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Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board Meeting Community Action Committee November 2017 Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER: Committee Chair Ryan Tam called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Ryan Tam, Brian Bagnall, Raytan Vares, Michelle Foyt, and Chris Chung.
Guests: William J. Ammons, Joe Magaldi, Louise Black, George Outlaw, Sharon Moriwaki, and Galen Fox.
Election of Officers and Membership: Sharon Moriwaki volunteered to act as Secretary. Joe Magaldi, Louise Black, George Outlaw, Galen Fox would like to be formal members of the committee. Neighborhood Board member Ammons indicated that he is observing the committee to see what it is about.
Future Meetings: Attendees agreed that the second Thursday of the month was good time to meet, and that 6:00 p.m. was a good time. The McCoy Pavilion Dining Room was a convenient location. There was a desire to have a meeting in December 2017 and Thursday, December 14, 2017 was selected.
Oral Testimony Rules: Chair Tam requested that people raise their hands to be acknowledged during the meeting, as per the rules listed on the agenda.
Background on Committee's Purpose
• Chair Tam explained that previously, the Neighborhood Board had "committees" in which Board members performed independent research. Formal committee meetings had not occurred, since one looked at rail [subsequently identified as having been held in 2010].
o The Committee can initiate proposals and provide recommendations to the Neighborhood Board to take a formal position on an issue. The committees can then use that formal position to advocate on issues and pursue other issues that might come up.
• Chair Tam explained that the Committee could choose to change its name, based on the focus of its activity. Subsequent discussion was that "action" was an important to the purpose of the Committee, and that the action must focus on the geographic area of the Board.
• Committee member Vares indicated that he could serve as a liaison to both Senator Brickwood Galuteria and the McCully-Mo ili ili Neighborhood Board No. 8. The McCully-Mo ili ili Neighborhood Board recently started a similar Community Action Committee with a very general focus.
• Sharon Moriwaki discussed the background of Kaka ako United (KU), which is a community group formed in 2013 over concerns about the rapid development going on in Kaka ako.
o KU wanted more quality, open spaces, infrastructure, streets, sewers, storm drains, etc. Members worried about the homeless.
o KU members wanted to make sure that overlapping Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) and City and County responsibilities were coordinated. KU members go to all the HCDA meetings.
o KU has an email list to distribute information to members, and has had as many as 200 members. Through more communication/coordination, members and the Committee can make a better community.
• Other members described their affiliations/residency in the Ala Moana-Kaka ako neighborhoods, and their desire to improve the community.
Committee Mission, Goals, and Objectives
• Brainstorming Discussion:
o Start with a small project like Ala Wai Promenade before taking on several things. See if the Committee can accomplish something.
o Need to do something about homelessness.
o One theme is to return the parks to the people. Residents currently patrol parks, but more activity in public spaces (such as via food vendors, etcÉ) could help to improve safety.
o Effective community action will require "ammunition": develop a solid proposal/plan, coordinate and integrate with the government, and then go for the "Ask."
o Should do something about pollution in the Ala Wai Canal, which is among the worst in country.
• Mission/Objectives: The overall discussion was summarized in a mission statement to "do something" which improves the livability of our Ala Moana-Kaka ako community. The committee objectives will focus on analysis, coordination, and action. The Committee will look at issues related to safety, homelessness and beauty.
• Ala Wai Project: There was a motion made by Brian Bagnall to focus on the Ala Wai Promenade as an initial short-term project (through June 2018) to increase the safety and usability of the Ewa/mauka side of the Ala Wai Promenade, between Ala Moana Boulevard and Kalakaua Avenue. This motion was adopted by unanimous consent.
Committee Project Priorities, Work Assignments, and Schedule
• Ala Wai Site Visit: Brian Bagnall offered to lead a site visit along the Promenade on Saturday, November 25, 2017 at 1:00 p.m., starting from the Ala Moana Boulevard Bridge (Ewa side, near the staircase). Other members suggested the need to visit the site both during the day and at night.
• Homework: Members discussed the desire for action, and the need to conduct research and report back to the group at the next meeting.
o Ryan Tam - Will find out more about Ala Wai Canal clean-up plans.
o Chris Chung - Will contact food truck vendors to research viability of locations and operating hours.
o Raytan Vares - Will look at ownership/jurisdictional issues of the Promenade.
o Michelle Foyt - Will contact organizations that line the Ala Wai Promenade for info on policies and relationships relating to it.
o Louise Black - Will email Community Policing Officer Alan Ibrao about the frequency of police patrols along the Promenade. The community policing program recently did a cleanup of the Ala Wai Promenade.
o Joe Magaldi - Will be able to work with the City to move on the Committee's requests to make the areas more safe and useable for the community.
o Sharon Moriwaki - Will check on the Ala Wai watershed group to see if they know who is in charge of the promenade.
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business before the Committee, Chair Tam adjourned the meeting at about 7:30 p.m.
Submitted by: Michelle Foyt and Ryan Tam
Reviewed by: K. Russell Ho, Neighborhood Assistant
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