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Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board Meeting September 2020 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER - Chair Tam called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. Quorum was established with ten (10) members present. (Note - This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action. Chair Tam welcomed attendees to the Tuesday, September 22, 2020 regular monthly meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 at the Mission Memorial Auditorium (MMA) at 550 S. King Street and on zoom.
Board Members Present - Rodney Chang, Chris Chung, Robert Clayton, Braunsen Kalaikai, Ron Komine Jr., Kathleen Lee, Lynn Mariano, Bryan Mick, Ryan Tam, and Michael Zehner.
Guests - Kris Hui (Brookfield), Keith Kurahashi (R.M. Towil Corporationl), House Speaker Scott Saiki, Councilmember Tommy Waters, Ian Santee (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's representative), Councilmember Fukunaga, Senator Sharon Moriwaki, Cindy McMillan (Governor Ige's representative), Francine Murray (Hawaii Community Development Authority), Shawn Hamamoto (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation), Dave Watase, Residents: Jeff Bott, George Kailiwai, Audrey Lee, Sharlene, Kevin Sun, Valerie Umeda, Harry Newhart, Caroline Faringer, Janelle Villanueva, Pat Lee, Ian Tien Tzu, Brad Anderson, Ka'eo, Lauren Yoo, Ryan Sakuda, Michael, Gail Tagashira, Harrison Rue, Blair Suzuki, Jeremy, Rona, Dylan, Lauren Yoo, Brad Frye, Chris Loo, Jeff, Isaiahs, Rona, Traci Sh, Lyssa Fujie, Eugene, Daniel, Davin, Chris Loo, Chris Lum Lee, Venus Staff. Marcie Kamei, Public Relations Assistant and K. Russell Ho, Neighborhood Assistant.
Reminders - Chair Tam announced that since the last meeting on Tuesday, August 20, 2020, 26,623 Americans have died from COVID-19, raising the total to 204,676 American deaths, since the pandemic started. Chair Tam noted that the purpose of the Neighborhood Board system was to ensure effective citizen participation in the government's decision-making process. Chair Tam outlined the rules of speaking for Board members and attendees.
Honolulu Fire Department (HPD) P wa a Station - No representative present and no report was available.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - No representative present and no report was available.
Recognition of Pat Lee and outgoing Board Member Jayne Cloutier - Chair Tam recognized Pat Lee and former board member Jayne Cloutier for their contributions to the Ala Moana neighborhood board.
Filling of Vacancies - Chair Tam announced a vacancy in subdistrict 1. Vacancy was not filled.
COMMUNITY NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHES - Chair Tam announced the following:
• Mother Waldron Park (525 Cooke Street) - Mondays, 6:00 p.m.;
• Sheridan Park (833 Pi ikoi Street) - Monday/Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m.;
• Keola La i Condominium (600 Queen Street) - Tuesdays, 5:15 p.m.;
• Kolowalu Park (1177 Queen Street) - 1st and 2nd Thursdays, 6:00 p.m.;
• Kalakaua Homes (1545 Kalakaua Ave) - Fridays, 5:00 p.m.;
• Atkinson Towers (419A Atkinson Drive) - Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m.
• Bus Route Changes - Bus Routes 8 (Waikiki) and 22 (The Beach Bus) will be temporarily discontinued effective later in October 2020.
• Temporary Sheridan Community Park Road Testing - The Department of Customer Services (CSD) is planning to use Sheridan Community Park as a temporary road testing site, with up to 15 City Licensing Examiners and approximately 60 to 65 road tests per day (Monday to Saturday) for the next two (2) to three (3) years during construction along Dillingham Boulevard.
• Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Virtual Construction Update Meeting - Updates will be on go.HonoluluTransit.org/SeptUpdate on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
• Development proposals that require neighborhood board input are being posted at: http://www.honoluludpp.org/ApplicationsForms/ZoningandLandUsePermits/NeighborhoodBoardMaterials.aspx
Approval of the Tuesday, July 25, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes - Comments were made that there are not that many fish in Ala Moana area since August. Board member Mick suggested the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) make adjustments to the links on the NCO website. Hearing no objections, the Tuesday, July 25, 2020 minutes were approved, 10-0-0 (Aye: Chang, Chung, Clayton, Kalaikai, Komine Jr., Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; Nay: None; Abstain: none).
Attendance at other meetings - None.
Chair's Report -
- Ala Wai Promenade Update - Deferred.
- Ala Moana Boulevard Elevated Pedestrian Walkway - State Department of Transportation (DOT) is working with Howard Hughes to develop a walkway in line with Victoria Park to Kewalo Basin. Comments should be provided to the state DOT.
Treasurer's Report - Treasurer Mick reported the following: August 2020 expenditures of $43.96 for printing and postage, the remaining balance was $454.33.
Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OahuMPO) CAC (Citizen Advisory Committee) - No update.
Consider Resolution regarding Ala Moana Plaza - Board member Mariano expressed concerns for the height limit, congestion around Ala Moana, safety of the infrastructure, and view blockage for residents. Motion to consider resolution was moved by Mariano and seconded by Clayton.
Item 14.1 Ala Moana Update by Brookfield - Was moved to unfinished business in order to vote on Ala Moana Plaza resolution. Motion was moved by Mick and seconded by Chung. Motion WAS ADOPTED 9-0-1 (Aye: Chang, Chung, Clayton, Kalaikai, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Zehner Nay: none Abstain: Tam). Kris Hui from Brookfield presented on the following:
- Ala Moana Plaza site to be on Piikoi and Kona Street. The project is 100% rental housing with 20% affordable housing component (124 units) and projected to build less parking. The project has high community valuation and highest amount paid per square foot compared to other buildings in the area. Consideration of rail project, bus routes, bike lanes, and TOD projects. Design and location are considered for the view for other buildings.
Questions comments and concerns followed:
1. Board member Mick inquired about project relying on government subsidies. Hui responded that private projects can deliver affordable housing quicker without subsidies.
2. Board member Lee inquired about meeting with Moana Pacific for input. Hui responded that Brookfield has reached out to Moana Pacific but has not received a response.
3. Board member Mariano inquired about the height of the building. Hui clarified that the proposed building is a 400 feet condominium that does not block the view for Uraku Tower.
4. A Board member inquired about whether the presentation is available to view later. Hui responded that it can be sent to the neighborhood assistant for distribution.
5. Moana Pacific resident Jeff Bott expressed opposition to the new project because of view blockage and traffic congestion. He expressed concerns that most units are full priced. He also noted that there are not enough parking stalls available for each resident.
6. Board member Mick asked whether this project meets affordable housing requirements. Hui responded that this project does not because it is not subject to the requirements. Hui also added that there 625 parking stalls that will be available for residents.
7. Keith Kurahashi (R.M. Towill) commented that private views are not protected but public views are. He also noted that traffic congestion would not be a problem.
8. Audrey Lee inquired about whether other proposed buildings by Brookfield would be similar to the current proposed condominium. Hui responded that Brookfield is conducting studies on future projects.
9. Moana Pacific resident George Kailiwai commented that the July 2016 TOD plan states that the views corridors would be respected. He further commented that Brookfield does not respect the TOD plan, does not respect the Moana Pacific view corridors, decreases the property value of Moana Pacific, creates overcrowding, and decreases the quality of life.
10. House Speaker Saiki offered help to Moana Pacific residents and set up a meeting with Brookfield.
11. Board member Mariano commented that the concerns coming from residents are due to the height of the building.
12. Board member Chung asked Councilmember Waters if Bill 2 was relevant to the proposed project. Councilmember Waters responded that TOD plans should be more transparent but Bill 2 would not affect the project.
13. Chair Tam asked Keith Kurahashi if this project would affect Interim Planned Development Permit (IPDT). Kurahashi responded that there will be a public hearing at Department of Planning and Permitting on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.
14. Board member Chang inquired about a section in the proposed resolution for a one (1) time exemption for Moana Pacific. Board member Mariano responded that Moana Pacific received a one (1) time exemption for the height requirement.
15. Board member Chung commented that rental housing is affordable housing and the community is in need of these types of projects.
The Ala Moana Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED the resolution regarding proposed Ala Moana Plaza. Motion was moved by Mariano and seconded by Clayton. Motion WAS ADOPTED 6-3-1 (Aye: Chang, Clayton, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Zehner Nay: Chung, Kalaikai, Komine; Abstain: Tam).
Consider Resolution, Regarding Bill 61 (2020), Relating to Affordable Housing - Board member Mick clarified the exemption of affordable housing requirements for new hotels and conversion of existing hotels into long term residential units.
Consider establishment of a Candidate Forum Committee - Board member Mariano highlighted the importance of a candidate forum for the 2020 Mayoral and Prosecuting Attorney race and work with other Neighborhood Boards. Resident Sharlene commented that there is a meeting with the Mayoral candidates on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 and Wednesday, September 30, 2020. Sharlene also recommended having the board's candidate forum before ballots would go out on Monday, October 5, 2020. Board member Lee expressed support for the candidate forum committee. Board member Mariano noted he will move quickly for a joint forum.
Mariano motioned and Zehner seconded to establish a Candidate Forum Committee that allows board member Mariano to coordinate with the surrounding neighborhood board to host a joint candidate forum for the Mayor's Race and Prosecuting Attorney. The Motion WAS ADOPTED 10-0-0, (Ayes: Chang, Chung, Clayton, Kalaikai, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, Zehner; Nays: none; Abstain: none).
Discuss Use of Sheridan Park for Road Testing and Examinations - Chair Tam announced 60-65 road tests will be conducted. No discussion.
Discuss Proposed Changes to TheBus Routes 19 and 20 - Chair Tam announced that the Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is looking for input to re-route current routes for 19 and 20. No discussion.
Removal of Crosswalks in Kakaako - Board member Mick moved and Chang seconded to add an item to the agenda regarding Removal of Crosswalks in the Kakaako area. The Motion WAS ADOPTED 9-0-1 (Aye: Chang, Chung, Clayton, Kalaikai, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, Zehner; Nay: None; Abstain: Komine).
Board member Mick moved and Mariano seconded to extend the comments deadline for the removal of crosswalks in Kakaako to Saturday, October 31, 2020 in order to discuss the issue at the October 2020 regular Ala Moana Neighborhood Board meeting. The Motion WAS ADOPTED 9-0-1 (Ayes: Chang, Chung, Clayton, Kalaikai, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, Zehner; Nay: none; Abstain; Komine).
Small business affected by Covid-19 - Board member Mariano received a letter from other neighborhood boards in regards with small businesses affected by COVID-19. The letter requests the Board to request with State of Hawaii and City and County of Honolulu to engage in emergency measures to protect commercial tenants, mainly small businesses. Mariano expressed concerns regarding small businesses affected by the pandemic. Mariano moved and Zehner seconded to add item to next agenda. The Motion WAS ADOPTED 8-1-1 (Ayes: Chung, Clayton, Kalaikai, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, Zehner; Nay: Chang; Abstain: Komine).
1. Community Concern: Waihonua resident Kevin Sun raised concerns about a whining, humming, whirring industrial noise coming from the neighboring area for two (2) months that runs from 8 p.m. - 4:00 a.m. Sun requested a solution to the noise.
2. Community Concern: Resident Valerie Umeda raised concerns about the McKinley High School athletic complex's lighting, noise, and traffic affecting the neighboring residential areas. Umeda requested a solution to the complaint. Chair Tam said he could contact Department of Education (DOE).
3. Community Concern: Waihonua resident Harry Newhart raised concerns of the same whining, humming, whirring industrial noise from the neighboring area for two (2) months that runs nightly. Newhart requested a solution to the noise. The board suggested contacting board member Komine and Kalaikai.
4. Community Concern: Resident Sharlene raised concerns that the City should focus on other areas instead of the construction of the parking lot in Ala Moana Beach Park.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Ian Santee, Deputy Director, Honolulu Emergency Services Department reported the following:
- Protected bike lane on Pensacola Street - DTS responded that complete street administrator attended the August meeting and answered questions regarding the project. Bill 47 is currently with the City Council.
- Ala Moana Plaza - Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) plaza interim planned development transit permit application material is available on http://www.honoluludpp.org/ApplicationsForms.aspx.
- COVID-19 - Honolulu entered second shut down and a new plan was released today for the pandemic. Gathering are difficult to enforce, but new rules were released to decrease the risk of the spread of the virus.
- Ala Moana Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan Amendments - DPP is working with City Council to schedule an online community informational meeting. City Council introduced a new Resolution 20-223 for a new traffic plan.
- Ala Moana Center Terminus - The Private-Public Partnership (P3) Project, City Center Guideway and Stations and Pearl Highlands Design-Build Finance Operate and Maintain contract is currently at the discretion of the P3 developer. HART is anticipating receiving schedule in the 4th quarter of 2020.
- Other announcements - Please call 768-7777 for pot holes and 768-2530 for abandoned vehicles.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. City Park - Board member Chung inquired about how to change the name of a City park.
2. Removing of crosswalks - Board member Mariano asked whether the Mayor could examine the design of the crosswalk removal and bike lane additions.
3. Enforcement during rallies - Board member Mick inquired about rally attendees with no mask and social distancing. Mick inquired about Honolulu Police Department (HPD) refusing to enforce and cite during rallies.
City Councilmember Carol Fukunaga - Councilmember Fukunaga reported the following:
- Crosswalk removal - Councilmember Fukunaga's office will compile and submit a letter to DTS and Department of Design and Construction (DDC) requesting more time for proposed removal of crosswalk.
- Ala Wai Flood Risk Management Project - Resolution 20-230 was attached to newsletter because there was not enough discussion on Army Corp Engineers Revive Plan.
- Small businesses - Councilmember Fukunaga explained that the City is concerned about small businesses during the pandemic.
City Councilmember Ann Kobayashi - No representative was present. However, a newsletter was available.
City Councilmember Tommy Waters - Councilmember Waters distributed his newsletter and reported the following:
- U.S Census - Deadline to respond is Wednesday, September 30, 2020.
- Homeowner's exemption - Deadline is Wednesday, September 30, 2020. Home exemptions will be $100,000 for homeowners and $140,000 for homeowners over the age of 65.
- COVID-19 relief - Resolution 20-208 was passed to encourage Mayor to do more to help businesses and protect tenants. More information can be found on www.oneoahu.org.
- Bill 2 (2019) - Amendments were proposed that would require developers to provide the dollar amount estimates of 1. The value of requested height bonuses; 2. The value of requested density bonuses; and 3. The cost to the developer for each category of propose community benefits.
- Other - Councilmember Waters thanked Councilmember Fukunaga for inviting Dr. Sullivan to present a project for rapid COVID-19 testing that would be manufactured in Hawaii.
State Representative Tom Brower - Representative Brower was not present. However, a newsletter was available.
State House Speaker Scott Saiki - Speaker Saiki was not present. However, a newsletter was available.
State Senator Sharon Moriwaki - Senator Sharon Moriwaki distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
- Bills - Bills were passed relating to affordable housing, homelessness and domestic violence and others.
- Ala Moana Plaza - Discussion on the project will be Monday, September 28, 2020 from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. E-mail Repsaiki@capitol.hawaii.gov to join.
- Fishers and swimmers - Senator Moriwaki's office met with State Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and ocean safety departments to accommodate the community.
- U.S. Census - Please go to www.my2020census.gov to fill out the census form.
Governor David Ige's Representative - Cindy McMillan, Director of Communications distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
- Rental payment - Any renter who is having problems paying rent due to COVID-19, please go to www.hihousinghelp.com for rental assistance.
U.S. Congressman Ed Case - No representative was present and no report was available.
Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) - Francine Murray (online) reported the following:
- New executive director - Deepak Neupane expected to start on Tuesday, October 20, 2020.
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) - Shawn Hamamoto distributed his report and highlighted the following:
- Virtual construction update meeting - Meeting will be on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at go.honolulutransit.org/septupdate.
Questions, comments and concerns followed:
1. Andy Robbins - Board member Mick requested more details from HART on Andy Robbins.
Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) - No representative was present.
Community Alternatives to the Ala Wai Flood Mitigation Project - Dave Watase distributed his report and highlighted the following:
- Updates - June 23, 2020: State submits final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Mayor accepted it. August 17, 2020: Army Corps releases Engineering Documentation report (EDR). September 9, 2020 City Council passes Resolution 20-230 accepting PIG's OceanIT Consultant Alternative (SWIFT) and requests that the Mayor review the EDR, SWIFT, and other community alternatives for comprehensive flood protection.
- EDR Highlights - Removal of six (6) upstream detention basins in Palolo, Manoa, and Makiki. Redesign the Ala Wai Golf Course detention basin with a smaller footprint with less walls and berms. Kanewai Park Multipurpose Detention basin remains next to Hokulani School. Adds a woodlaw bypass and walls, Manoa Park berm, Makiki stream bypass conduit along the Ala Wai Promenade, a 45' high 4,000 cfs pumping station and miter gate that spans across the Ala Wai Canal at the Manoa Stream Confluence, and walls and detention storage in the Ala Wai Park. High concrete walls remain around the bottom half of Ala Wai Canal.
- EDR impacts - Projected new walls are pictured in photo.
- Community Concerns - Waikiki remains dry, however Makiki, Ala Moana and Kakaako are not protected from flood. Makiki bypass conduit is too low for clearance, and concerns were raised with the Army Corps. Dave Watase encouraged board members and the community take an interest in the EDR plan and voice their opinions.
- Community Alternative - Put the floodgate by the Ala Moana Boulevard Bridge instead of the Ala Wai golf course area and centralize pump stations on the golf course.
ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business before the Board, Chair Tam adjourned the meeting at 9:09 p.m.
Submitted by: Marcie Kamei, Public Relations Assistant
Reviewed by: Jackson Coley, Public Relations Assistant
Reviewed by: Ryan Tam, Chair
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