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Hawaii State Foundation On Culture and The Arts JUNE 2021 Newsletter
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June 2021
The SFCA office is currently closed to the public. SFCA staff are continuing to work remotely, and can be contacted by email or telephone. If you aren’t sure who to contact, email or call (808) 586-0300 and leave a voice message, including your name and telephone number.
Art in Public Places Collection
New additions from the COVID-19 Call for Artists
The SFCA received 156 submissions from artists for artwork created in response to, or inspired from the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on life in Hawaiʻi. The goal of the call was to support artists financially and promote the valuable role artists play in this time of global crisis, particularly within the state of Hawaiʻi and our community, and to document artists' response to the pandemic and economic and civil unrest. Artists play a unique role in telling the story of place and experience providing the viewer insight and hope. SFCA considered works that are relevant to this crisis and the expectation is that artists are creating work based on their experiences through this time. The call closed in December 2020.
Nineteen nominated works were approved by the board at the May 19 Board of Commissioners General Meeting (artists: Pratisha Budhiraja, Margo Shepherd Ray, Sachelle Dae, Kirk Kurokawa, Sally French, Lauren Trangmar, Masami Teroka, Bruna Stude, and Jada Harris). Additional nominated works will be presented at the July 2021 board meeting. The additional time allows for artists to have their works on exhibit, as well as stretching the purchases over two budget cycles.
All artists who submitted artwork to the call will be notified through the Call For Entry (CAFE) website,
“Why Are You Painting?” Honolulu Museum of Art
The SFCA Board of Commissioners approved two nominated works: “The Running Bond of My Consumption and Liberation” by Joshua Holzmann and “utukku” by Tom Walker.
Temporary Installations at Thomas Square, Honolulu MoCA
The SFCA Board of Commissioners approved a nominated work by Bernice Akamine, “Hoʻokumu Moana.”
Arts Education
Hawaiʻi Wolf Trap: Early Arts Learning Professional Development Workshops for Early Childhood Educators and Teaching Artists
Hawaiʻi Wolf Trap, a Hawaiʻi Arts Alliance program, invites educators and teaching artists’ participation in four workshops that will provide hands-on ways to incorporate the arts into daily teaching practices.
These virtual workshops will occur June 2-5, 2021, 9:00 - 10:30 am HST. Presented by four exceptional Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artists, participants will learn arts techniques to achieve goals in specific areas, such as literacy and language development, science, math, problem-solving, and more. For workshop information and registration, please visit the Hawaiʻi Arts Alliance website:
Maui Arts and Culture Center: Summer Institute Professional Development for Classroom and Community Educators
The Maui Arts & Cultural Center’s Professional Development Summer Institute will explore how the arts function as a transformative tool for healing and education in a world facing the multiple pandemics of COVID-19 and social injustices.
Three major themes will be covered by the keynote speakers:
•Incorporating Indigenous Perspectives in Teaching & Learning
•Radically Changing Education through Culturally Relevant Education & the Arts
•Social & Emotional Learning and Trauma-Informed Teaching for Liberation
For additional information and registration, please visit the Maui Arts & Cultural Center website:
These workshops are funded in part by the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts.
Artists in the Schools: Chizuko Endo

SFCA Artistic Teaching Partner Chizuko Endo has completed two instructional Artists in the Schools videos for making Japanese taiko drums and practice sticks with ordinary household materials. One video is designed for student ages K-4 (, and the second video is for student ages 5-12 ( Chizuko has done many artist residences at Hawaiʻi public schools through the SFCA’s Artists in the Schools program, and was featured in a State of Hawaiʻi Department of Education video about AITS: Taiko Drumming - AITS
2021 Young Artists of Hawaiʻi Exhibit

Learn more about the 2021 Young Artists of Hawaiʻi exhibit “My Culture, My Family, and Me” in this short video! "The students had a lot more confidence in what they were trying to share, and the fact that it was part of their family story, I almost feel like...they grew as an artist because they had more information about who they were." – Mellissa Shelverton
The 2021 Young Artists of Hawaiʻi exhibit is open at the Hawaiʻi State Art Museum through June 25. Admission is always free. High-quality replicas of the artworks will be displayed at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center June 2021 – March 2022.

SFCA American Rescue Plan Grants
The SFCA American Rescue Plan (ARP) Recovery Grant supporting eligible non-profit arts organizations will launch the Intent to Apply from June 1, 2021 through July 18, 2021. Organizations must submit their eligibility documents by the Intent to Apply deadline to complete an Application. The Application will open July 1, 2021 and close July 31, 2021. The grant request amount is $15,000 and there is no match requirement for organizations.
SFCA ARP Grants for Individual Artists and Cultural Practitioners Information is forthcoming.
SFCA is working with other ARP grant funders to understand the opportunities. Other ARP Culture and Arts grantors include Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF), Hawaiʻi Council for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts. We will provide updates on those opportunities as they become available.
For more information, please visit the SFCA website:
SFCA Grants
Nine Hawaiʻi Nonprofits to Receive $951,600 in Partnership Awards from the National Endowment for the Arts
Nine Hawaiʻi nonprofits have been approved for a total of $ 951,600 in NEA FY 2021 partnership agreements to address priorities identified at the state and regional level. These funds will support the arts in areas such as cultural tourism, community revitalization, economic development, education, and health and human services. As your state arts agency, the Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts has been approved for $750,700 for Partnerships (State & Regional). To see the full list of Hawaiʻi nonprofits, please visit the SFCA website news page:
SFCA Grantee Spotlight

Honolulu Theatre for Youth
Honolulu Theatre for Youth (HTY) is pleased to announce that “The HI Way”, its hit television series, is nominated for six regional Emmy awards. The series started when the company was forced to pivot quickly last spring because of the pandemic. Since last March, the resident ensemble devised and produced 21 half hour episodes, and the show reached more than 4 million views on local network television stations. “The HI Way” is produced with partners NMG Network and Hawaii News Now.
Ballet Hawaii
Ballet Hawaii and the Hawaiʻi Symphony Orchestra’s ‘The Nutcracker: A Gift to the Community’ broadcast has received national recognition, honored with an Emmy nomination! The award winners will be announced in a live webcast at, Saturday June 5, 2021.

Grants and Opportunities
Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Grants
$4 million in innovation grants for educational entities (public, private, and charter schools; higher education institutions; museums, cultural centers, etc.). Innovation Grants range from $100,000 - $500,000. Deadline: Friday June 4, 2021. For more information, please visit the Hawaiʻi Governor’s website:
Artist Relief Grants
Artist Relief Deadline: June 23, 2021
Artist Relief will distribute $5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19. Learn more in the Artist Relief FAQ:
Creative Lab Hawaiʻi Legal Clinics
Creative Lab Hawaiʻi is hosting a series of webinars online, exploring legal topics for audio-visual and musical work creators. Creative Lab Hawaiʻi is a part of the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (DBEDT).
•June 2, 2021 Legal Clinic: Copyright with Martin E. Hsia. Explore the purpose and importance of securing a copyright to protect your audio-visual and musical works.
•June 9, 2021: Legal Clinic: Trademark with Martin E. Hsia.
•June 16, 2021: Legal Webinar: Options with Elsa Ramo.
•June 23, 2021: Legal Clinic: Collaboration Agreements for Audio-Visual Works with Tifanie Jodeh Acosta.
•June 30, 2021: Work for Hire Agreements with Julia K. Brotman.
For additional information and to register for these free webinars, please visit the Creative Lab Hawaiʻi calendar:
Facebook and Instagram for Nonprofits
Learn about the latest tools, products and resources that nonprofits can use to connect and engage with your community, constituents, and followers in this free training session on Zoom. This is one of Facebook’s Local Government Workshop Series, hosted by the Facebook U.S. Local Politics and Government Outreach team. June 17, 2021, 7:00 a.m. Hawaiʻi Standard Time. Register online:
Shuttered Venue Operators (SVO) Grant
US Small Business Administration (SBA) deadline: until funds are exhausted. SVO Grants are available to
•Live venue operators
•Theatrical producers
•Live performing arts organization operators
•Relevant museum operators
•Motion picture theater operators
Learn more on the US SBA website:
Native Hawaiian Education Act: Community Consultation
Tell your stories of community strength and emerging opportunity for Hawaiian education in a post-COVID-19 world. The Native Hawaiian Education Act requires yearly consultation with community to gather input regarding current Native Hawaiian Education grantee programs, priorities and needs of Native Hawaiians, and other Native Hawaiian education issues as well as outcomes of the activities supported by grants awarded under the Act. Sessions in May and June are scheduled by island and by peer group. Learn more and register to attend online on the Native Hawaiian Education Council website:
Nominate an Individual or a Group for an NEA National Heritage Fellowship
To honor and preserve our nation's diverse cultural heritage, the National Endowment for the Arts annually awards up to nine National Heritage Fellowships to master folk and traditional artists, inclusive of one Bess Lomax Hawes Fellowship. These fellowships recognize artistic excellence, lifetime achievement, and contributions to our nation's traditional arts heritage. Deadline to submit nomination: July 30, 2021. For more information and the nomination form, please visit the NEA website:
Calls for Artists in Hawaiʻi
The Call for Entry (CAFE) website can be searched by state (choose the “sort by” menu on the left side of the screen). Search the Café website:
Hui Noʻeau Solo Artist Exhibition Proposals
Hui Noʻeau Visual Arts Center on Maui is now accepting applications for artists wishing to exhibit a complete body of work in the Hui’s Solo Artist Exhibition, Spring of 2022. Applicants must be 18 years or older and reside in the state of Hawaiʻi. Application deadline: June 11, 2021. For more information, please visit the Hui Noʻeau website:
Survey: SFCA Website Update
The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) did a website update in late 2020. We are evaluating the new website and would appreciate your insights!
Survey: SFCA Email Newsletter
SFCA staff are evaluating the SFCA’s monthly email newsletter and would appreciate your feedback! This short survey has six questions and will help staff tailor future newsletters.
SFCA in the Community

SFCA and Honolulu MoCA
SFCA staff, including Executive Director Jonathan Johnson and Art in Public Places/HiSAM Director Karen Ewald, met with C. Makanani Salā, the new Executive Director of the Honolulu Mayor’s Office on Culture and the Arts (MoCA).Salāwas appointed by Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi in December 2020, and will lead the City’s effort to attain national pre-eminence in culture and the arts, as well as increase opportunities for the people of Oʻahu to develop their cultural and artistic talents.
Image: left to right, Jonathan Johnson, C. Makanani Salā, and Karen Ewald. In the background is “Ka Hiwa”, an acrylic on canvas painting by Kauʻi Chun, 2000, Art in Public Places Collection of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts. Currently on view in the “Mai hoʻohuli i ka lima i luna” exhibit at the Hawaiʻi State Art Museum.
Commission on the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture (FestPAC)
At a May 2021 Festival of the Pacific (FESTPac) meeting, SFCA Executive Director Jonathan Johnson presented information to the FESTPac committee on support that the SFCA could provide, including HiSAM as a venue and SFCA staff serving on the Finance & Administration sub-Committee with DBEDT. For more information on the festival go to
SFCA in the Media
Honolulu Magazine (website)
May 25, 2021 See the Best Children’s Art in the State in “My Culture, My Family, and Me” at HiSAM
This year’s exhibition, My Culture, My Family, and Me, gives keiki an opportunity to creatively express how they feel, see or interpret their experiences. “Hawai‘i has one of the most diverse populations on the planet and it’s paramount that our kids are given the agency to explore their personal identities through creative and engaging activity,” says [SFCA] project manager Kamakani Konia. “While students are creating these works of art for the competition they’re also having deep and meaningful conversations with their loved ones about their family history and cultural heritage and to see those stories come to life on paper is really inspiring. By hosting this exhibition both at the Hawai‘i State Art Museum and the Hawai‘i Convention Center, these kinds of personal connections are shared within our communities and with visitors from around the world.” Read the article online:
Read the full article on the Honolulu Magazine website
Hawaiʻi Public Radio: The Conversation
May 24, 2021 ”Many artists, musicians and nonprofits are still struggling to get back on their feet as we move into this next phase of recovery. The next round of federal aid includes more than $700,000 for those types of organizations in Hawaii. The State Foundation for Culture and the Arts is tasked with getting money into those hands. We talked to Executive Director Jonathan Johnson about the deadlines that are coming up for our creative community.” Listen to the story online:
Listen on Hawaiʻi Public Radio
Acquisition Award Selection Committees (AASCs)
Acquisition Award Selection Committee (AASC) visits continue to provide important support for artists and arts organization venues statewide. The SFCA has conducted 20 AASC visits during the pandemic so far.
The SFCA Board of Commissioners has approved Acquisition Award Selection Committee (AASC) visits to these exhibits:
•Hawaiʻi Island - “Midsummer Art Celebration, 4th Annual Statewide Juried Exhibit 2021”, Wailoa Center, Hilo. Mixed media, juried. June 4 – 30, 2021.
•Hawaiʻi Island - “Eruptions and Interruptions, Hawaiʻi Artists Interpret Experiences of Living on the Edge”, Firehouse Gallery, Kamuela. Mixed media, juried. August 4 – September 26, 2021.
•Hawaiʻi Island - “Abstract Only! 2021”, Wailoa Center, Hilo. Mixed media, juried. August 6 – 26, 2021.
•Kauaʻi - “Art Kauaʻi”, KSA Gallery, Lihue. Mixed media, juried. September 17 – October 29, 2021.
•Maui - “O Kalani”, Maui Arts and Cultural Center, Schaefer International Gallery. Kahului. Paintings and sculptures, curated. May 15 – August 29, 2021.
•Maui - “Na Kapa Hoʻokuʻi (The Joined Kapa), Donkey Mill Art Center, Holualoa. Kapa, curated. August 28 - October 9, 2021.
•Maui - “Malama Wao Akua”, Hui Noʻeau Visual Arts Center, Makawao. Mixed media, juried. September 10 – November 5, 2021.
•Oʻahu - “Hawaii Watercolor Society Open Exhibit”, Downtown Art Center, Honolulu. Watercolor, juried. August 31 – September 18, 2021.
•O’ahu - “Inspirations”, Downtown Art Center. Mixed media, juried. September 30 – October 14, 2021. Approved AASC visits are also posted on the SFCA's website:
Hawaiʻi State Art Museum (HiSAM)

Workshop: Creating Passive Income
Saturday, June 12, 2021. 2:00 p.m.
Substantial Art & Music (SAM) will facilitate a free online workshop catered to visual and performing artists and creative entrepreneurs. In the Creating Passive Income Workshop we will discuss what is passive income as well as identify various forms of passive income for artists.
For additional information and a link to the workshop: Creating Passive Income Workshop
Creating Passive Income Workshop
Live Workshops: HiSAM Creates
HiSAM in-person events this summer include HiSAM Creates, live workshops to connect and inspire. Find out about upcoming workshops and how to register on the HiSAM Calendar and social media.
HiSAM Calendar

The Hawaii State Art Museum (HiSAM) and sculpture garden are open Monday through Saturday, 10:00am to 4:00pm. The restaurant and gift shop are closed.
2021 Young Artists of Hawaiʻi Exhibit
May 14 - June 25, 2021. Featuring award-winning artworks by Hawaiʻi students, grades K-6, on the them “My Culture, My Family, and Me.”
Check the HiSAM calendar for details and more upcoming events: Subscribe to the HiSAM email newsletter: (be sure to check “Hawaiʻi State Art Museum Newsletter” on the list of emails you wish to receive).
Subscribe to the HiSAM Newsletter
Arts and Culture Calendar
This arts and culture calendar features SFCA grantees, partners, and Hawaiʻi state government programs and events.
•Aloha Theatre “Wednesday Wonders” videos of fun at-home activities for children are available on Facebook, including this Earth Day activity for building a recycled garden:
•The Center for Oral History at the University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa, Department of Ethnic Studies, is documenting “Hawaiʻi Life in the Time of COVID-19". This project is designed to engage our Hawaiʻi communities in examining, articulating and sharing the impacts of COVID-19 upon our Hawaiʻi island ways of life, livelihoods, health, families, communities, education, values and outlooks for the future. Get involved by visiting the project website:
•Diamond Head Theatre offered in-person performances in March, with new safety precautions. Learn more about how Diamond Head Theatre welcomed audiences back on their website:
•Hawaiʻi Craftsmen – “Out in the Elements” A Celebration of Raku Ceramics and Plein Air Paintings Inspired by Nature. Hawaii Craftsmen’s Raku Ho’olaule’a and The Plein Air Painters of Oahu will present a collaborative exhibition of raku ceramics and plein air paintings created in the outdoors by Hawaiʻi artists. June 30 – July 31, 2021 at the Downtown Art Center. For more information, please visit the Hawaiʻi Craftsmen website:
•The Hawaiʻi State Public Library offers free access to Gale Courses, highly interactive instructor led courses that you can take entirely online. Course offerings include “Introduction to Guitar”, “Drawing for the Absolute Beginner”, and “Music Made Easy” (fundamentals of music theory). For more information, visit their website (go to the Learn tab and look under Online Classes):
•The Hawaiʻi Symphony Orchestra’s June, July, and August “Sheraton Starlight Series” concerts will have limited capacity, in-person audiences. Please visit the HSO website for additional information and ticket purchases:
•Hui Noʻeau Visual Arts Center “Rose River Memorial” is on display and open to the public through September 4, 2021. For more information, please visit the Hui Noʻeau website:
•Kahilu Theatre has a virtual gallery tour on Kahilu.TV for the solo exhibition “Thresholds, Journeys with Fibers and Fronds” by Lynn Martin Graton through June 21, 2021. The exhibit features both woven textiles and coconut fiber basketry. For more information, please visit the Kahilu Theatre website:
•Palace Theater Live from the Empty Palace performances by Hawaiʻi Island performers can be viewed online
•University of Hawaiʻi Outreach College Statewide Cultural Extension Program (SCEP) online performances and presentations by local artists, supported by funding from the SFCA. For more information, please visit the SCEP website:
SFCA Board of Commissioners 2021 Meeting Schedule
•Wednesday July 21, 2021
Thjs meeting schedule is also posted to the SFCA website calendar:
About the SFCA
The Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) is a government agency, established by the Hawai‘i State Legislature in 1965, to promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawai‘i. SFCA funding is provided by the State of Hawai‘i and the National Endowment for the Arts.The SFCA is administratively attached to the Department of Accounting and General Services (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes Chapter 9).
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Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts
250 S. Hotel St
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Honolulu, HI 96813
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The mission of the Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts is to promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawaii. HSFCA funding is provided by the State of Hawaii and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Hawaii State Art Museum

To promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawai`i. HSFCA funding is provided by the State of Hawai`i and the National Endowment for the Arts. The HSFCA is administratively attached to the Department of Accounting and General Services.
The musuem is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed State and Federal Holdays. Always free admission. For pre-recorded information call 586-0900.
The Hawai'i State Art Museum is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free. For pre-recorded summary information on the museum, call (808) 586-0900. For current museum program information, call the HSFCA Art in Public Places Program at (808) 586-0305. To arrange an educational tour of the museum, call (808) 586-9958.

For information on the HSFCA; the Hawai'i State Art Museum; HSFCA grants, programs, and services; Hawai'i arts and culture events; and USA and worldwide arts opportunities, visit the HSFCA website,
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Hawaii State Art Museum
The Hawai'i State Art Museum is dedicated to presenting the largest and finest collection of works by Hawai'i artists that celebrate the diverse artistic and cultural legacy of Hawaii.
250 South Hotel Street, 2nd Floor, Honolulu, HI (View Map)
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