Kakaako - Honolulu, Hawaii
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Neighborhood Board #11 Ala Moana-Kakaako 2020 Minutes
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TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2020
CALL TO ORDER - Chair Ryan Tam called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Quorum was established with nine (9) members present. Note - This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action. Chair Tam welcomed attendees to the Tuesday, June 23, 2020 regular monthly meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 at the Mission Memorial Auditorium (MMA) at 550 S. King Street. Chair Tam acknowledged the help from Janelle Saole, Manager of the MMA, from the Mayor's Office of Culture and the Arts and noted that the purpose of the Neighborhood Board system was to ensure effective citizen participation in the governments' decision-making process.
Board Members Present - (In Person) - Chris Chung, Ron Komine (arrived at 6:50 p.m.), Lynn Mariano, Bryan Mick, Ryan Tam, and Michael Zehner.
(Video-Teleconference [Zoom]) - Rodney Chang, Robert Clayton, Jayne Cloutier, Braunsen Kalaikai, and Kathleen Lee.
Board Members Absent - None.
Guests - Cindy McMillan (Governor David Ige's Representative, Office of the Governor, Communications Director); Senator Sharon Moriwaki, House Speaker Emeritus Calvin Say, Representative Tom Brower, Deputy Director Ian Santee (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative, Honolulu Emergency Services Department); Councilmember Ann Kobayashi, Councilmember Tommy Waters, Lieutenant Brian Taniguchi (Honolulu Police Department, District 1), Sheldon Glassio (NAICBI), Keith Kurahashi and Isaiah Sato (R.M. Towill), Wayne Yoshioka (AECOM), Frank Kosich and Shawn Hamamoto (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation), Blair Suzuki and Kris Hui (Brookfield Properties), Justin Butfield (Nan, Inc.), Dave Watase, Christian O'Connor (EightZeroThree [803] Waimanu), Sharlene Chun-Lum (Save Ala Moana Beach Park Hui), Ronald Higa (Liliha/Pu unui/ lewa/Kamehameha Heights Neighborhood Board No. 14 resident), Mr. Toba, Venee Deleyforte, Fred Fong, Brad Frye, Todd, Connie Mitchell/Lina Ajesic, Colby Taketa, Kiersten Faulkner, Shar Lum, Janelle Saole (Mayor's Office of Culture and the Arts, Mission Memorial Auditorium Manager); one (1) videographer (dvdmodo.com), and K. Russell Ho (Neighborhood Commission Office).
MOMENT OF SILENCE - Chair Tam asked for a Moment of Silence for the 123,000 COVID-19 deaths in America and the 475,000 deaths world-wide.
Chair Tam "muted" everyone online, and will "unmute" them, when it is time for testimonies.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) P wa a Station - No representative was present and no report was available.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD), District 1, Third Watch - Lieutenant Brian Taniguchi reported the following:
• May 2020/April 2020 Statistics - There were 18/13 motor vehicle thefts, 18/14 burglaries, 70/63 thefts, 40/38 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV), 10/13 assaults, 2/0 sex assaults, 0/4 graffiti incidents, and 18/10 drug offenses.
• Safety Tips: When Going On Vacation -
o Check and repair locks on doors and windows before you leave.
o Have automatic timers on lights and a radio to make the home look occupied.
o If gone for an extended period of time, arrange for your lawn to be mowed.
o Have a neighbor park his car in the driveway and give a key to open and shut the blinds.
o Store lawn mowers, mopeds/bicycles, surfboards or any valuables out of sight.
o Notify your neighbors on all sides of travel plans.
o Cancel postal/newspaper deliveries or have neighbors pick-up and take them into the house.
o If there is an alarm system, turn it on or have a neighbor have access to it to turn it on or off.
Comments followed:
1. Enforcement of Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines - Mick noted that when the Emergency Orders first came out, HPD had a difficult time enforcing them. Then, the next week, HPD was not enforcing as much. Mick asked about the enforcement of CDC guidelines since the beginning. Lieutenant Taniguchi mentioned that the first weekend after the announcement, HPD had not planned out the enforcement well and many people were not following the guidelines. So, by the time Third Watch came on duty, the social distancing was difficult to enforce. Enforcing one (1) violation in one (1) area takes away from their other duties. In the following weeks, HPD had different strategies for enforcement. There were no comments from the "zoom" attendees.
2. Recruitment - Last time Mariano had asked about the shortage of officers and the recruiting of more officers. Lieutenant Taniguchi noted that many of officers in his recruit class have 25 to 30 years of service and he was approaching retirement. The "hiring pool" is not that great right now, but many people may have lost their jobs and may be looking for other employment. Human Resources (HR) would know more.
3. Enforcement For Tourists - Chung asked about enforcement of the 14-day quarantine requirement for tourists. Lieutenant Taniguchi responded that the State has the 14-day quarantine period and it is looking into pre-testing before coming in. Right now, HPD can call the State Sheriff's Office to see who is coming in, but it is difficult to find violators, unless a neighbor calls HPD.
Chair Tam reminded MMA attendees to keep the six (6) feet social distancing requirement, as the room was nearing capacity.
At 6:50 p.m. Komine arrived at the meeting and Chang's screen popped up again; 11 members present.
Ala Moana Plaza (AMP) - Interim Planned Development-Transit Project (IPD-T) Application for an Affordable and Market Residential Apartment Rental, and Commercial Development at 451 Piikoi Street (Tax Map Key: (1) 2-3-038: 003) - Keith Kurahashi, R.M. Towill, showed a PowerPoint presentation and represented Brookfield Properties, which wanted to build a 595-unit apartment rental tower with commercial usage at the corner of Pi ikoi and Kona Streets. The State estimated that 26,000 units are need for the years 2015 to 2025. The Ala Moana Plaza project would add 119 affordable housing rentals at 80% Area Median Income (AMI). It would be located near the Ala Moana Transit Station.
The Ala Moana Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan is set-up for a 30+-year framework with residences, entertainment, commercial stores, walking, and bicycling. The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) will be 7.0, not counting parking, which is included in the nine (9)-story parking garage at Ala Moana Center and the tower will have the 400-feet height limit at the corner of Kona and Pi ikoi Streets. Ala Moana Center (AMC) was developed in 1959, as a mix-use project and has grown to 3,000+ jobs, 350 shops, 150 local tenants, 900 events per year, two (2) office buildings, and two (2) residential developments, added in last six (6) years. The 52 million shopping visits are split about evenly between visitors and residents. The AMC has 11,000 parking stalls.
A slide showed that the Rail Transit Station is fronting the parking area on the east side, the location of the two (2) office buildings, and the location of the residential components. Due to the commercial units, traffic would increase more in the mornings than in the afternoons. The 20% Affordable rental units, with an 80% Area Median Income (AMI) will be mixed in with the market-priced units from the seventh (7th) through 28 floors. Market-priced units will be from Floors seven (7) through 40. Slides showed various views of project, with the rail line, the landscaping, the plants, the parking layout, and floor plans. Planned affordable rental prices may be - $1,390/per month for studios, $1,563 for one (1) bedroom, and $2,067 for two (2) bedrooms.
Comments followed:
1. Clarification - Komine was concerned about the infrastructure for the AMP. Kurahashi said the project would be built to the 400 ft. height limit and use the parking at the AMC to get the 7.0 FAR. He added that water and sewers were not a problem. Mick asked about the affordable housing holding period of 30 years, as he favors 60 to 90 years. Kurahashi said it was not government-funded, but privately-funded. Mick asked about Bill 2, which would require less number of parking stalls, Kurahashi noted that because of the rentals, parking would be "unbundled" and they hope to use Ala Moana Center. After the rail goes it, then there may be less use of the parking. The parking structure was built for the Christmas shopping traffic. Otherwise, it is unused.
2. Infrastructure - Mariano was concerned about the infrastructure and traffic. On Kona Street, Pi ikoi Street, Pensacola Street, and Kapi olani Boulevard, there was congestion. Also, there was more congestion with the contra-flow lanes. Mariano also had concerns about the afternoon traffic, exiting from Ala Moana Center. Also, Mariano had infrastructure concerns about the HFD/HPD. He also noted that affordable housing units were less numerous as the floors went higher and asked if proposed fee included the maintenance fees. Kurahashi mentioned the maintenance fees were included, but not the utilities, which will add costs. Concerning the traffic, Kurahashi sees that because of the commercial traffic, it would increase in the mornings, but decrease in the afternoons. Also, if they can attract AMC employees to buy units, there would be less traffic. Mariano requested another traffic study, as he does not think the data supports Kurahashi's view. Kurahashi added he can share the traffic study with the Board. Mick asked what the timeline was. Kurahashi said that the application may go in this summer and construction could start by the end of next year. Chair Tam and Mariano wanted to see the traffic study when the application goes in and public input is requested.
Chair Tam asked for comments from the Zoom attendees.
3. Sewers, Sidewalks, and Water - Clayton was concerned about sewers, increased usage of water, and wider sidewalks. Kurahashi added that they already have a sewer permit and in other projects, sewers, sidewalks and water were not seen to be problem areas. Concerning the width of sidewalks, Kurahashi said they will comply with "Complete Streets."
4. Stopping the Rail at Middle Street - Cloutier asked about stopping the Rail at Middle Street. Kurahashi thought that the City would not stop the Rail at Middle Street or the City will have to pay back the Federal government.
5. Recap - Lee asked about the project. Kurahashi said there will be 595 units with 225 parking stalls and a nine (9)-story parking garage next door at the AMC.
6. Bicycle Storage and Pet Friendly - Chang asked about amenities like bicycle storage and if the project was pet-friendly. Kurahashi noted that it would be pet-friendly and have bike storage for about 300 bikes (long-term and short-term).
7. More Clarification - Chung asked about the affordable units. Kurahashi said there will 20% affordable of 595 units or 119 units. Chung favored AMC employees to live nearby to lessen traffic. Komine was concerned that more buildings would be built and asked if the developers talked with the existing buildings' Association of Apartment Owners (AOAO) and various community group about their project. Kris Hui (who had present to the Board last November 2019) has met with other property owners and various condos. He hopes to submit the design/application in July 2020 and pass the City Council and public comment period to start construction in one and one-half (1 1/2) years.
8. Independent Traffic Study - Another online viewer, Brad Frye, asked about having an independent traffic study.
9. Density - Frank Fong asked why they asked for a 7.0 FAR and why not a 9.0 FAR. Kurahashi noted that the Ala Moana TOD has up to 10.0 Floor Area Ratio (FAR), but there are many different requirements and they were able to get the 7.0 FAR.
10. Flood Zone - Mick was concerned about 3.5 ft. to 6.0 ft. sea level rise. Kurahashi said the whole area was in Flood Zone X and nothing needs to be done. Hui is working with various City agencies and contractors to address Climate Change and mitigation.
6. Biki Bike Spaces - A community member, Todd, asked about Biki bike spaces. Kurahashi said they are not planning for them right now, but usually they plan for 10 to 20 spaces. If the Rail does not go to AMC, there will be other transportation models.
7. Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) - Harrison Rue of Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) said that the application has not been submitted yet and when it is submitted, DPP and Department of Transportation Services (DTS) staff will be reviewing the application and the traffic study will be put online. Sidewalks and sewers are part of the application permit process.
8. Final Comments - Chung favored that the Brookfield project go higher, as parking would be less of a concern, due to the AMC and the City's tremendous need for housing. Fong agreed and mentioned a Pearl City project in 2005 or 2006 that asked for a 700-feet height limit, but it was never built.
At 7:26 p.m. Chair Tam decided to move on.
Ala Moana Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan Update: Harrison Rue, City and County of Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting, presented a PowerPoint presentation and mentioned he went before Councilmember Tommy Waters' Zoning and Housing Committee last Thursday, June 18, 2020 and acceptance of the plan was deferred. Rue had met with Brookfield last summer 2019 and recommended amendments in November 2019 about infrastructure, view protection, and community benefits. (Note - The planning for the Ala Moana TOD Plan started in 2012, went through four (4) or five (5) community workshops in 2016, and the recommendations were also forwarded.) This development plan will affect Honolulu for the next 20 years. Slides showed the approved projects in the area. It also must take into consideration of any extension preservation of the Rail system to the University of Hawaii at M noa and/or to Waik k and the development of the area around the Hawai i Convention Center (HCC). Density is set at 10.0 FAR along Kapi olani Boulevard in exchange for community benefits, like a transit station. Rue also asked that the 50-acre AMC be included in the 400-ft. height limit.
Comments followed:
1. Background - Chair Tam disclosed that he worked for the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) and gave some history. In October 2019 the Board had passed a resolution asking about infrastructure and mauka/makai view planes. DPP came back in November 2019 and went back to investigate infrastructure and traffic.
2. Public Review - Mick had concerns about the makai view planes from Ala Moana Beach Park. He did not like the multi-million dollar condos over-looking the "People's Park." He felt that the public review process should start all over again. As there will be a new Mayor and City Council in a few months, this project could be put on hold. Mick did not like that Brookfield could negotiate for a better deal than other property owners. Chair Tam thanked the City Councilmembers Waters and Kobayashi for allowing the public to review these projects more. Komine agreed with Mick and was concerned about other Association of Apartment Owners (AOAO) view planes. Chung added that the City and County of Honolulu (C&C)'s $10 billion investment will benefit the AMC, as it is the Rail Terminus. This means that the terminus will become a community center and the tremendous wealth will affect the entire community. Mariano commented to look at more greenery, parks, and trees and that views will be taken away. Online Board members had no questions or comments. An online community member, Kiersten Faulkner, was concerned that historical/cultural sites were not mentioned to be preserved. Her group had suggested that the City update its inventory of historical properties, but it has not happened yet.
3. Councilmember Ann Kobayashi - Chair Tam thanked Councilmember Kobayashi for coming in. She welcomed the continued discussion about the Ala Moana TOD Plan. Originally, the rail plan was to go on Kapi olani Boulevard, but she was concerned that the area under the guideway would be dark. She hoped the final route and station location be decided soon. Councilmember Kobayashi acknowledged Dave Watase, Shar Lum, and Audrey Lee for their efforts to preserve the Ala Moana Beach Park (AMBP), which is an oasis for the condo-dwellers. She also thanked the Neighborhood Board and Chung for their efforts.
4. Councilmember Tommy Waters - Councilmember Waters will wait until his report.
5. Final Comments - Rue agreed with the City Council that the final decision be deferred. Rue agreed with Mick that the small landowners have been left out and they have been waiting since 2016. Rue added that the Ala Moana TOD has a 20,000 sq. ft. lot minimum and many small landowners do not have enough land to develop, nor the money to hire a development team and lawyers. It will take another year to do parcel by parcel re-zoning. The City and DPP could negotiate to get millions of dollars in community benefits, but does not want to force condemnations. Mick added to support small local businesses. Rue suggested to look at all of the development proposals that have been worked on for several years and submitted last November 2019. Another online community member, Connie Mitchell/Lina Ajesic, was a minority small business owner at Ala Moana Center and noticed that business was "slow." She suggested that an additional revenue stream (financial assistance) would be beneficial. As a member of the Institute for Human Services (IHS) Board, she was also concerned about the 6,000 shortage of housing inventory. Finally, another online community member, Colby Taketa, supported the various proposals offered tonight.
6. Next Steps - At 8:02 p.m. - 8:03 p.m. Chair Tam asked what the timeline was. Rue mentioned that the plans were submitted to the City Council and will go to Councilmember Ron Menor's Committee and recommendations went to Councilmember Waters and Councilmember Kobayashi.
Waimanu/Queen Streets Roundabout - Frank Kosich, Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation, introduced Wayne Yoshioka, a traffic engineer, and reported the following:
• Follow Up - After his last visit in early 2019, Kosich took back the Board's concerns and they were discussed with the stakeholders and third-parties. The Civic Center Utilities Relocation Project was the predecessor project to the 3 P (Public/Private Partnership) Contract, which should be awarded by fall 2020.
• Completion Schedule - Testing is ongoing for the opening of the interim service. The system from Kapolei to Aloha Stadium is to be finished by March 2021, the Airport Guideway System (to Middle Street) by 2023, and the City Center segment to Ala Moana Center by 2025 - 2026. A slide showed the three (3) rail stations in Kaka ako and the roundabout.
• Waimanu/Queen Streets Roundabout - There two (2) concerns: elimination of left turns and removal of the median. They are at the end of the utilities relocation and the design stage. Now, they can solicit bids and the contracts will be awarded by October 2020.
• Pros and Cons - Pros: Now, there will be adequate sight distance, the roundabout will allow all turn movements, traffic calming, and pedestrian/vehicle conflicts would be reduced. Cons: There will be travel restrictions that will add travel time in the afternoons. Bicycle lanes will be able to share the travel lane safely.
• Consultations - Kosich met with various City departments' planners, DPP and Department of Transportation Services (DTS), and they felt the roundabout will improve the situation in the mornings and in the afternoons and provide pedestrian safety, in accordance with the Complete Streets. There are still discussions with the utilities relocations and ongoing discussions with the condo associations.
Comments followed:
1. Communication - Komine asked again to communicate with the condo that has its driveway right at the roundabout. Kosich will follow up again. There was some "misinformation" that the roundabout was "taken off the table."
2. Traffic - Zehner was still concerned about congestion, speed, and slow down. Kosich noted during construction, there will be a slowdown. Zehner was not concerned about construction, but concerned that during rush hour, traffic would be worst. Kosich said that traffic would flow smoother in the mornings and in the afternoons, it would stay the same. Yoshioka added that there is no control over speed and pedestrian traffic is up. The roundabout will slow traffic down and increase pedestrian safety. Zehner noted that the roundabout would slow traffic down and increase the time for going from point A to point B. Mariano noted the time and suggested limiting the discussion to two (2) more comments. Cloutier added that the roundabout was going from two (2)-lanes to one (1) lane in both directions. In Switzerland, roundabouts had two (2) lanes in the cities. Kalaikai asked if the option in Pearl City of moving the column was considered. Kosich said that the suggestion was considered and dismissed, but cost may have been a factor. Kosich will take it back. Chang asked why a suggestion made at the last meeting about limiting the roundabout size was not brought up tonight. Todd asked about making a four (4)-leg roundabout. Yoshioka added that making a four-leg roundabout instead of only a three-leg roundabout would increase the size of the roundabout and noted in response to Cloutier's comments, that two (2) lanes can handle the traffic volume.
3. Project on Kawaihao - Christian O'Connor mentioned that his company will shut down half of Kawaihao Street on Saturday, July 18, 2020 and Sunday, July 19, 2020 to re-wire the electrical system. He has notified the surrounding property owners. He will return next month to report.
As Mariano suggested and there were no objections, Chair Tam skipped to Agenda item 5.
Governor David Ige's Representative - Cindy McMillan, Director of Communications mentioned that the COVID-19 pandemic has hit Hawai i and masks and social distancing have "flattened the curve." However, the pandemic has had massive impact on the people and economy of Hawai i with 200,000 unemployed and people are afraid of how to get food and provide for health care. Last week Governor Ige lifted the 14-day quarantine for neighbor islands travel, and wants to get more travelers from the South Pacific and to re-open the hotels, while keeping the community safe. The State is working closely with the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (Hawaii EMA)/ Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the State Department of Health (DOH), which is doing more testing and tracing. By the end of the month, there will be 400 people trained to do the contact tracing. Other agencies are tracking returning residents, who were the first cases of COVID-19. The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) and the Hawaii National Guard (HIARNG) are helping with temperature screening and following up on the contact tracing forms on the Neighbor Islands. The biggest concern is that Hawai i went from the lowest unemployment to the second highest unemployment in the nation. The State has issued more than $1.58 billion in unemployment benefits. There are many more effects, due to delayed payments.
Comments followed:
1. "Herd Immunity" - Zehner noted that quarantine does not work worldwide and asked when the "Herd immunity" will be followed. McMillan was not a healthcare professional, but mentioned that the State is looking at a pre-testing program before visitors arrive, to better manage the situation.
2. Fraud - Chang reported that there may be fraudulent Unemployment claims. McMillan stated that the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) had started investigations.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Ian Santee, Deputy Director, Honolulu Emergency Services Department noted that the concerns from the last meeting were deferred because of COVID-19. He is working with Governor Ige on COVID-19.
Comments followed:
1. Sidewalks - Mick thanked the City and the State for fixing the sidewalks in front of the Hawai i State Library and Iolani Palace. Mick had tripped and hurt his ankle nearby Chef Chai's at 1009 Kapi olani Boulevard and the City fixed it.
2. COVID-19 - Chung commented that the State had the lowest number of case deaths in the nation. He suggested that strong sunlight kills the virus, and asked what Mayor Caldwell is doing to move events outside to be safer. Deputy Director Santee will follow up and asked that everyone follow all of the updates.
Construction Noise - Chair Tam and Board member Lee received an e-mail about construction noise on Kona Street. Shawn Hamamoto also received the complaint about overnight work, which was halted. The contractor contacted the complainant and Hamamoto contacted the resident manager, who confirmed that there was only one (1) complaint. The contractor gave his personal cell phone number to the complainant and made some mitigation measures, like wrapping sound-proofing materials around the equipment.
Tropical Fire Ants - A resident had reported the fire ants at the Ala Moana Regional Park (AMRP). They were treated, but they came back.
Ala Wai Flood Mitigation Project (AWFMP) Update - Dave Watase mentioned that Oceanit made a presentation to the City Council and announced three (3) micro-tunneling projects to go straight to ocean. Hopefully, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) can work with Oceanit. USACE had mentioned that they will remove the six (6) detention basins and re-do their plans. Watase heard a rumor that the State still wants to get the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) passed, but it is based on the six (6) detention basins. Watase stands behind Komine's comments on view planes and Mick's view on Brookfield getting special attention from DPP. Watase thinks there is a lot of land to go lower to 200 feet and wider and not block the views.
Magic Island Parking Lot - Shar Lum had a question about the timeline to finish the Magic Island Parking Lot. Also, she asked when the City will start on the keyhole paving project. Chair Tam will forward these concerns.
As there were no objections, Chair Tam moved to the Agenda item 7.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Deputy Director Ian Santee, Honolulu Emergency Services Department (HESD) had already reported.
City Councilmember Carol Fukunaga - Councilmember Fukunaga was online, but may have departed. Her newsletter was available.
City Councilmember Ann Kobayashi - Councilmember Kobayashi had already reported and her newsletter was available.
City Councilmember Tommy Waters - Councilmember Waters distributed his newsletter and reported the following:
• Ala Wai Promenade - Chair Tam thanked Councilmember Waters and the other Councilmembers for supporting the Ala Wai Promenade project.
• Ala Moana Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan - Councilmember Waters did not understand why the plan was not passed previously as it was introduced in 2016 and went through four (4) workshops for public input. Councilmember Waters was sworn-in in May 2019 and in June 2019 he met with DPP. Now, he will get the Ala Moana TOD Plan out after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted for proper public vetting. He questioned if DPP talked with the hotel industry about building hotels outside of Waik k . They are hurting and need to make their money back. He is part-Hawaiian and his parents died on the mainland and his five (5) siblings moved to the mainland, because it is too expensive here. He fears that his children will have to move out, too. Councilmember Waters was concerned about local input into the TOD and that Hawai i went from the lowest unemployment to the second highest unemployment in the nation. Councilmember Waters is the Chair of the newly-created Office of Economic Revitalization with Councilmember Kobayashi as Vice Chair to help the City Administration spend several million dollars. He questioned the cost about tunneling at the Ala Wai Flood Mitigation Project (AWFMP). His support for the Ala Wai Promenade was really the Board's idea. He is available to hear concerns.
Comments followed:
1. Ala Moana TOD - Mick supported Councilmember Waters questioning the Ala Moana TOD and to have more public input. One suggestion is to refit the hotels into long-term rentals. At the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9, some people wanted all of Waik k to be re-zoned to resort. With 25,000 voters in Waik k , this proposal will not pass. Komine felt the Councilmember Waters' "heart."
2. Economic Revitalization - Chung asked about Economic Revitalization. Councilmember Waters said there were three (3) meetings with various business and restaurant people and retail merchants. The City started with $50 million, but only a small amount of people applied, due to the small amount of money given. The businesses must first pay their bills, then get reimbursed. However, they cannot pay their bills. Another program called Rent Release will give $1,000 a month and $500 for child care. Only 1,400 applied and 800 people qualified. Councilmember Waters wondered why the money is not spent. When the Unemployment runs out, then things will get worst. There is $387 million to be spent by December of this year. The Legislature is talking about another $600+ million to be spent by the end of this year. Now, he will focus on spending the money and solutions. Chung will continue the discussion outside.
State House Speaker Scott Saiki - State House Speaker Saiki's representative James Stone was not present and no report was available.
State Representative Tom Brower - Representative Brower was no longer present and no report was available.
State Senator Sharon Moriwaki - Senator Moriwaki distributed her newsletter and reported the following:
• COVID-19 - Senator Moriwaki sits on the Senate COVID-19 Committee. Her newsletter has a lot of information on relief programs. To answer Chung's comments about the low number of cases, the State Senate had been urging Governor Ige to have the 14-day quarantine to keep visitors out. Violators were caught on social media postings.
• Legislation - The Senate has two (2) proposals to close the loopholes in short-term rentals by shutting down illegal short-term rentals, by having registrations posted on the windows.
• Other Programs - There are other programs to spend the money, which rental assistance. The DLIR reported that they have reduced 250,000 unemployment claims to 17,000.
Comments followed: Shortfall - Kalaikai asked about the budget shortfall. Senator Moriwaki mentioned that the Council of Revenues predicted a $2.5 billion shortfall next year. So, money has to be spent now to stabilize the economy. Looking at Alaska, the Senate is urging Governor Ige to look into pre-testing of visitors or have testing at the airports. Everyone realized that Hawai i was dependent on tourism and that we must diversify. The Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (DBEDT) must do more on diversification of energy, technology, and training the workforce.
Mariano moved and Zehner seconded that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 table the rest of the agenda. Chair Tam noted that AGENCY REPORTS from the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) and the Board of Water Supply (BWS) can be forwarded.
As there were no objections, the motion was ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 11-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Chung, Clayton, Cloutier, Kalaikai, Komine, Lee, Mariano, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Development proposals that require Neighborhood Board input are being posted at: http://www.honoluludpp.org/ApplicationsForms/ZoningandLandUsePermits/NeighborhoodBoardMaterials.aspx.
• Mother Waldron Park (525 Cooke Street) - Mondays, 5:15 p.m.;
• Sheridan Park (833 Pi ikoi Street) - Monday/Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m.;
• Keola La i Condominium (600 Queen Street) Tuesdays, 5:15 p.m.;
• Kolowalu Park (1177 Queen Street) - 1st and 2nd Thursdays, 6:00 p.m.
• Kalakaua Homes (1545 Kalakaua Avenue) - Fridays, 5:00 p.m.
• Atkinson Towers (419A Atkinson Drive) - Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m.
• Waik k Mayoral Candidate Forum - June 24, 2020 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. via zoom. Register at https://www.waikikiimprovement.com/.
• Next Meeting - The next regular meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 will be held on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at a location to be announced.
• lelo Broadcasts - Broadcasts of the Ala Moana-Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 meetings are on lelo 49 on the first and third Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m., and every second Sunday at 6:00 p.m. The full schedule is at https://olelo.org/tv-schedule/) or full archive at https://www.honolulu.gov/cms-nco-menu/site-nco-sitearticles/1657-board-meeting-video-archive.html
• No Loitering - Please exit the meeting venue promptly after adjournment. Mahalo.
ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business before the Board, Chair Tam adjourned the meeting at 9:18 p.m.
Submitted by: K. Russell Ho, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Chris Naylon, Community Relations Specialist
Reviewed by: Kathleen Lee, Secretary
Reviewed by: Ryan Tam, Chair
February 2020 Minutes
CALL TO ORDER - Chair Ryan Tam called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Quorum was established with nine (9) members present. Note - This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action. Chair Tam welcomed attendees to the February 2020 regular monthly meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11.
Roll Call of Board Members Present - Braunsen Kalaikai, Bryan Mick (arrived at 6:37 p.m.), Rodney Chang, Lynn Mariano (departed at 7:05 p.m.), Michael Zehner, Ryan Tam, Kathleen Lee, Jayne Cloutier, Robert Clayton, and Chris Chung.
Board Members Absent - Ron Komine.
Guests - Cindy McMillan (Governor David Ige's Representative, Office of the Governor, Communications Director); Senator Sharon Moriwaki and Kaley Vatalaro (Senator Sharon Moriwaki's Office); James Stone (House Speaker Scott Saiki's Office); Deputy Director Ian Santee (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative, Honolulu Emergency Services Department); Councilmember Carol Fukunaga; Matthew Weyer (Councilmember Tommy Waters' Office), Captain Randall Gibo (Honolulu Fire Department), Lieutenant Pamela Liu (Honolulu Police Department, District 1), Francine Murray (Hawaii Community Development Authority), Pat Lee (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation, Dave Watase, Ronald Higa (Liliha/Pu unui/ lewa/Kamehameha Heights Neighborhood Board No. 14 resident), Chris Aguinaldo (SALT at our Kaka ako/ 6 Pillars Marketing), Audrey and Gene Lee (M lama Moana), Mr. Toba, Franklin Chung (Libertarian Party of Hawai i), M. Tait (Hawai i Convention Center), Nicole Velasco, Daniel Simonich, Cheryl Guzikaust (The Car Parlor), Robert Kurisu (AIO Foundation), Kim Coco Iwamoto (Aikea Movement), one (1) videographer (dvdmodo.com), and K. Russell Ho (Neighborhood Commission Office).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) P wa a Station - Captain Randall Gibo reported the following:
• February 2020 Statistics - There were 3 structure, 9 nuisance, and 1 cooking fires, 11 activated alarms (no fires); 232 medical emergencies, 5 motor vehicle crash/collisions, 1 ocean rescue, and 1 hazardous materials incidents.
• Fire Safety Tips - Candle Safety: Candles may be pretty to look at, but they are a cause of home fires and home fire deaths. Remember, a candle is an open flame, which means that it can easily ignite anything that can burn.
o Extinguish all candles before leaving the room or going to bed.
o Avoid using candles in the bedroom and other areas where people fall asleep.
o Keep candles at least 12 inches away from anything that can burn.
o Use candle holders that are sturdy and would not tip over easily.
o Do not burn a candle all the way down; extinguish the flame before it gets too close to the holder or container.
o Never use a candle if oxygen is used in the home.
o Do not use candles during a power outage. Use flashlights or battery-powered lanterns for lighting.
o Think about using flameless candles in your home. They look and smell like real candles.
o Never leave a child alone in a room with a burning candle. Keep matches and lighters up high and out of children's reach.
At 6:37 p.m. Mick arrived at the meeting; 10 members present.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD), District 1 - Lieutenant Pamela Liu reported the following:
• January 2020/December 2019 Statistics - There were 30/20 motor vehicle thefts, 11/12 burglaries, 189/171 thefts, 38/77 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV), 27/31 assaults, 1/0 sex assaults, 5/2 graffiti incidents, and 26/9 drug offenses. Total calls for service were 6,324/8,133. The reason why the increase in the number of drug-related cases is due to sending the new officers on foot patrol, so they catch more drug cases.
• Meet the Major Event - Everyone is invited to meet the top HPD District officers, Major R. Nishibun and Captain G. Hayashi, this quarter at the Ko olani Condominium at 1177 Queen Street from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
• Two (2) Informational Websites
o www.honolulupd.org - There is information about non-emergency online reporting, Na Maka - To help identify suspects, video clips, job opportunities, photos, and Citizens Police Academy.
o crimemapping.com - When you type in an address in the United States, the computer can find types of crimes in the area if the local police submits the data.
Comments followed:
1. Police on Bikes - Cloutier liked that the police was patrolling on bikes. Lieutenant Liu noted that "on foot" could mean on bikes or on Segways and that new recruits can also drive in a "blue and white" car.
2. Correlation Between the Homeless and Crime - Chung was concerned about any increase in the amount of crimes due to the homeless. Lieutenant Liu did not see any increase.
3. Meet the Major - Chair Tam asked about the event. Lieutenant Liu noted that it will be on Friday, March 13, 2020 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
4. Graffiti - Mariano asked if the graffiti were "gang tags." Lieutenant Liu noted that the crime statistic are reported cases on crimemapping.com. If the gang tag is on private property, the complainant should take care of it, but sometimes the complainant does not have the money or personnel to cover the graffiti. If it is on public property, then call 911 to report a non-emergency call.
Purpose of the Neighborhood Board System - Chair Tam forgot to mention that the purpose of the Neighborhood Board system was to ensure effective citizen participation in the governments' decision-making process. He welcomed everyone's participation.
Noodle Fest 2020 - No representative was present and Chair Tam reported that the organizers planned the event at Victoria Ward Park on Saturday, March 28, 2020 from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., requiring street closure of Auahi Street (roughly between Ward Avenue and Kamakee Street), but now, they may not have street closures.
Affordable Housing in Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Areas - Kim Coco Iwamoto, a resident on Birch Street and a member of the Aikea Movement, testified in support of more affordable housing in the Ala Moana/Kaka ako area. She preferred more apartments instead of hotel space. She added that Waik k used to have apartments for workers, who worked in Waik k . Now, the move is to the Ala Moana/Kaka ako area, which she calls this "Waik k -sprawl." Iwamoto added that most people do not own cars and live on the bus line to Waik k . She urged resident to scrutinize development plans and ask exactly how many affordable units will be built and she proposed a moratorium on luxury condos until the affordable housing inventory is satisfactory. She noted that developers of affordable housing must compete with luxury condos for land, labor, and materials.
Comments followed:
1. 30-year Lease - Mariano mentioned that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 passed a resolution in support of a longer term than 20 years, so that young families can get started. Iwamoto agreed that a 30-year lease and some rent control would allow a young family to accumulate wealth to invest.
2. No Cars - Chung asked how residents lived without a car. Iwamoto explained that neighbors lived near Sam's Club/Walmart on the bus lines to Waik k , or worked at the Ala Moana Center, where most bus routes pass.
3. Aikea Movement - Chair Tam noted several supporters in the audience and asked about Aikea. Iwamoto mentioned it was a gathering of working people, empowered to make their collected voice to be heard and to make decision-makers accountable to working people. Iwamoto added that affordable housing is a big issue, as working people may be working from paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford the luxury condos.
4. Why In The Ala Moana/Kaka ako District - Zehner asked why put affordable housing units here, instead of in Kalihi, where there is cheaper land and older buildings. Iwamoto noted that many residents, including her, grew up in the area with their families, had deep family roots in Kaka ako, and want to remain close by. She bought her place from a local family.
5. Other Concerns - Chung asked what the response was to people, who do not want developers to "build up" and block their view plane. Iwamoto also enjoyed the natural breezes and believed that through City planning and design, it was possible to solve the conflicts.
6. 50,000-units Short Fall - Chung added that there was a need for 50,000 units. Iwamoto noted that open spaces could be planned for in the architecture and structural design.
7. Moving On - Mariano mentioned that in the interest of time, the Board could table the discussion and move on, as affordable housing is on the agenda.
SALT Art on the Block - Chris Aguinaldo from SALT at Our Kaka ako/ 6 Pillars Marketing, announced the Art on the Block Arts Festival on Saturday, April 18, 2020 from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and that it will require street closures of Keawe Street (Auahi Street to Pohukaina) and Ahui Street (Keawe to Coral). SALT is the area where the Highway Inn is located at 680 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 105, and the surrounding art places and food establishments. This free event will feature local artists and food trucks. Everyone is invited.
Update on OÔahu Resilience Strategy - Josh Stanbro, Chief Resilience Officer, City and County of Honolulu Office of Climate Change, Sustainability and Resiliency mentioned that exactly two (2) years ago, he came to the Board and did a survey. Tonight, he presented Ola - OÔahu Resilience Strategy Executive Summary, which is at - https://www.resilientoahu.org/resilience-strategy, the result of numerous community meetings, with public input. A previous speaker had mentioned that she enjoyed the tradewinds, but the number of days has dropped from 270 days per year to 215 days per year. Stanbro noted about sea level rise, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) had said that 2019 was the hottest year in Honolulu, which could cause more flooding. Stanbro hopes to change policy and actions to combat climate change. To lower the cost of living, the removal of a parking spaces in development projects would lower the cost by $25,000 per unit. By changing the building codes, Bills in the City Council would cut energy use in the homes by 60%, and help families prepare for natural disasters. They found that social cohesion was a key factor in communities bouncing back. The Open House in the Ala Moana/Kaka ako area will be on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. There will be stations and people may visit the stations that interest them. Location - to be announced.
Comments followed:
1. How Does Hawai i Compare To The Rest Of The World on Carbon Emissions - Zehner asked and Stanbro responded that globally, Hawai i has little or no effect. But per capita, Hawai i is higher than India, but lower that in the U.S. mainland, as we do not burn oil for heating. However, as more homes are being air-conditioned, due the rising heat, our energy-use is growing. Zehner asked about Senate Bill (SB) 3150, which would increase the tax on fossil fuels. Stanbro was not aware of it.
At 7:05 p.m. Mariano departed the meeting; Nine (9) members present.
2. Ala Wai Flood Mitigation Project (AWFMP) - Chung noted the proposal had many features that the community had spoken out against and asked about the use of pumps. Stanbro responded that his office did not agree with the original proposal's specific details, but this is a major project that his office must address for the protection of Waik k , the flood zones, and the upper stream areas. Change is hard, but Climate Change is harder.
3. Location Of The Open House - Chair Tam asked for the location of the Open House. Stanbro said it was not decided yet, but will be announced.
4. Sea Level Rise - Mick remembered that during the Ala Moana Beach Park improvements controversy, the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) did not address the issue and other departments do not take sea-level rise into consideration when building near the shoreline. Stanbro explained the Mayor Caldwell issued a directive for all City departments to consider a 3.2 feet sea level rise until 2100. The Rail is planning for six (6) feet. Plans may include elevating the structure. Had the playground equipment been approved at Ala Moana Beach Park, it would have had to be built with a 3.2 feet sea level rise in mind.
Pet Microchip Registration - Chair Tam announced that Poi Dogs, Popoki, and KAT Charities will be registering pets on Sunday, March 15, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at PetSmart Honolulu (500 N. Nimitz Highway). For more information, visit - www.foundanimals.org.
Homeless Encampments in Ala Moana Regional Park - Chair Tam had received a few e-mails about homeless camps across the condos and a few of them were taken care of.
Kamakee Street Crosswalk Safety (At Halekauwila Street Extension) - Chair Tam also received an e-mail concerning the crosswalk at Kamakee Street, near Whole Foods. Apparently, Department of Transportation Services (DTS) may remove one (1) of the crosswalks and put in flashing lights. Chair Tam noted that this may be one (1) of the issues to watch and to be discussed at the Community Action Committee (CAC).
Like A Girl Street Festival - Chair Tam announced the Like A Girl Street Festival on Saturday, March 7, 2020 from 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. near the Honolulu Beerworks. They will have road closures on Cooke Street between Auahi Street and Ala Moana Boulevard. It is a fundraiser to support Women's Fund Hawai i and to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave women the right to vote.
Ala Moana Beach Park Master Plan - Audrey Lee, M lama Moana, thanked the Board for writing the resolution to the City Council to take out the Dog Park, perpendicular parking, and the playground from the Special Management Area (SMA). To celebrate after five (5) years, they are holding a "Mahalo" rally on Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Park at the keyhole and get a free sign to thank the Board, the City Council, and other community groups for their help. Chair Tam said he received a letter of support from the Kailua Neighborhood Board No. 31. He also wanted to acknowledge Councilmember Tommy Waters, Councilmember Ann Kobayashi, Councilmember Carol Fukunaga, and the other members of the City Council.
Ala Wai Flood Mitigation Project (AWFMP) Update - Dave Watase thanked the M lama Moana and the Save Ala Moana Beach Park Hui (SAMBPH) for bringing many community groups together. Watase summarized the following events: On Thursday, January 23, 2020, he, stakeholders, and all of the affected Neighborhood Board Chairs met with Oceanit, the consultant for the City Council Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) to evaluate Step 2, the alternatives to the USACE proposals. Oceanit felt that the USACE was still trying to get the Environmental Assessment (EA) passed and the Partnership Agreement signed by Sunday, March 15, 2020.
On Tuesday, January 28, 2020, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) met with M noa businesses and the University of Hawaii at the M noa Innovation Center. At this meeting they announced the removable of the two (2) detention basins in M noa (near Paradise Park and the Chinese Cemetery), added to the removal of the detention basins in Makiki and P lolo. USACE admitted that their updated modelling showed that the detention basins did not work. M noa, the University of Hawaii (UH), and Makiki would still flood. So, instead of detention, Oceanit is looking at alternate plans, including flood gates, flood pumps, and micro-tunneling to push the flood waters further out to sea. Two (2) weeks ago, the Protect Our Ala Wai Watersheds (POAWW) held an Aloha the Ala Wai event. It was a trash clean up event to involve the 16 canoe clubs. On Friday, February 28, 2020, the USACE will meet with the farmers. On Tuesday, March 3, 2020, USACE will meet with the schools. On Wednesday, March 11, 2020, USACE will meet with the canoe clubs. In summary, Watase thought that the City Council meeting to form a PIG was a good thing.
Ala Wai Golf Course Update - Franklin Chung reported that Top Golf made a presentation at the Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board No. 5. F. Chung noted that as money made at the Ala Wai Golf Course subsidizes low income courses in flood zones on the West side, there is no money left-over for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) at Ala Wai. F. Chung added that the City proposed to build a Top Golf Entertainment complex. There is still room for discussion about the improvements for the Ala Wai Golf Course and the Ala Wai Flood Mitigation Project (AWFMP) about the "back nine (9) holes."
Voter Registration Event - Robert Kurisu from the AIO Foundation reported that they wanted to hold a voter registration event in the area. Chair Tam will bring it up to the Community Action Committee (CAC) at the next meeting.
Ala Moana Beach Park Master Plan - Chair Tam congratulated everyone who participated in the Ala Moana Regional Park (AMRP) plans and invited Board members to celebrate on Saturday, February 29, 2020.
Discuss and Consider Resolution Regarding Affordable Housing in the Ala Moana and KakaÔako Transit-Oriented Development Areas - Mick presented a resolution. He asserted that for the last 20 years, the City has pursued an affordable housing strategy that uses tools such as "inclusionary zoning," which means that a development project must offer a minimum percentage of its rental or for sale units for as affordable, which is determined by limiting the buyers or renter's income based on U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Area Median Income (AMI) limits, and requiring these restrictions stay in place for a designated time period. "Step-down" refers to process where if an affordable unit has not been sold or rented within a specified time period, the AMI limit for prospective buyers or renters is raised and can be repeated if the unit still does not sell or rent. Mick added that the Ala Moana-Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 finds that there is a critical need for affordable housing units for sale or rent within the community; and that the Board believes that the City needs to prioritize the production of affordable housing rather than luxury housing; and that the Board also finds that the relatively short duration of affordable housing restrictions of five (5) to 30-years allows them to be resold or rented at market rate, further contributing to our shortage of affordable housing and displaces renters out-of-reach for future affordable housing.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ala Moana-Kaka'ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 urges the City and State to adopt stronger policies that encourage the construction of affordable housing in the Ala Moana and Kaka ako Transit Oriented Development (TOD) areas; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board requests that the City and State consider requiring that affordable rentals and for-sale units in the Ala Moana and Kaka'ako TOD areas:
• use a HUD AMI minimum limit of 80 percent;
• designate a larger percentage of units as affordable than current requirements;
• extend the affordable time periods and increase occupancy a minimum of 30-years and no longer than 99-years; and
• create units that are affordable in perpetuity;
Comments followed:
1. Other TOD Areas - Chang agree with Zehner that other TOD areas, along the Rail line, should be included, too.
2. Short Number of Years - Chung preferred the holding of the affordable housing for a short-number of years, so families could turnaround and sell at market price.
Chang moved and Zehner seconded to table the resolution. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 tabled the resolution to the next March 2020 meeting, 9-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Chung, Clayton, Cloutier, Kalaikai, Lee, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Discuss Building Height Limits in Ala Moana and KakaÔako Areas - As Second (2nd) Vice Chair Mariano was not present, Chair Tam deferred this item to the next meeting.
Discuss Early Morning Trash Collection Noise Issues - Chair Tam will wait for Senator Sharon Moriwaki's report.
Consider Resolution Requesting Additional Funding For The Neighborhood Commission Office To Allow For Community Action Committee Agendas To Be Mailed Separately - Chair Tam explained that currently, the Community Action Committee (CAC) agenda is sent out at the same time as the regular monthly meeting agenda to save on postage costs. Issues discussed at the regular monthly meeting should be placed on the CAC agenda. So, Chair Tam is asking for funds for a second mailout.
Comments followed: Second Mailout - Board members questioned the need for a second mailout. Chair Tam mentioned that issues discussed at the regular monthly meeting could be placed on the Community Action Committee (CAC) agenda, per the "Sunshine Law" of six (6)-days public notice. Treasurer Mick noted that when he was working in the NCO, they used to purge the mailing list and encourage the e-mailing of agendas and minutes and since the Board gets the room rental fee for free, there is more than enough funds (about $40 per month) to cover a second mailout. Chair Tam will ask the NCO about the electronic e-mails, which will help with sustainability and resilience and start doing a second mailout. Chang urged Board members to sign up for e-mail only. As Chair Tam preferred the paper copies, he left the decision up to the Board members.
Discuss and Consider Resolution Providing Comments To The Rate Commission On The Proposed Transit Fare Structure - Mick reported the following:
The Rate Commission had met in open session for many months and adopted three goals: (1) Grow ridership on transit; (2) get people out of automobiles; (3) maximize the investments made in transit by the City. The City Council has also established a farebox recovery policy so that at least 25-30 percent of the operating costs, like fuel costs and wages, of the Bus are to be generated by fare revenue. So, the Rate Commission has proposed fare adjustments to simplify the fare structure, improve the ratio between categories; and remove financial disincentives for people who do not live along major corridors or who do not have job or health security. The Rate Commission wanted to create a low-income category. Chair Tam proposed to remove the word "recovery" from paragraph five (5). Mick proposed that the Ala Moana-Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 supports the Rate Commission recommendations. The HOLO card will bring back transfers.
Comments followed:
1. HOLO Card - Chang saw the benefits of the HOLO Card.
2. Hard Choices - When Kalaikai served on the Waipahu Neighborhood Board No. 22, he focused on Transportation and the re-instating of Bus Route E and he supports the proposal to increase rates.
Mick moved and Chang seconded that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 adopt the resolution in support of the Rate Commission proposals, as amended.
Discussion followed: Visitors Pay More and Discount For Residents - Resident Cheryl Guzikaust works with the homeless and asked for help with their needs. Chung agreed that visitors should pay more. Mick mentioned that the Rate Commission worked on this issue of a low-income category, but can revisit it again. There was discussion that the "annual/monthly passes" would favor residents more, but it was an elimination of the annual pass and a cap on the daily/monthly cost. If the low income pass was too low, then the seniors would over-whelm the pilot project's 2,000 registration limit. Mick added that the Rate Commission can still make proposals for the homeless, but it does not have to be set forth in the rate proposals. They could increase the adult fares or change the farebox recovery policy. Lee still felt uneasy on how to measure success and will abstain. Chair Tam disclosed that he worked Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) for the City, but will vote on this matter.
The Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED the resolution in support of the Rate Commission proposals, as amended, 6-0-3. The amendment was to remove the word "recovery."
Chair Tam noted that the amended resolution will be forwarded to the Rate Commission. After the public hearings, the Rate Commission proposals will go to the City Council to make the final proposals.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Deputy Director Ian Santee, Honolulu Emergency Services Department (HESD) reported the following:
• Urban Mobility Working Group - Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is working with Urban Mobility Working Group members on scheduling the next meeting.
• Uneven Sidewalks - Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) staff followed up with Hawaii State Library on the sidewalk repairs and per Jennifer at the Hawaii State Library, the State Library is working with their maintenance section on the sidewalk repair. No timeframe on when the repairs will occur was provided by the State.
• Old Concern - Bus Stop No. 429, Near Park Lane - DTS has no update at this time.
• Ala Wai Canal Flood Mitigation Project - Department of Design and Construction (DDC): The Draft Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) is currently under review.
• Off-leash Dog Park in Kaka ako - Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR): The construction of the Mother Waldron Dog Park was completed and opened to the public on Friday, January 31, 2020. A "formal" opening of the dog park took place last Friday, February 21, 2020. The future plans of Mother Waldron Neighborhood Park will be determined by the Department of Education (DOE), as they will be developing the area as part of their 21st Century Vertical School project.
• Ala Wai Promenade - DPR: There is no update on WESTPAC and the appropriation of $100,000 dollars for the Ala Wai Promenade, as it has not been confirmed. The request for more divided benches will be considered, if funding becomes available.
• Ala Moana Beach Park Master Plan - DDC: No change in the Master Plan. DPP is processing the Special Management Area (SMA) Application for the Master Plan improvements. The public hearing was held on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 at McCoy Pavilion. The Zoning Committee hearing on the SMA Application was held on Thursday, February 6, 2020.
• Bike Lane on Pensacola Street - DTS has reconsidered the location of the bike lane and still believes that the Diamond Head-side of Pensacola Street is preferable (all things considered) to the Ewa-side. In addition, DTS has been meeting with Councilmembers Fukunaga and Kobayashi regularly to discuss the status and timeline of the bicycle project. A Notice to Proceed letter was issued to the contractor to start construction on Monday, January 6, 2020. The contractor's schedule calls for on-street work to begin in late March 2020, at which time they will provide construction notices to residents and businesses.
• Final City Center Segment - Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART)'s goal is to have the guideway and stations between East Kapolei and the Aloha Stadium completed and ready to ride by October 2020 for turnover to the City's DTS. It will be the responsibility of DTS to then, get the system up and running. It is still HART's goal to have the airport segment to Middle Street by 2023 and the final segment to Ala Moana Shopping Center ready by 2025.
• Medical Examiner Dr. Chris Happy's Retirement - This is a personnel matter and the Administration is unable to comment.
• Revised Neighborhood Plan (NP) - Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO): The final public hearing in relation to the Aliamanu/Salt Lake/Foster Village Neighborhood Board No. 18 expansion was held on Wednesday, February 5, 2020. Following the hearing, NCO will continue to collect testimony for ten (10) additional days. Following the collection of testimony, the Neighborhood Commission will then review the submitted testimony and possibly make an adjudication at their February 2020 regular meeting.
• Rate Commission - DTS: The Rate Commission is accepting input on its current policy and fare proposal (handout available). The commission will be holding three (3) evening meetings to afford the public opportunities to share their thoughts and provide testimony that will help shape the commission's proposal. The meetings will be held on: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Kapolei Hale, Thursday, March 5, 2020 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Kailua District Park community room, and Tuesday, March 10 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Mission Memorial Building meeting room. Written testimony may be submitted to Howard "Puni" Chee at hchee@honolulu.gov. Written testimony can also be mailed to Howard "Puni" Chee at the following address:
Rate Commission, c/o Howard "Puni" Chee
Department of Transportation Services (C&C Honolulu)
650 South King Street, Second Floor, Honolulu, HI 96813
• Removal of Parking Space on Ke eaumoku Street - DTS requests more clarification of the location of the metered parking stall by providing an address or landmark. DTS is unable to conduct investigations based on generalized locations.
• Monster Homes Getting Permits Faster - DPP: There is no difference on reviews for a large, detached dwelling and a standard single-family dwelling. What affects review times are: quality and accuracy of plans submitted to DPP; the current workload of the plans examiner; the resubmittal time of the design professionals to address review comments; to include review time of other City and State agencies; or issues with the property that need to be addressed before a permit can be issued. The greatest influence on the permit processing time is the adequacy and accuracy of the submitted plans and applications.
• Release The Funds To Plant Trees - Mayor Kirk Caldwell is committed to 35% by 2035. If there are areas you would like to see trees planted, please let your Mayor's Representative know, and we will follow up with our Division of Urban Forestry (DUF).
• Affordable Housing - The Area Median Income (AMI) in Hawaii is so high that it may be time to consider lowering the threshold of what we consider "affordable" in Hawaii. Mayor Caldwell is committed to providing truly affordable housing for O'ahu's working families, and recently opened a 30-unit affordable rental project in McCully at 1936 Citron Street. The units are targeted for single parents with young children at 50% of median income or less and who are either homeless or are at risk of homelessness. Units are expected to run $700-$750 a month.
• Tropical Ant Bites and Thorny Plants - A resident sent an e-mail complaining about ant bites and prickly plants that need to be removed. DPR: Please be more specific, what plants are they talking about?
• Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) Newsletter - It is available online.
• May Day - The poster contest is under way.
• 2019 Novel Coronavirus - Governor David Ige's Representative Cindy McMillan will report on that.
Comments followed:
1. One Missing Parking Meter - Chang noted it was at 920 Kaheka Street.
2. Remove One (1) Parking Space - Cloutier again mentioned the one (1) parking space on Ke eaumoku Street in front of Like Like Drive Inn.
3. Storm Water Run-off Advisory Group - Mick saw an article in the news that this Storm Water Run-off Advisory Group wanted an additional property tax for the run-off and was concerned about this advisory group, as he never heard about them before. Mick asked the Office of Information Practices (OIP) if they fell under the "Sunshine Law." OIP said, "Yes." However, Mick asserted that from the beginning, they did not follow the public notice guidelines and it would make their suggestions to the City Council suspect. Mick suggested that the City Administration and City Council adhere to the "Sunshine Law." Deputy Director Santee will follow up.
City Councilmember Carol Fukunaga - Councilmember Fukunaga was no longer present. However, her newsletter was available.
City Councilmember Ann Kobayashi - Councilmember Kobayashi's newsletter was available.
City Councilmember Tommy Waters - Matthew Weyer distributed the newsletter and reported the following:
• Town Hall - Councilmember Waters will co-host a Town Hall meeting on Crime and Safety, with Senator Sharon Moriwaki, tomorrow, Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at the Jefferson School from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
• Charter Amendment on Creating a Youth Commission - Councilmember Waters sees the value of involving youth in government.
• Gaps in Affordable Housing and Mental Health - Weyer noted that Board member Mick had worked on affordable housing and that Chung was concerned about mental health. So, Councilmember Waters is working with service providers on homeless and mental health issues. Also, a partnership between the City and the State Department of Health (DOH) could be the use of housing funds for the homeless.
Comments followed: Bill 2 on Parking - Mick was concerned about Bill 2, where the developers may reduce the required minimum amount of parking spaces and that parking stalls fall under the home owners' association (HOA). Councilmember Waters was interested in the ongoing discussions.
State Representative Tom Brower - Representative Brower's report was available.
State House Speaker Scott Saiki - James Stone distributed a report, which had information on 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the 2020 Census Update. Chair Tam asked if there was any legislation about the private ownership of parking in Kaka ako. Stone did not know of any legislation on the private parking. He reported that the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) appointed a Hearings Officer, but has not set Hearing date. He deferred any questions to the HCDA and will follow up on any legislation.
State Senator Sharon Moriwaki - Kaley Vatalaro distributed Senator Moriwaki's newsletter and Senator Moriwaki reported the following:
• Bills - As far as legislation on the private streets in Kaka ako, there is no legislation. The HCDA has appointed a Hearings Office for the Contested Case Hearing. Her newsletter lists the affordable housing and minimum wage bills before the Senate before Crossover next week.
• Noisy Trash Companies in Waikiki - The newsletter showed color pictures of the three (3) companies - Aloha Waste (red), Honolulu Disposal (green), and West OÔahu Aggregate (yellow). Phone numbers are listed. She is working with the companies and other hotel/apartment properties on minimizing the noise in the early morning hours and routing schedules. Senator Moriwaki will be introducing a resolution later and the City formed a Task Force with the State Department of Health (DOH) about this issue.
• Chat with Senator Moriwaki - The next discussion on homelessness will be on Saturday, February 29, 2020 at Margaritas Restaurant, 808 Sheridan Street, #111 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. HPD will highlight their HONU Project at the Old Stadium Park, formerly in Waipahu, which created an uproar among the neighbors. Other speakers will be from Partners in Care and the Waik k Health Center's Keauhou Shelter near Long's McCully-M ili ili. They will work on long-term solutions to helping the homeless. Everyone is invited to attend.
• Surf with Aloha - The Friends of Kewalo will be holding an event at Kupu this Saturday, February 29, 2020.
Comments followed:
1. Bill 3150 - Regressive Tax - On Thursday, February 27, 2020 this bill will come before the Senate Ways and Means Committee (WAM). Zehner opposes this bill. Senator Moriwaki will look at it, as it appears to affect the barrel tax.
2. Dog Park - Chair Tam congratulated Senator Moriwaki on the opening of the Dog Park in Kaka ako. Senator Moriwaki noted that all the dogs were happy running around and did not bark at each other.
Governor David Ige's Representative - Cindy McMillan, Director of Communications, distributed the February 2020 issue of the Capitol Connection and reported the following:
• Capitol Connection - McMillan encouraged everyone to subscribe online at - governor.hawaii.gov.
• The February 2020 Issue - McMillian noted it was a summary of Governor David Ige's State Of the State Address, focusing on the high cost of living in Hawai i.
• 2019 Novel Coronavirus - The risk in Hawai i is still low. There is no one under investigation and there is no reported cases. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has watched the spread globally and has shifted its messaging from "containment" to "mitigation." In Hawai i the State, the Counties, and the Federal governments are tele-conferencing and want residents to prepare for when the virus arrives.
• Preparing for an Emergency - 1. Have a Family Plan. 2. Have an Emergency Kit - Prepare a kit with 14-days of water, food, medication, and do not forget the pets. There are common ways to protect yourself from every day colds and the flu - get your flu shot, wash your hands, do not sneeze or cough on others, sanitize "high touch" areas frequently, and stay home if sick. Wearing of masks is mostly for sick people, not healthy people. Sign up for daily State Department of Health (DOH) updates.
Comments followed: 2019 Novel Coronavirus - Cloutier asked about Lieutenant Governor Josh Green, M.D. saying that there was no tests kits in Hawai i. McMillian responded that the CDC had sent defective kits, so we had to send tests back to the CDC, which will take about a week. Cloutier was also concerned about travelers from abroad visiting friends and family members in her condo. McMillian responded that today, a visitor was screened a visitor, who just traveled from China. He was cleared as he did not have a fever and had traveled beyond the 14-day quarantine period. Cloutier asked what her condo association could do to prevent the spread of the virus. McMillian responded that the answers to "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)" are posted online in multiple languages. They can be circulated at the condos. Chang added that his company with the CDC guidance, issued a multi-page notice about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. Chung heard a news article that there were other viruses from Michigan, Brisbane (Australia), and from Kansas. McMillian noted that they were treatable flu viruses. Chung asked how many deaths in Hawai i were from these viruses and what Governor Ige was doing about preventing these viruses from coming in. McMillian will follow up. McMillian added that as additional information comes in, she will forward it to the news media and Neighborhood Boards.
U.S. Congressman Ed Case - Asami Kobayashi distributed U.S. Congressman Case's Quarterly Report and Mobile Office Schedule and reported the following:
• Constituent Services/Mobile Office Schedule - If the public needs help with a Federal government program, it can seek staff help at the public libraries.
• First Quarter Report 2020 - For 2019: Community Outreach - 27,591 Constituent Letters Sent, 660 Individual cases completed, and 17 Talk Stories held.
• Legislative Accomplishments - U.S. Congressman Case has attended 980 meetings and 389 Bills Co-sponsored.
• Bills - U.S. Congressman Case has introduced three (3) bills to reform the "Jones Act," which is widely credited with artificially inflating the cost of shipping goods to Hawai i. Hawai i's Congressional delegation introduced the Hawai i Invasive Species Protection Act to protect Hawai i's unique agriculture and environment. Finally, 19 Neighborhood Boards have passed resolutions to regulate tour helicopters and small aircraft. His "Safe and Quiet Skies" Act is to increase safety and lessen community disruption on the State and City level.
Comments followed: "Safe and Quiet Skies" Act - Mick noted that after the Kobe Bryant helicopter crash, the helicopter industry put in safety measures for air ambulances, rather than for regular tour helicopters. Mick asked if U.S. Congressman Case could amend his bill to add the new technology to tour helicopters. A. Kobayashi will follow up. Chair Tam added that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 had submitted a resolution. A. Kobayashi acknowledged the Board's support.
Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) - Francine Murray distributed the HCDA newsletter and noted that after the Courts make their decision in April 2020, then the Hearings Officer will start his proceedings. They are following two (2) bills in the Legislature - one (1) would take funds out of "cash-in-lieu" affordable housing in Kaka ako and make them available State-wide (oppose) and the other to is to provide funds for leasehold housing (support).
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) - Pat Lee reported the following:
• Construction Update - The full 20-mile, 21 station rail system is over 53% complete, with most of this done on the West side. The Maintenance and Storage Facility in Waipahu is 100% completed. Rail stations on the west side are nearing completion. The West Oahu Stations Group are 95% complete, Farrington Highway Stations are 97% complete and the Kamehameha Stations are 88% complete. Kamehameha Highway resurfacing is 90% completed.
• Initial Opening of Passenger Service - HART and the City are working together to prepare for an initial opening of passenger service of the Honolulu rail system prior to launching full service. Train and system testing continues, and HART is working with Department of Transportation Services (DTS) and the Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) on the safety certification and service reliability requirements in preparation for passenger service. HART's job is to design, build, test, and certify the rail system to get it ready for revenue passenger service. HART staff is preparing for operational readiness in system integration testing, pre-revenue operations, management capacity and capability, and safety certification, all to get the trains, stations and facilities "ready to ride." The City's DTS will be in charge of operating and maintaining the rail system along with TheBus and the Handivan.
• Interim Service - Interim Service #1, which is from East Kapolei to Aloha Stadium is planned for the end of this year. HART's Operational Readiness Status is targeted for October 2020. HART would turn over the first 10 miles and nine (9) passenger stations to the DTS following passenger service. Interim Service #2, from East Kapolei to Middle Street Transit Center is planned for the end of 2023. HART would turn over the next five (5) miles and four (4) passenger stations from Aloha Stadium to Middle Street Transit Center to DTS at that time.
• Full Passenger Service - Full Passenger Service of the entire 20-Mile/ 21-Station System is planned from East Kapolei to Ala Moana Center by 2025. This would include HART's turnover to DTS of the final five (5) miles and eight (8) passenger stations from Middle Street Transit Center to Ala Moana Center.
• HOLO Card - A smart card swiping system, the HOLO card will be utilized and needed to ride the train. No cash ticketing will be available, so everyone would need a HOLO card to ride. Riders would get to the stations by bus or Handivan connections, walking, riding a bike, taxi or ride share, being dropped off at the stations, or utilize one (1) of the planned park and ride lots along the route. There will be four (4) new bus transit centers at the Keone ae station (University of Hawaii (UH) West Oahu), the Ho ae ae station (West Loch), Waiawa station (Pearl Highlands), and Halawa station (Aloha Stadium).
• The annual HART Poster Contest is underway, and it is open to all OÔahu high school students in ninth (9th) to 12th grades attending public, charter, private or home school. Posters are due on Friday, March 13, 2020.
• HART will be conducting a public meeting for the Ala Moana/Kakaako area to share upcoming construction plans and answer any questions the community may have. This meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 11 at Mission Memorial Auditorium on the grounds of City Hall, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
• HART's Design and Construction branch will be formally requesting time on the March 2020 Neighborhood Board agenda to do a full presentation on upcoming construction plans in this area.
Pat Lee announced that he has been assigned to another Neighborhood Board on the West side. He went to the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) website and saw his name in a February 2006 meeting minutes. He thanked the Board for allowing his presentations and he may return as an alternate. Chair Tam acknowledge Lee's 14 years of service.
For more information, please visit the HART website at www.honolulutransit.org, you can call the project hotline at 566-2299 or email a question to info@honolulutransit.org.
Comments followed: Interim Service - Kalaikai asked about the schedule. Lee mentioned that all of the rail cars needed for the Interim Service are here or will soon to be here.
Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Chair Tam reported the following:
• Water Main Break - There was a water main break on Wednesday, January 1, 2020, a six (6)-inch pipe at 1200 Queen Street. The pipe was installed in 1999.
• Detect-A-Leak Week - It will be from Monday, March 16, 2020 to Sunday, March 22, 2020. During Detect-A-Leak Week, free toilet leak detection dye tablets are available tonight and will be available to the public during that week at the BWS Public Service Building at 630 South Beretania Street, at all Satellite City Halls, and Hardware Hawaii locations. For more leak detection information, please visit www.boardofwatersupply.com or call 748-5041.
• Water Conservation Week Poster and Poetry Contest - The BWS is excited to launch its 42nd annual Water Conservation Week Poster Contest and 12th annual Poetry Contest. For 2020, the contest theme, "Creating a Sustainable Water Future," invites Oahu students to creatively express the importance of conserving water now to preserve our water supply for the future. The poster contest is open to OÔahu students in grades Kindergarten through 6, and the poetry contest is open to OÔahu students in grades 7 through 12. The deadline to enter these contests is Wednesday, February 26, 2020. Winners will be announced in May 2020 and will receive prizes and be featured in our 2021 Water Conservation calendar.
Attendance at Other Meetings - There were none.
Chair's Report
Ka Po e o Kaka ako Update - Chair Tam reported that they will have their Saturday morning Clean Up at 10:00 a.m. at the Kaka ako Waterfront Park.
Meeting with Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) - Chair Tam reported that he met with DPR about the Ala Wai Promenade. They are planning a tree-lighting event on Friday, April 24, 2020.
Fire Ants - Chair Tam talked with the man, concerned about the fire ants at the Ala Moana Regional Park (AMRP) and he will provide the locations.
Elm Street - There is a proposal in the City Council to turn over the last part of Elm Street to Meadow Gold, so they can use the street for their business. The hearing will be tomorrow and the Board has not discussed this in the Community Action Committee (CAC) yet. Meadow Gold is willing to come to the CAC and Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 meeting to discuss.
Approval of the Tuesday, October 22, 2019, Regular Meeting Minutes - The meeting minutes were not available yet.
Approval of the Tuesday, November 26, 2019, Regular Meeting Minutes - Mick had an amendment. As there were no further amendments or objections the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 APPROVED the Tuesday, November 26, 2019 meeting minutes, as amended, 9-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Chung, Clayton, Cloutier, Kalaikai, Lee, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). The amendment were as follows:
• Page 3, under Comments, it should read, "3. Crosswalk: Mick requested to install better signs at the King Street/Punchbowl Street intersection, notifying pedestrians that they cannot cross between 6:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.
Approval of the Tuesday, January 28, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes - Mick had three (3) amendments. As there were no further amendments or objections the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 APPROVED the Tuesday, January 28, 2020 meeting minutes, as amended, 9-0-0 (AYE: Chang, Chung, Clayton, Cloutier, Kalaikai, Lee, Mick, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). The amendments were as follows:
• Page 1, under CALL TO ORDER, it should read, "Note - This 11-member Board requires six (6) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action."
• Page 2, before HPD, it should read, "Chair Tam expressed the Board's condolences for the recent fatal shootings of two (2) police officers and appreciated their service for the community."
• Page 5, under Comments followed, it should read, "1. Hawaiian Humane Society - Mick had two (2) questions about the bill, like the minimum amount of time to hold a dog before putting it up for adoption or euthanasia. On the mainland, it is five (5) days. Mick was uncomfortable with the five (5) days without additional safeguards."
Treasurer's Report - Treasurer Bryan Mick reported that the Board expended $55.97, leaving a balance of $259.75, which should last for the rest of the Fiscal Year (FY).
• Liquor Commission Hearings - All hearings held at 4:00 p.m. at 711 Kapiolani Boulevard, 6th Floor
o Foodland Super Market (1450 Ala Moana Boulevard): Category No. 3 license (Consumption on premises) - Hearing on Thursday, March 12, 2020
o Market Eatery Kaka ako (458 Keawe Street): Category No. 3 license (Consumption on premises) - Hearing on Thursday, March 12, 2020
o Karai Crab Restaurant (1314 South King Street, Unit G-2) for a Category No. 2 license (Consumption on premises) - Hearing on Thursday, March 19, 2020
o Little Pho LLC (655 Keeaumoku Street, #103/104,) for a Category No. 2 license (Consumption on premises) - Hearing on Thursday, April 2, 2020
• Permits -
o Conservation District Use Application No. OA-3858 for the Ala Moana Park Beach Restoration (Sand Replenishment) Project - Comments due Wednesday, March 4, 2020 to the Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands, P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809 http://dlnr.hawaii.gov/occl/current-applications/.
• Mother Waldron Park (525 Cooke Street) - Mondays, 5:15 p.m.;
• Sheridan Park (833 Pi ikoi Street) - Monday/Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m.;
• Keola La i Condominium (600 Queen Street) Tuesdays, 5:15 p.m.;
• Kolowalu Park (1177 Queen Street) - 1st and 2nd Thursdays, 6:00 p.m.
• Kalakaua Homes (1545 Kalakaua Avenue) - Fridays, 5:00 p.m.
• Atkinson Towers (419A Atkinson Drive) - Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m.
• Next Meeting - The next regular meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 will be held on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the Makiki Christian Church.
• Upcoming Committee Meetings - The next Community Action Committee (CAC) meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the entrance to the McCoy Pavilion at the Ala Moana Regional Park.
• O ahu Storm Water Utility Study: Community meeting to learn about the formation of an OÔahu storm water utility and provide input on issues and priorities will be held on Monday, March 2, 2020 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at McKinley High School.
• lelo Broadcasts - Broadcasts of the Ala Moana-Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 meetings are on lelo 49 on the first and third Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m., and every second Sunday at 6:00 p.m. The broadcast airing on Thursday, March 19, 2020 has been moved from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. on that day only. The full schedule is at https://olelo.org/tv-schedule/) or full archive at https://www.honolulu.gov/cms-nco-menu/site-nco-sitearticles/1657-board-meeting-video-archive.html.
• No Loitering - Please do not loiter on Makiki Christian Church grounds after 9:00 p.m. Mahalo.
Boy Scouts - A representative from the Aloha Council of the Boy Scouts of America announced a Run on Saturday, April 25, 2020. There will be road closures from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on King Street from Ward Avenue to Punchbowl Street.
ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business before the Board, Chair Tam adjourned the meeting at 9:03 p.m.
Submitted by: K. Russell Ho, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Chris Naylon, Community Relations Specialist
Reviewed by: Kathleen Lee, Secretary
Reviewed by: Ryan Tam, Chair
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