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Kakaako - Honolulu, Hawaii
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Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board Meeting March 2018 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER - Chair Ryan Tam called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Quorum was established with seven (7) members present. Note - This nine (9)-member Board requires five (5) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action. Chair Tam welcomed attendees to the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 and thanked them for their citizen participation into the government decision-making process.
ROLL CALL - William Ammons, Rodney Chang, Michael Zehner, Chair Ryan Tam, K. Russell Ho (Neighborhood Assistant), Jayne Cloutier, Susan Oppie, and Chris Chung.
Board Members Absent ??? Ron Komine, Jr.
Vacancies - There was one (1) vacancy in Subdistrict 2 - Official boundary description: "Beginning at the junction of Keeaumoku and King Streets, south along Keeaumoku Street to Kapi olani Boulevard, thence west along Kapiolani Boulevard to Pensacola Street, thence north along Pensacola Street to King Street, thence southeast along King Street to Keeaumoku Street."
Guests - Cindy McMillan (Governor David Ige's Representative, Office of the Governor); Colin Kipper (Senator Brickwood Galuteria's Office), James Stone (House Speaker Scott Saiki's Office); Deputy Director Ian Santee (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative, Honolulu Emergency Services Department (HESD); Councilmember Carol Fukunaga, Jaren McCartney (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi's Office), Kurt Tsuneyoshi (Councilmember Trevor Ozawa's Office); Captain Randall Gibo (Honolulu Fire Department); Sergeant Clinton Corpuz and Sergeant Ross Keliikipi (Honolulu Police Department, District 1); Francine Murray (Hawaii Community Development Authority); Pat Lee (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation); Jim Danner (Democratic Party of Hawai i), Joe Magaldi and Zach Diionno (Fiesta Italiana), Ronald Higa (Liliha/Puunui/Alewa/Kamehameha Heights Neighborhood Board No.14), Franklin Chung, Cynthia Nyross (HI State Capitol), Evern Williams and Eloise Harris ( lelo Com. Media), Richard A. "Andy" Riley and M. Sid (Walea Condominium), Jeff Carbaugh (Hawai i Convention Center), Brian Bagnall (Outdoor Circle), Ikaika Hussey, Daniel Strongoh, David Jones (Integrated Multimedia Consultants, Videographer), and K. Russell Ho (Neighborhood Commission Office).
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) ??? Captain Randall Gibo reported the following:
• February 2018 Fire Statistics - There was 1 structure fire, 24 activated alarms (no fire), 211 medical emergencies, 6 motor vehicle collisions with pedestrian, 7 motor vehicle crash/collision, and 1 hazardous materials incident.
• Fire Safety Tip - Electrical Safety:
o Plug one (1) heat-producing appliance (coffee maker, toaster, etc.) into a wall receptacle outlet at a time.
o Major appliances (refrigerators, dryers, stoves, etc.) should be plugged directly into a wall receptacle outlet. Extension cords and power taps or strips should not be used for heat-producing appliances.
o Ensure electrical cords are not running across doorways or under carpets.
o Extension cords are intended for temporary use. Have a licensed electrician install additional receptacle outlets to eliminate the need for extension cords.
o Ensure that electrical work is performed by a licensed electrician.
Comments followed: HazMat Reports - Chung asked, regarding the storage of transformers on the HECO property from Cooke Street to Ward Avenue, if there is a hazardous material accident, where does HECO call. Captain Gibo responded that HECO reports hazardous materials incidents and inventory to Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) from the previous year on a two (2)-tier report.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - Sergeant Clinton Corpuz reported the following:
• February 2018/January 2018 Statistics - There were 18/19 motor vehicle thefts, 8/13 burglaries, 156161 thefts, 46/38 unauthorized entries into motor vehicles (UEMV), 14/12 assaults, 3/2 sexual assault, 3/1 graffiti incidents, and 9/20 drug offenses. There were 7,373/8,025 calls for service. More statistics can be found on the HPD website at -
• Safety Tips - Burglary Prevention: By far, the most common threat to the home is burglary. According to the FBI, a burglary occurs somewhere in the United States every 15 seconds. By definition, the crime of burglary is when a suspect enters a residence or dwelling and commits a crime or offense. This crime usually occurs when the family is not home. Here are tips to "harden" the residence to prevent burglaries.
o Doors and Locks - Use a solid core or metal door for all entrance points.
o Sliding-Glass Patio Doors - Secure them with a secondary lock.
o Decals - Use highly-visible alarm decals, beware of dog or security watch decals; these have been proven effective with suspects.
o Windows - Make sure someone cannot reach through a window and unlock the door.
o Anti-Theft Devices - Use anti-lift devices to prevent window from being lifted out.
o Valuables - Place valuables in a safe and mark for identification, take pictures of items and catalog the valuables. Secure other valuables such as social security cards and passports, driver's license in a secure area.
• Be a Good Neighbor - Good neighbors should look out for each other. Get to know the neighbors on each side of the home and the three (3) directly across the street. See something say something!
Comments followed: Abandoned Vehicles - A resident was surprised at the speed that an abandoned vehicle was removed at Kapi olani Boulevard and Cooke Street. Sergeant Corpuz explained the process of marking the vehicle and towing. Neighborhood Assistant Ho added that the phone number to report abandoned vehicles is - 768-2530.
Chair Tam mentioned that the Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) had sent a three (3) absences letter to Jayne Cloutier, but she was here and wanted to remain of the Neighborhood Board. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 took no action to declare Jayne Cloutier's seat vacant.
FILLING OF VACANCY IN SUBDISTRICT 2 - Official boundary description: "Beginning at the junction of Ke eaumoku and King Streets, south along Ke eaumoku Street to Kapi olani Boulevard, thence west along Kapi olani Boulevard to Pensacola Street, thence north along Pensacola Street to King Street, thence southeast along King Street to Ke eaumoku Street.??? As there were no volunteers, Chair Tam deferred this item to the next meeting.
Festa Italiana - Zach Diionno from the Friends of Italy Society of Hawaii, introduced its President, Joe Magaldi, and announced that last year at the first the Festa Italiana, there were 6,500 people, who experienced the food, music, and culture of the Italian people in Hawai i. This year it will be on Cooke Street on Saturday, October 6, 2018. Again, there will be entertainment, food booths, and activities. Be alerted to street closures. For more information, visit -
Comments followed: Update - Chang requested an update at the end of summer and to bring food.
King of the Block - Thomas Sampaga will present a King of the Block Car show on Cooke Street between Pohukaina Street and Auahi Street on Saturday, May 5, 2018. This free event will feature high-end cars, like Lamborghinis, and food booths.
Biki Outreach and Summer Expansion - Justine Espiritu, Bikeshare Hawai i, distributed materials and presented the plans for a Biki Summer Expansion in the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 area:
• Summer Expansion: By the end of June 2018 or early July 2018, Biki proposes to add 30-50 stations funded by federal TAP funds. The Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is the applicant and will own the equipment. Federal TAP projects are 80% federal funds and 20% local matching funds. Bikeshare Hawaii fundraised through grants and sponsorships for the local match at no cost to the City. There are 13 sites proposed in the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 district. They are seeking public input early on proposed sites and other feedback. There will be three (3) Open Houses on Thursday March 29, 2018 at Jefferson Elementary School, 324 Kapahulu Avenue at 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; on Tuesday April 10, 2018 at Makiki District Park, 1527 Keeaumoku Street, at 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; and on Tuesday April 17, 2018 at Pauahi Community Center, 171 N Pauahi Street at 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Bikeshare Hawaii partners with Hawaii Bicycling League to promote safety and rules of the road. They asked for suggestions of other organizations to reach out to offer a meeting or presentation.
• Statistics -
o There were half (1/2) a million rides in just over eight (8) months. Nearly two-thirds (2/3) of the trips are by Hawaii residents as indicated by zipcodes associated with each trip.
o The first 100 stations were planned with density, destination points, existing infrastructure, and ideal distance of about 900 feet. Expansion is planned for Makiki and Kalihi.
• Location priority:
1. Private property
2. Wide sidewalk
3. Off-street
4. On-street restricted or no parking
5. On-street in place of parking
• Organizational Structure - Unlike in most other municipalities where the City purchases bikeshare equipment and hires a for-profit operator to run it, Biki is a public/private/non-profit partnership.
Comments followed:
1. Educating Tourists About Not Riding on the Sidewalks - Cloutier was concerned about education of tourists about not riding on the sidewalks. Espiritu noted that at the Biki stations there are educational materials that state that riding on the sidewalks is not permitted in Waik k and Downtown and that helmets are recommended, but optional.
2. Helmets - Chung was concerned about the liability to the City. Espiritu wanted the City to map out the streets and provide the infrastructure to make the streets safer for all. Biki and some Bike shops offer a rental helmet for $20. Riders under 16 years of age must wear a helmet.
3. Thefts - Espiritu added that 1% of bikes are "stolen/missing," but usually they are not "docked" properly, which is when the green light goes on. As the rider is responsible for the bike, the credit card is billed $1,200 if it is not secured, and the rider is sent a text message.
Ala Wai Canal Dredging Project Update - Jeyan Thirugnanam, Department of Land and Natural Resources, had a handout and explained the planned Ala Wai Canal Dredging Project:
• Prior Dredgings - The Ala Wai Canal has been dredged before in 1966, 1978, and 2002.
• Ala Wai Canal Dredging and Improvements Project 2018 - The major components of the project include the maintenance dredging and removal of accumulated silt from the Ala Wai Canal Watershed and repairs to the walls and stairs of the Ala Wai Canal that have deteriorated and are in need of repair.
o Maintenance Dredging Operations - The dredging method should be similar to the approach previously used when the canal was last dredged in 2002, involving the mechanical removal of sediment with a crane bucket or backhoe mounted atop a barge, transferred to a tugboat, and towed out to south of OÔahu (five [5] miles off the Reef Runway) to a Dredged Material Disposal Site, approved by U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Starting at the Kapahulu end of the Ala Wai Canal, the barge will move slowly (at about one [1] block per week) down the canal for about a year. The work will be from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., seven (7) days a week. Repair of the walls and steps will be done as the dredging work progresses. Noise will be mitigated. There will be two (2) staging areas - at the Ala Wai Park and at the Ala Wai Boat harbor. The bids will go out next week. There will be presentations at five (5) or six (6) Neighborhood Boards. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) went out in January 2018 and it was published in the Office of Environmental Quality Control (OEQC) newsletter in February 2018.
Comments followed:
1. Bicycles and Shopping Carts - Cloutier was concerned about the other junk in the sediments. Thirugnanam said they will be removed before dumping the sediments.
2. Erosion - The Albizia trees in M noa have no canopy and shallow roots, which cannot hold the ground watershed. With their removal and replanting, then after 10 to 15 years, there will less sediments washed away. So, there will be less need for dredging. There are other groups working to keep the sediments on the golf course for flood control. At the bridge the Ala Wai Canal is -11 feet below sea level and at the Kapahulu end, it is -5 feet below sea level. To prevent flooding, there could be more water hazards at the back nine (9) holes of the golf course and the City could funnel water flow through the golf course. These are not funded, but just ideas.
3. Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) Cable - The dredging will work around the replacement schedule to deepen the cable and remove the old cable.
' lelo Channel Relocation - Eloise Harris, ' lelo Community Media, explained that in January 2018, Charter/Spectrum wanted to move the public access channels (Channels 45 to 55). After a show of support from varied sections of the community, the lelo channels will remain unchanged.
Condition of Median Landscaping at Pi ikoi Street and Ala Moana Boulevard - Chair Tam mentioned that the City trimmed the landscaping, but the Community Action Committee will look at it.
Transient Vacation Rentals (TVR) - This item will be taken up later on the agenda.
Community Action Committee (CAC) Report - Chung reported that a sub-committee of he, Jim Danner from the Democratic Party of Hawai i, District 26, and Sharon Moriwaki of Kaka ako United and the University of Hawai i at M noa (UH), had a meeting with senior officers at HECO, concerning a possible sale. Danner continued about the sale of a 12-acre parcel between Cooke Street and Ward Avenue in the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) and Neighborhood Board districts. Danner was concerned about infrastructure, traffic, quality of life, and open space. HECO was open to customer/public input. Danner wanted City Council input as well. Chair Tam will put a resolution on the agenda for discussion later. The CAC will follow this item.
Ala Wai Promenade - A resident acknowledged that the homeless are gone. The walls were painted and the rain made the area green. He supported the plans for the beautification of the "crown jewel" of Waik k and congratulated the Board on its preliminary work.
Members Reports
General Plan Update - All of the Board's Kaka ako suggestions were taken out, as Kaka ako was no longer a separate part of the General Plan.
Removal of Crosswalk at South King Street and Sheridan Street - Chair Tam mentioned a resolution will be discussed later on the agenda.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative - Deputy Director Ian Santee, Honolulu Emergency Services Department (HESD), reported the following:
• Summer College Student Employment Program - The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)'s Summer College Student Employment Program is recruiting applicants for the 2018 Summer Fun program. If you know any college students who want to develop management and programming skills, or recreation and child development skills, or who simply enjoys working with children between the ages of five and thirteen, please encourage them to consider working as a Summer Aide at this year's Summer Fun program. The program runs from the end of May to the end of July, and the pay rate is $12.00 per hour or $14.00 per hour. For more information and the online application form, please check out DPR's webpage or call (808) 768-3020. Mahalo!
• 29th Annual Hawaii Food Drive - The Neighborhood Commission Office (NCO) is taking part in the 2018 29th Annual Food Drive with the Hawaii Foodbank. The NCO will be accepting food or monetary donations towards this worthy cause. The top five (5) most needed foods are: Canned Proteins (meat, tuna, chicken); Canned Meals (stew, spaghetti, chili); Canned Vegetables; Canned Fruits; and Rice. Donations can be given to the Neighborhood Assistant at the Board meetings or brought down to the NCO at 925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 160. Donation receipts are available upon receipt of food or money. For more information, please contact Robert "Dylan" Whitsell at 768-3712 or or James Skizewski at 768-3705 or
• Light-emitting diodes (LED) Street Light Conversion Project - The Department of Design and Construction (DDC)'s City-wide LED Street Light Conversion Project started this month. From now until the end of December 2019, the over 53,000 City and County Street Lights will be replaced with the more economical and directional LED lights. For more information about costs, schedule and frequently asked questions, please visit the DDC website at -
• Left Turn Prohibition From Ward Avenue to Hotel Street and Creating a Loading Zone at Neal Blaisdell Center (NBC) - Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is still conducting its investigation in response to the Board???s request for an extension of one (1) more hour. Upon completion of its investigation, DTS will inform the Board of the results of its findings by June 2018.
• Increase in illegal Transient Vacation Rentals (TVR) in the Ala Moana/Kaka ako (Hawaii Community Development Authority [HCDA]) Areas - Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP): Zoning violations, including the extent to which short-term rentals are allowed in Kaka ako, are under the jurisdiction of the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) District. Until Senate Bill No. 2525, SD2, or other similar bill is signed into law, transferring functions from the HCDA to the City, the City does not have zoning enforcement responsibilities (other than signage) in Kaka ako.
• Private Streets in Kaka ako - DDC is currently performing title searches and surveys of the private streets in Kaka ako as part of the acquisition process.
• Grass Cutting - Board member Komine reported that the grass on the median for Ala Moana Boulevard needed cutting. Department of Facility Maintenance (DFM) presently provides maintenance of the Ala Moana Boulevard medians as often as resources are available. The next scheduled maintenance of the Ala Moana Boulevard medians will occur during the third (3rd) week of April 2018. The medians were previously maintained by private contractors on a twice per month basis. Due to changes in State law, the City was not allowed to continue contracting work that is traditionally performed by City crews. As a result, the DFM is in a transitional period to increase in-house grounds keeping resources to address the previously contracted work. The existing DFM staff is only able to perform maintenance on an approximate eight (8)-week cycle. The DFM anticipates filling the necessary positions to restore shorter intervals between grass cuttings in late 2018.
• Pedestrian Island at Sheridan Street and Kapi olani Boulevard - DFM is in the process of obtaining the necessary curb and delineator equipment and has initiated a "One Call, Call Before You Dig" utility clearance evaluation of the site. Utility companies are currently marking their utilities at this location to prevent potential damage to these underground utilities. As soon as the utility clearance has been obtained and the specialized curb and delineator equipment has been obtained, installation will commence, likely sometime in April 2018.
Comments followed:
1. Riding Bicycles on the Sidewalks - The request was made to have the City clarify which streets where riders could ride their bicycles on the sidewalks.
2. Parking on South Street - A resident noted that allowing parking on South Street near Kapi olani Boulevard, slows down traffic around 5:30 p.m. and the City should revisit the hours.
3. Farmers Market at Neal Blaisdell Center (NBC) - Chung asked what the process was for offering an exercise class during the Farmers Market.
4. Light-emitting diodes (LED) Lights Changing - Chair Tam asked about the 3,000 degrees Kelvin and the 4,000 degrees Kelvin. More information is on the website.
Councilmember Carol Fukunaga - Councilmember Fukunaga distributed her newsletter and reported the following:
• Correction to the February 27, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes - Councilmember Fukunaga was at a Lanakila Town Hall meeting instead of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 meeting.
• Loss of Parking Spaces - Constituents were concerned about the loss of parking spaces, when the DTS installs protected bike lanes.
• Less Homeless - The HPD is filling vacancies and there is more use of Project Help, where the Community Policing Team is working with trained professional service providers for outreach.
• City Budget - The City Council is looking at fees for bulky item pick-up, but the problem is when others illegally dump.
Comments followed:
1. Homeless - A resident noticed that there is a "cat and mouse" game of the homeless moving from State to City property. Councilmember Fukunaga mentioned other solutions like providing hygiene centers, combining medical clinics with housing, and community para-medics services, which would be under Deputy Director Santee's department.
2. Budget - Ammons was concerned about the Budget. Councilmember Fukunaga mentioned that property tax rates were going up in older neighborhoods and negatively affecting people with fixed incomes.
3. Earlier Notifications - Chung wanted developers to come to the Neighborhood Board earlier, like for the HECO property. Councilmember Fukunaga agreed that Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) projects should notify the Neighborhood Boards and communities earlier. Chung urged HECO to come before the Board early. Chair Tam said that a Neighborhood Board resolution should be on the next agenda.
Councilmember Ann Kobayashi - A newsletter was available.
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa - A newsletter was available.
State Representative Tom Brower - A newsletter was available.
House Speaker Scott Saiki - James Stone distributed a neighborhood report and was available to hear concerns. He is following up on House Bill (HB) 2275, House Draft (HD) 2, concerning bringing "private roads" up to county standards.
Comments followed: Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) Moving to Kapolei - Andy Riley wanted clarification on HCDA transferring repair and maintenance functions to the City. Stone will follow up with Riley on Senate Bill (SB) 2525.
State Senator Brickwood Galuteria - Colin Kipper distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
• Legislature - The Legislature is in the third (3rd) quarter. Senate Bill (SB) 2525 went to the House.
• Dredging the Ala Wai Canal - Governor David Ige released $17 million to dredge the Ala Wai Canal.
• Kupuna Power - There will be an event for seniors at the pump station across SALT on Thursday, April 12, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Governor David Ige's Representative - The Capitol Connection for March 2018 was distributed and Cindy McMillian, Director of Communications, reported the following:
• Affordable Housing - The Capitol Connection had an article on what Governor Ige has done to increase affordable housing.
• Housing Along the Transit Line - Governor Ige encourages "smart communities" of public-private partnerships along the transit route.
• Parks - Parks are open to the public during open hours, but after closing, then there are the jurisdictional disputes and the moving around.
Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) - Francine Murray reported that Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) would not change its position on Transient Vacation Rentals (TVR) from the December 29, 2015 letter from Executive Director Anthony J.H. Ching.
Comments followed:
1. Transfer Bill - Chair Tam asked that a study to be done before the transfer of the HCDA functions to the City.
2. Letter from Anthony Ching - Riley asked for HCDA's help in publicizing the letter. Murray will do a press release.
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) - Pat Lee reported the following:
• "HOLO" Card - The rail project will be a key component of our island's multimodal transportation network that will integrate service with TheBus, connecting passengers with one (1) single fare system, called the "HOLO" card.
• Interim Service ??? HART is preparing for interim service from East Kapolei to Aloha Stadium beginning in December 2020, with construction on the rail stations and testing of the rail cars and control systems currently underway.
• Skilled and Trained Workforce - A skilled and trained workforce with sufficient staffing is essential to the successful operations and maintenance of a multimodal transportation system. Towards that goal, HART has supported Leeward Community College's efforts to create a program for students to develop the technical skills and expertise needed to qualify and fill jobs in rail operations in what is called the Core Systems. Core Systems is the operation and maintenance of the 80 rail cars, tracks, power supply and train controls for the 20 mile, 21-station system.
• Leeward Community College (LCC) - Leeward Community College is offering a two (2)-year associate degree technical program that will help to develop rail workers for the future.
o The two (2)-year associate degree program is called "Integrated Industry Technology" and is part of their science department. It is designed to prepare individuals to apply basic engineering principles and technical skills in support of engineers and other professionals engaged in developing, installing, calibrating, modifying and maintaining automated systems.
o There are 16 students currently enrolled in the program this semester. The goal is to have more students complete the program and develop a local workforce with specific electrical and mechanical skills for the operations and maintenance of automated industrial systems, including rail.
o HART anticipates that about 300 full-time workers will be needed to staff the Core Systems operations, which will be headquartered at the Rail Operations Center/Maintenance and Storage Facility in Waipahu which is located between LCC and Waipahu High School.
o Interested students should contact the Leeward Community College Continuing Education and Workforce Development Office for more program information.
• Hawaiian Names for Rail Stations - As previously reported and in accordance with City policy, the HART Board has approved primary Hawaiian names for the first nine (9) rail stations and will start the process of seeking community input to identify and select potential Hawaiian names for the next 12 stations, which are from Pearl Harbor to Ala Moana Center. If you have any suggestions for appropriate Hawaiian names based on a traditional place name or important historical event pertaining to these station sites, HART invites you to provide your comments to them.
• For more information on the rail project, please visit our website, you can call the project hotline at 566-2299 or email a question to
Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) - Chair Tam reported the following:
• Water Main Breaks - There were no water main breaks in the Ala Moana/Kaka ako neighborhood in February 2018.
• Subsidies - As part of BWS's continuing updates on the BWS's Water Rate Study, this month's topic is Subsidies. The amount of subsidies and who pays for them are important considerations for the water rates. BWS is evaluating these subsidies, looking at moving closer to the cost of them, and continue to extend some of these subsidies. As BWS looks at the rates structure, other subsidies have been suggested; like, supporting customer assistance programs, affordable housing, homeless, and fire sprinkler conversions.
The basic structure of BWS's water rates has not changed since 1993. Non-residential customers like hotels, restaurants, other businesses, and government institutions pay more than the total cost to serve them. The same is true, but to a much lesser extent, for multi-family residential customers. The additional money collected from these customers subsidizes the costs for agricultural, non-potable, recycled water, and single-family residential customers. With full commitment to an open and transparent process, the BWS has been meeting with the Stakeholder Advisory Group since 2015. All their meetings, and BWS Board meetings, are publicly-noticed and open to all. BWS encourages the public to attend. BWS Board meetings are also shown on lelo. Meeting locations, dates and times, are posted on the BWS website at -
At 8:40 p.m. Chair Tam passed the gavel to Vice Chair Zehner.
Discuss Action, Regarding Vacation or Transient Rentals (TVR) of 30 to 180 days in Kaka ako - Chair Tam described the resolution, supporting Kaka ako Residential Character.
At 8:42 p.m. Vice Chair Zehner returned the gavel to Chair Tam.
Comments followed:
1. More Permits - Ammons suggested if the City cannot catch them, then issue more permits to tax them.
2. Advertising - Cloutier noted that if they are advertising on the Internet, then tax them. If there are repeat customers, then bust their credit card.
3. Enforcement ??? Chang and Chung favored more enforcement and put the condominium association in jeopardy. The TVRs put pressure on the local rentals. Riley said that his condominium association must follow the regulations for security.
Chang moved and Cloutier seconded that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 adopt the resolution, supporting the Kaka ako Residential Character. The Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED the resolution, supporting the Kaka ako Residential Character, 6-1-0 (AYE: Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: Ammons; ABSTAIN: None).
Consider Recommendation from the Community Action Committee, Regarding the Ala Wai Promenade - Chang moved and Zehner seconded that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 adopt the resolution to promote Community Enhancements to the Ala Wai Promenade. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED the resolution to promote Community Enhancements to the Ala Wai Promenade, by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 7-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Consider Litter Resolution Providing Comments on the Ala Moana Park Master Plan - Chair Tam presented the resolution. Chang moved and Oppie seconded that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 adopt the resolution, providing comments on the Ala Moana Regional Park Master Plan. Ammons moved and Zehner seconded to amend the resolution to address feral cats. The Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED to amend the resolution to address feral cats, 6-1-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: Cloutier; ABSTAIN: None). Chang moved and Oppie seconded that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 table the resolution, providing comments on the Ala Moana Regional Park Master Plan to the next meeting. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED to table the resolution, providing comments on the Ala Moana Regional Park Master Plan to the next meeting, by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 7-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Consider Resolution, Regarding Kaka ako Private Streets Issue - Chang moved and Zehner seconded that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 adopt the resolution, providing comments in support of resolving the private road ownership in Kaka ako. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED the resolution, providing comments in support of resolving the private road ownership in Kaka ako, by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 7-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Consider Resolution, Regarding Transfer of Kaka ako Out of Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) -
Chang moved and Zehner seconded that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 adopt the resolution, regarding return of the Kaka ako Community Development District to the City and County of Honolulu. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ADOPTED the resolution, regarding return of the Kaka ako Community Development District to the City and County of Honolulu, by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 7-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Consider Resolution, Regarding ' lelo Community Access Channels - This item was previously discussed.
Consider Resolution, Regarding Removal of Crosswalk at South King Street and Sheridan Street - Chair Tam deferred this item to the next meeting.
Approval of the February 27, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes ??? Chang moved and Zehner seconded that the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 approve the February 27, 2018 regular meeting minutes, as amended. As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 APPROVED the February 27, 2018 regular meeting minutes, as amended, by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 7-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). The amendment was as follows:
• Page 1, under Guest, Councilmember Carol Fukunaga reported that she was not present at the meeting, but attended the Lanakila Town Hall meeting.
Selection of New Board Secretary - Due to the time restrains, Chair Tam deferred this item to the next meeting.
Treasurer's Report - Treasurer Susan Oppie reported that there were no Treasurer's Report.
Planning Commission Public Hearing, regarding amendments to Chapter 21, Revised Ordinances of Honolulu, relating to mobile commercial establishments: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. (Mission Memorial Conference Room, 550 South King Street)
Special Liquor License Applications:
• 328 Cooke Street (Honolulu Beerworks) - Saturday, April 14, 2018 from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
• 1050 Queen Street (Impact HUB Art Showcase) - Thursday, April 26, 2018
• 1240 Ala Moana Boulevard (Kona Nui Nights) - Wednesdays, April 18, 2018, May 16, 2018, June 20, 2018, July 18, 2018, August 15, 2018, September 19, 2018, and October 17, 2018 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
• Mother Waldron Park (525 Cooke Street) - Mondays, 5:15 p.m.;
• Sheridan Park (833 Pi ikoi Street) - Monday/Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m.;
• Keola La i Condominium (600 Queen Street) Tuesdays, 5:15 p.m.;
• Kolowalu Park (1177 Queen Street) - 1st and 2nd Thursdays, 6:00 p.m.
??? Next Meeting - The next regular meeting of the Ala Moana/Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 is scheduled for Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Makiki Christian Church.
• Upcoming Committee Meeting - The next meeting for Community Action Committee is scheduled for Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at the Ala Moana Regional Park, McCoy Pavilion Dining Room.
• Hapalua Half-Marathon - The Hapalua Half-Marathon is on Sunday, April 8, 2018. The race begins at 6:00 a.m., but Ala Moana Boulevard and other key roadways will be closed between approximately 5:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
• lelo Broadcasts - Broadcasts of the Ala Moana-Kaka ako Neighborhood Board No. 11 meetings are on lelo 49 on the first and third Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. and every second Sunday at 6:00 p.m.
• No Loitering - Please do not loiter on Makiki Christian Church grounds after 9:00 p.m. Mahalo.
ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business before the Board, Chair Tam adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
Submitted by: K. Russell Ho, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Dylan Whitsell, Public Relations Specialist
Final Review by: Ryan Tam, Chair
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