator Sharon Moriwaki; Representative Adrian Tam; Tod Boulanger (Director of Biki, Bikeshare Hawaii);
Judy Hernandez, Eduardo Hernandez, Ronald Higa (Residents); Dylan Buck (Neighborhood Commission Office).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD): No representative present, no report given.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD): Sergeant Stephen Keogh reported the current crime statistics which can be found at https://www.honolulupd.org/.
Questions, comments and concerns followed.
1. Crosswalks: Chung asked if pedestrians should call 911 if they are nearly struck by vehicles, and if a video recording of the incident could be used as evidence. Keogh responded that pedestrians should call, but if an officer does not observe the incident themselves, no citation can be issued.
2. Assault: Chung asked if video evidence from an assault was recorded, can be used for investigation. Keogh responded yes, any crime can be investigated even if no officer observed it.
3. Homeless: Chair Tam reported an email from a resident on Cedar Street. This resident is concerned with homeless individuals defecating, urinating, using drugs, and trespassing on the old Meadow Gold property. Keogh responded that since it is private property, officers need landowner permission to enter.
4. Homeless: Across from Sheraton Park at the new high rise. Homeless have set up lights under the covered walkway. Keogh responded that residentially challenged people are dealt with daily.
5. No Action: Mariano commented on the frustration of loop-holes in the law enforcement system.
6. Bicycles: Chang raised concerns with stolen bicycles and mentioned illegal activity under the bridge entering Waikiki. Keogh responded that they have shut down operations under the bridge in the past and will re-visit.
7. Homeless: Chung asked if video/pictures of trespassers on the Meadow Gold property could be used. Keogh responded that they would still need representation from the landowner on scene.
Subdistrict 1: This item was deferred.
Neighborhood Board Elections: The 2021 Neighborhood Board Election have concluded. Good luck to all candidates.
Route 4 and 13 Changes: Effective Sunday, May 30, 2021, the Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is adjusting Route 13 to bypass McCully Street and instead operate from Kapiolani Boulevard directly onto Kalakaua Avenue. DTS is also adjusting Route 4 to eliminate the loop around the Kawananakoa Middle School in Liliha. For comments/questions, contact DTS at: 768-8372 or thebusstop@honolulu.gov.
Next Meeting: The next regular meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 is scheduled for Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom and in-person at the Kap lama Hale Conference Room.
Action Committee: The Action Committee will meet on Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. via audio-video teleconference (Zoom) at https://tinyurl.com/nb11cac21.
Ala Wai Promenade: The Ala Wai Promenade Joint Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. via audio-video teleconference (Zoom) at: https://tinyurl.com/nb11alawai21. The committee is conducting a short survey on the desired features for the promenade at: https://tinyurl.com/alawaipromenade. Project information is at: https://sites.google.com/view/alawaipromenadeproject/home.
Storm Water Workshops: The City and County Department of Facilities Maintenance is holding virtual workshops on the development of a comprehensive Storm Water Master Plan. Primary Urban Center workshops will be held on Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 12:00 noon and Monday, June 7, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Meeting registration and information is at: bit.ly/StormWaterPlanning.
lelo Broadcasts: Broadcasts of the Ala Moana-Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 meetings are on lelo 49 on the first and third Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m., and every second Sunday at 6:00 p.m. The full schedule is at https://olelo.org/tv-schedule/) or full archive at https://www.honolulu.gov/cms-nco-menu/site-nco-sitearticles/1657-board-meeting-video-archive.html
Development proposals that require neighborhood board input are being posted at: http://www.honoluludpp.org/ApplicationsForms/ZoningandLandUsePermits/NeighborhoodBoardMaterials.aspx.
Liquor Commission Hearing: Farmhouse Café (808 Sheridan Street #107; Restaurant General Category No. 1) will be held on Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. at 711 Kapiolani Boulevard, 6th Floor.
Biki Update - Tod Boulanger, Director of Biki, Bikeshare Hawaii, presented the following:
• Service: Biki is in their fourth year of service. There are 128 stations from Iwilei to Daimond Head. There are currently 34 stations in the Ala Moana/Kaka'ako neighborhood area. There are currently 44,000 active Biki customers, and 35% of Oahu residents have a Biki station near where they live or work.
• Trips: In the past four years, there have been over 4 million trips taken, 1.7 million trips in the Kaka'ako area alone.
• Highest/lowest use: The month of August, 2019 had the highest amount of trips so far, with 130,000 trips and almost 36,000 trips were within the Kaka'ako area. During April, 2020, Biki recorded the lowest bike use with only a third of riders during the same time of previous years.
• Covid-19 Pandemic: Biki was able to remain open throughout the pandemic, as an essential service with 80% of survey responds saying it was the safest form of public transportation.
• Distance: Total Biki trips on Oahu, for the past four (4) years, add up to 36 trips to the moon.
Questions, comments and concerns followed.
1. Income: Mariano asked if there was a reasonable cost to increase rider numbers. Boulanger responded that there is a $10 low income fee for those Oahu residents that qualify.
2. Safety: Chung asked if injuries or accidents are being tracked. Boulanger responded that they track incidents, there are about nine (9) incidents where customers have collided with vehicles, and none of those were serious or fatal.
3. Helmets: Chung commented on neurological incidents and asked about Biki's policy on helmets. Boulanger responded that they offer helmets to rent or buy, but it is upon the rider to decide.
4. Finance: A resident asked about current financial status, commenting on damaged bikes taking longer to repair. Boulanger responded that the pandemic set them back, and are looking for financial help from the CARES act.
5. Pilot Project: Hernandez commented on moving this from a pilot project to an essential project, suggesting this for other neighborhoods around the island.
6. Financial Support: A resident asked for the process on getting the low income fair. Boulanger responded that they are looking at finding cash options, possibly for sale at 7-11 or similar stores, and provided the current process information via the chat function.
7. Bankrupt: Chair Tam asked what happens if Biki goes bankrupt. Boulanger responded that their assets would return to other non-profits, and the City and County of Honolulu would take over the stations.
8. User Screening: A resident asked if there is any education or screening to inform riders of policies and safety procedures to protect pedestrians.
Hearing no objection, Chair Tam moved to item 9.1 to discuss and consider a resolution regarding Honolulu bicycle sharing program.
Mariano MOVED and Chung SECONDED to support the continued operation of the Honolulu Bicycle sharing program.
Discussion: Climate change: Chung recommended adding language regarding climate change to help Biki receive funding. Chang mentioned, in the interest of time, we can pass this motion, and add details at a later time.
The Motion PASSED by vote, 8-0-1 (Aye: Chang, Chung, Cullison, Faringer, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Tam; Nay: None; Abstain: Clayton).
Approval of Tuesday, January 26, 2021 and Tuesday, and April 27, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes: Chair Tam inquired if there were any amendments to the April 2021 Minutes. January 2021 minutes were not available at this time.
Hearing no objection, the Regular Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, April 27, 2021 were ADOPTED BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 9-0-0 (Aye: Chung, Clayton, Cullison, Faringer, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Tam, Chang; Nay: None; Abstain: None).
Attendance at Other Meetings: Mariano reported his attendance at the OahuMPO meeting on Zoom and the Ala Moana Transit Orientated Development Plan meeting.
Increased Graffiti in and Around Ala Moana-Kakaako: Mariano reported graffiti remaining the similar or increasing. Chung commented on the process of contacting the councilmember in order to see improvements.
Kaka'ako Adopt-a-park update: Chung reported working with the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) for moving cleanup efforts.
Ka Poe o Kakaako / Hale Mauiola Update: Chair Tam reported that homeless outreach groups are continuing their work at the Hale Mauiola Navigation Center at Sand Island. Chair Tam reported they can only accommodate the first three (3) people to attend these outreach community service programs.
Treasurer's Report: The remaining balance was $583.
Discuss Ala Moana Transit Oriented Development Plan: Chung commented on the rail project. Chair Tam disclosed his occupation is working for rail.
Chair Tam passed the Gavel to Mariano at 8:07 p.m.
Mariano stated that since Chair Tam is not representing HART at this meeting, he cannot speak on behalf of HART. Mariano and Chair Tam stated they would invite a HART representative at the next meeting.
Mariano returned the Gavel to Chair Tam at 8:11 p.m.
Discuss and consider Resolution regarding Kai ulu o KakaÔako Master Plan: Nakamoto reported several amendments to the Master Plan proposing to increase the time to allow for economic changes for them to develop the projects. There is still time to submit testimony or a resolution to the authority for the June 2, 2021 decision making hearing.
Questions comments and concerns followed:
1. HCDA: Chair Tam asked if the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) is included in the discussions. Nakamoto responded that Neighborhood Board members can access the staff report on the HCDA website, breaking down the amendments.
2. CAC: Chung reported that they made the same request at the recent CAC meeting, with no objections.
3. Public Benefits: Cullison commented on public benefit to allow an elevated platform.
Cullison MOVED and Chung SECONDED the Motion to support the time extension of the current Kamehameha Schools Kaiaulu o Kakaako Master Plan, and urges Kamahameha Schools to consider public benefits in addition to affordable housing, such as second floor dining or public access to an ocean observation deck.
1. Mariano commented that the Board can support the time extension without asking for amenities.
2. Chung responded that this is the Boards opportunity to be heard. Faringer supported Chung's comment.
3. Lee asked for there to be clarification on the time extension.
The Motion was ADOPTED BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 9-0-0 (Aye: Chung, Clayton, Cullison, Faringer, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Tam, Chang; Nay: None; Abstain: None).
Status of Pensacola bike lane and parking during peak periods: Marinao reported several near misses between vehicles and bicyclists and suggested no parking signs. Sala, Mayor Blangiardi's Office reported there is a work order to relocate the closest parking stall near the Moana Pacific driveway towards Kamaile Street. Mariano comments on the residents suggesting the bike lane to be moved from the Diamond Head side to the Ewa side.
Status of H-1 Piikoi on-ramp PM peak period closure: Mariano reported traffic taking up to 40 minutes to exit Ala Moana and enter the freeway due to the on-ramp closure.
Homeless: Chang noted trash produced from a homeless encampment at a park spreading onto both sides of King Street.
Bus/Biki Passes: Mr. Hernandez asked if each Elected Official can report if they have a Biki Pass or Bus Pass and when the last time they used the transportation.
Chronic Homelessness: Ms. Hernandez commented that using the HPD resource to address a short term solution to homelessness is not an efficient use of money. Faringer commented that the bathroom closures create a mess near the harbor.
Mayor Rick Blangiardi: Culture and Arts Executive Director Makanani Sala reported the following.
• Rental Relief Program: The program will continue opening incrementally with 4,000 applicants each round until they run out of money, to prevent fraud.
• Biki Stations: Depending on the location, if the Biki Station replaced parking, and if the station removal is permanent, parking stalls will be re-instated.
• Crosswalks: The five (5) crosswalks to be removed are located at; Emily Street at Kawaiahao, Curtis Street at Kawaiahao, Keawe Street at Ilalo Street, Ohe Street at Ilalo Street, Ilalo Street at Koula Street, Ilalo Street at Ahui Street, and on Ahui Street.
• Tripping Hazard: Sidewalk repairs across from the canal on Piikoi street were completed on May 3, 2021.
• Chief Ballard: The communication between Chief Ballard and Mayor Blangiardi is a private matter.
• Meeting request: There has been a request made for Mayor Blangiardi to visit one of these board meetings. He will attend when his schedule can accommodate.
• Feral Animals: Current referral goes to the Humane Society. Contractors are looking for other ways to humanely deal with feral roosters as residents continue to tamper with traps and supply roosters with food.
• Graffiti: The owners of private properties must reach out to HPD regarding Graffiti.
• HPD Shooting: An investigation is ongoing and will be released upon completion.
Questions, comments and concerns followed.
1. Statue: Chung mentioned a group of artists are looking to donate a statue of Barrack Obama at no cost to the City and County of Honolulu, and asked how this can be done.
Councilmember Carol Fukunaga: Councilmember Fukunaga reported the following.
• Fire Safety Updates: The bill that we adopted extends the deadline for compliance by implementing a Life Safety Evaluation improvement through May 2022. HFD noted only six (6) buildings achieved a passing score.
• Crosswalks: Flashing beacon signals are suggested in response to the removal of crosswalks.
• Recognition: Shout out to the McKinley High students who participated in the "Chungus for Change" movement to help support the local eatery, Teruya's, during this economically challenging time.
• Holo Card/ Bus Pass: Councilmember Fukunaga reported she does not have a Holo Card or a Bus Pass.
Councilmember Calvin Say: Representative Janelle Denny, Councilmember Say's Office, reported the following.
• Budget: there is an opportunity to submit testimony on June 2 about the upcoming budget release.
• Holo Card: Councilmember Say and Janelle each have a Holo card.
Questions, comments and concerns followed. Meadow Gold: Chung asked if Janelle received the Meadow Gold concern to take back to Councilmember Say.
Council Chair Tommy Waters: Davin Aoyagi, Council Chair Waters' Office, reported the following.
• Resolution 20-174: KCR development on Kapi'olani Boulevard was heard and differed by the Planning and Zoning Committee due to concerns about condo and hotel projects proposed.
• Budget: Next week Wednesday, June 2 2021, the budget will be closed.
• Ala Moana Transit-Orientated Development Plan: There is no action at this time.
Questions, comments and concerns followed. Public Notice: Mariano commented on notifying the public regarding public meetings ahead of time so people can prepare their statements.
State Representative Adrian Tam: Representative Tam reported the following.
• Awaiting Govenors list of vetoes.
• Citizens Patrol: Last week Representative Tam participated in the Citizens Patrol Watch in Waikiki. Rise is crime is due to a rise in tourism.
• Vaccination: Hawaii is under 50% vaccinated. Some resistance is found with young adults becoming vaccinated.
• Holo Card: Representative Tam does have a Holo card and a Biki card but prefers to walk.
Questions comments and concerns followed. Restrooms: Faringer inquired about the status of the harbor restrooms.
State House Speaker Scott Saiki: No representative present, no report given.
Senator Sharon Moriwaki: Senator Moriwaki reported the following.
• Private Roads: The potholes will be filled due to the coordination between the City and State.
• Parking: Speaker Saiki introduced a state law penalizing anyone charging for street parking and failing to improve the roads.
• High-rises: The bill relating to development of high-rises in Kaka'ako-Makai, the shoreline area on the other side of Ala Moana Boulevard, failed to pass.
• Holo Card: Senator Moriwaki does not have a Holo or Biki card, but walks.
Governor David Ige: Communications Director Cindy McMillan reported the following.
• Masks: Governor Ige announced people no longer have to wear masks while outdoors. People are encouraged to continue wearing masks while in a crowd.
• Vaccination: A vaccination site will be located at Salt on Saturday, May 29, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., walk-ins are accepted. Director McMillan encourages everyone to receive the vaccination.
• Holo Card: Director McMillan confirmed she does have both the Holo and Biki cards.
Questions comments and concerns followed. SafeTravel: Mariano thanks and congratulated Director McMillan and Governor Ige's their work with the Hawaii Safe Travel app.
U.S. Congressman Ed Case: No representative present, no report given.
HCDA: Craig Nakamoto of HCDA was available for questions.
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transit (HART): No representative present, no report given.
Board of Water Supply (BWS): Chair Tam read from a BWS report.
• Breaks: There were no water main breaks.
• Water conservation reminder: Heading into the hot summer months, it is important to conserve water.
ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business before the Board, Chair Tam adjourned the meeting at 9:18 p.m.
Submitted by: Spencer Johnson, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Dylan Buck, Neighborhood Assistant
Finalized by: Ryan Tam, Chair
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