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Louise the hippopotamus returns to her improved habitat

Louise the hippo in her improved habitat.
HONOLULU – The Honolulu Zoo is happy to announce that Louise the hippopotamus was returned to her improved habitat on Tuesday, April 2, and is doing extremely well in her upgraded digs!

After the completion of a $3.5 million capital improvement project, the hippo habitat now features an upgraded barn and a filtration system that cycles the 40,000-gallon hippo pond every 20 minutes. The new filtration system can handle hundreds of pounds of waste every day, keeping the water clean for Louise to enjoy and for visitors to see her more clearly.

“Making major improvements to the hippo habitat was a priority for the Honolulu Zoo, and I’m glad that Louise is happy in her refurbished home,” said Mayor Kirk Caldwell. “The zoo continues to make enormous progress under the leadership of Director Linda Santos and the future promises to be very exciting for her and the zoo’s dedicated staff.”

Louise the hippo, 27, came to the Honolulu Zoo in 1992 from the Denver Zoological Gardens.

“We are very happy that all of the technical and physical improvements for the hippo exhibit are finally complete,” said Zoo Director Linda Santos. “I want to thank the zoo staff for their tremendous efforts in successfully and safely returning Louise to her home so the public can enjoy visiting her once again.”

Hippos are semi-aquatic vegetarians, eating as much as 80 pounds or more of grass every day in the wild. They generally live well into their 40s.

To download video of the improved hippopotamus habitat, Louise the hippo, and an interview with Zoo Director Linda Santos, please click on the following link (no courtesy required):

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