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Ala Moana - Kakaako Neighborhood Board No. 11 Meeting Minutes For 7/25/2017 Posted
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Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board No. 11
TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2017
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Pro Tem Ryan Tam called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Quorum was established with nine (9) members present. Note -- This nine (9)-member Board requires five (5) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action. Chair Pro Tem Tam welcomed everyone to the Ala Moana/Kakaʼako Neighborhood Board No. 11 and thanked the newly--elected and continuing Board members and the public for their input into the government decisions.
ROLL CALL -- William Ammons, Rodney Chang, Michelle Foyt, Michael Zehner, Ryan Tam, K. Russell Ho (Neighborhood Assistant), Jayne Cloutier, Susan Oppie, Ron Komine, Jr., and Chris Chung.
Board Members Absent -- None.
Vacancies -- There were none.
Guests -- Cindy McMillian (Governor David Ige's Representative, Office of the Governor); James Stone (House Speaker Scott Saiki's Office); Representative Tom Brower; Garett Kamemoto (Hawaii Community Development Authority); Deputy Director Ian Santee (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative, Honolulu Emergency Services Department); Councilmember Carol Fukunaga; Councilmember Ann Kobayashi and Jaren McCartney (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi's Office); Director Guy Kaulukukui (Department of Enterprise Services); Captain Randall Gibo (Honolulu Fire Department); Two (2) sergeants (Honolulu Police Department, District 1); Pat Lee (Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation); Brent Fujiwara and Steven Takara (Department of Budget and Fiscal Services); M. Tait (Hawaiʼi Convention Center); Lourdes Scheibert (Hui); Lila Mower; Burt Kawasaki (KI VENTURES); Bob Armstrong; Ed Sugimoto (Rice Fest); Franklin Chung; Ronald Higa (Liliha/Puunui/Alewa/Kamehameha Heights Neighborhood Board No.14 resident); Tanya Harrison (Blaisdell Center War Memorial Project); Garett Kamemoto (HCDA's ADA Compliance Coordinator); Ericson Cristobal (DVDmodo, videographer); and K. Russell Ho (Neighborhood Commission Office).
ELECTION OF OFFICERS (to Serve from Saturday, July 1, 2017 to Saturday, June 30, 2018)
Chair -- Chang nominated and Foyt seconded Ryan Tam to be Chair. Tam accepted the nomination. As there were no other nominations or objections, the Ala Moana/Kakaʼako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ELECTED Ryan Tam to be Chair, by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 9-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Foyt, Komine, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Vice Chair -- Chang nominated and Chung seconded Michael Zehner to be Vice Chair. Zehner accepted the nomination. As there were no other nominations or objections, the Ala Moana/Kakaʼako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ELECTED Michael Zehner to be Vice Chair, by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 9-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Foyt, Komine, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Secretary -- Chang nominated Michelle Foyt to be Secretary. Foyt accepted the nomination. As there were no other nominations or objections, the Ala Moana/Kakaʼako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ELECTED Michelle Foyt to be Secretary, by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 9-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Foyt, Komine, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). A second is not required.
Treasurer -- Foyt nominated Susan Oppie to be Treasurer. Oppie accepted the nomination. As there were no other nominations or objections, the Ala Moana/Kakaʼako Neighborhood Board No. 11 ELECTED Susan Oppie to be Treasurer, by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 9-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Foyt, Komine, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). A second is not required.
Honolulu Fire Department (HFD) -- Captain Randall Gibo reported the following:
• Fire Statistics -- There were 19 activated alarms (no fire), 1 structure, 1 cooking, 244 medical emergencies, 2 motor vehicle collisions with pedestrians, 5 motor vehicle crashes/collisions, 2 ocean rescues, and 1 hazardous materials incident.
• Fire Safety Tip -- The Honolulu Fire Department encourages every family to take the necessary steps to prepare for the hurricane season that runs from June 2017 through November 2017. Everyone should have a plan in place, a survival kit, and a way of staying informed on impending disasters. Additional information can be found on the City and County of Honolulu's Department of Emergency Management's website at -- www.honolulu.gov/dem.
Comments followed: Nuclear Disaster -- Foyt saw on the news a story about concerns in case of a nuclear disaster. Captain Gibo mentioned that it might have been another agency than HFD.
Honolulu Police Department (HPD) -- A sergeant reported the following:
• June 2017/May 2017 Statistics -- There were 14/24 motor vehicle thefts, 11/7 burglaries, 169/158 thefts, 33/34 UEMVs (unauthorized entry into motor vehicles), 16/24 assaults, 3/5 sexual assaults, 1/0 graffiti incidents, and 13/21 drug offenses. Total calls for service were 5,754/6,177.
• Business Security Tips -- Tips included installing a video security system, having address numbers visible from the street, and knowing the neighbors to watch out for each other.
Comments followed:
1. Don Quixote -- Ammons reported that a resident e-mailed him about loud noise and possible criminal activities at the laundry mat. HPD is aware of the situation and he will follow up with the Third (3rd) Watch.
2. Traffic Light at Sheridan and Rycroft Streets at Hawaii Medical Services Association (HMSA) -- Foyt was concerned about pedestrian safety. Chair Tam had suggested the information be presented at the time of the Mayor's Representative's Report later on the agenda. Another resident brought up the traffic, when drivers are waiting to pick up employees after work.
At 7:17 p.m. Chair Tam passed the gavel to Vice Chair Zehner.
Meeting Determination Date/Time/Location (August 2017 to June 2018) -- Chair Tam reported that he was looking for a new location for the meetings. Ala Moana Beach Park (AMBP) McCoy Pavilion has air conditioning and audio-visual (AV) capabilities. Chair Tam showed a few slides of the McCoy Pavilion. However, on the fourth (4th) Tuesdays of the month, it has a homeless program and the fourth (4th) Thursdays of the month are open. It is a City facility at no cost to the Board. The McKinley High School Community Meeting rooms would be $200 a month.
Comments followed: Concerns -- There were concerns expressed about parking at nights at the AMBP and changing to the fourth (4th) Thursday of the month. Foyt mentioned that there was no dedicated parking and Zehner questioned public safety after dark. After investigating the University of Hawaii Cancer Center, Foyt was informed of its policies, room costs, and limitations and thought that the Center would not be a reasonable alternative. Ammons noted that he was on the Board for two (2) years and this issue was not mentioned until last November 2016. Chang saw a possible conflict of the fourth (4th) Thursday with Thanksgiving Day in November. Chair Tam said that issue could be accommodated. Foyt added a concern about the temperature at the current location and suggested opening the windows for a cross-breeze.
Chair Tam asked for a motion. Chang moved and Foyt seconded that the Ala Moana/Kakaʼako Neighborhood Board No. 11 remain at the Makiki Christian Church on the fourth (4th) Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. There was no further discussion. Other Venues -- Chair Tam noted that the NCO had inquired about the Blaisdell Center, but it may have other events scheduled. Ronald Higa suggested the Aloha Pacific Credit Union, which had a lot of parking.
The motion was ADOPTED, 8-1-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Foyt, Komine, Oppie, and Zehner; NAY: Tam; ABSTAIN: None).
Determination of Board Recess Schedule (August 2017 to June 2018) -- Chang moved and Zehner seconded that the Ala Moana/Kakaʼako Neighborhood Board No. 11 recess in December 2017. As there were no objections, the motion was ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 9-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Foyt, Komine, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Request to Participate in the ʼŌlelo Broadcast Program or to Request Funds for an Annual Newsletter -- Ammons moved and Oppie seconded that the Ala Moana/Kakaʼako Neighborhood Board No. 11 continue to participate in the ʼŌlelo Broadcast Program. Discussion followed. Foyt was concerned about the scheduling. The motion was ADOPTED, 8-1-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chung, Cloutier, Foyt, Komine, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: Chang; ABSTAIN: None).
Adoption of Oral Testimony Rules -- Chair Tam read that oral testimony rules at the top of the agenda: "Speakers are asked to raise their hands, and when recognized by the Chair, to address comments to the Chair. Speakers shall keep their comments to three (3) minutes or less." Chang moved and Cloutier seconded that the Ala Moana/Kakaʼako Neighborhood Board No. 11 continue using the oral testimony rules. As there were no objections, the motion was ADOPTED by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 9-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Foyt, Komine, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None).
Rice Fest -- Ed Sugimoto announced that the Rice Fest Block Party would be on Saturday, September 9, 2017 from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Auahi Street at Ward Centre by T.J. Maxx.
Comments followed: Last year there were complaints about the heat and hours. So, changes were made. Two (2) streets will be open.
"Rock the Block" Night Markets -- Burt Kawasaki, Ki Ventures, announced the following:
• "Rock the Block" Night Markets -- "Rock the Block" Night Markets, which would be like Night Markets with more entertainment, will be on Saturday, September 30, 2017, Saturday, October 28, 2017, and Sunday, December 31, 2017 on Cooke Street between Pohukaina Street and Ala Moana Boulevard. Rock the Block is a community-driven event to celebrate the continued development and growth of the Kakaʼako neighborhood. They have partnered with the National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii to launch this reoccurring monthly series planned for three (3) dates over the remainder of the 2017 year.
• Free -- This "free" event, designed for all ages, will take place along Cooke Street, between Pohukaina and Ala Moana Boulevard, and along Auahi Street, between Keawe Street and Lana Lane. Featured at the event will be food trucks, various vendors, a mini car show (produced by Keith Kugiyama of the Pacific Kulture Fest Car Show), and live entertainment on stage. There will be separate "beer gardens" for those individuals 21 years and older, wishing to enjoy an alcoholic beverage. A portion of the proceeds from beverage sales will be donated to the National Kidney Foundation, as will any donations received at their booth.
• Dates and Times -- Saturday, September 30, 2017 -- 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Saturday, October 28, 2017 -- 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. (Halloween-themed), and Sunday, December 31, 2017 -- 5:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. (to celebrate the New Year.) (Music stops by 12:00 midnight)
• Expected Attendance -- The expected attendance is 1000-1500 people. The Sunday, December 31, 2017 event will be a more family-friendly event than the "18 and older" event at Aloha Tower.
• Security -- Security will be provided by private security and hired HPD officers.
• Contact -- Burt Kawasaki at (808) 220-4500 or burt@artistryhonolulu.com
Condo Law from a Homeowner Perspective -- Lila Mower, Hui Aieo, which is a group with 300 individual owners and 150 condominium associations. In 2017 there were over 100 bills introduced and several became laws, involving property management, condominium associations, and owners, like management agreements are to be provided to the owners. Foyt noted that Mower informed everyone about the condominium laws and urged everyone to sign up for her list. Mower noted that condominium association Board members may have limited fiduciary responsibilities. Foyt added that condo laws may be changing. Chair Tam agreed that Mover was a resource.
Hawaii Meals on Wheels -- Volunteer Brad Akamu for Hawaiʼi Meals on Wheels, mentioned that volunteer drivers were needed to deliver hot meals Monday through Fridays to home-bound people. They serve about 400 meals a day to about 100,000 meals a year. Volunteers have flexible times and different locations. Volunteers could also help with bulk mailouts. Call Volunteer Coordinator Akamu at (808) 988-6747.
Petition to Change Location of Biki Station at Kolowalu Park -- Chair Tam noted that the Board received notice that Biki station was to be installed on the makai side of Kolowalu Park. Residents signed a petition for an alternate site on the mauka side. Further discussions will be at the next Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) meeting on Wednesday, August 2, 2017. Garett Kamemoto invited the public to attend and participate in the discussion.
Neal Blaisdell Center (NBC) War Memorial Project -- Tanya Harrison gave some historical background. With the development/expansion of the Neal Blaisdell Center, the City discovered the intent of the NBC as a War Memorial was lost for 45 years. The intent of a recent resolution was to remind the City of the War Memorial Project. Chair Tam noted that the Mayor's Representative will report on it later on the agenda and in August 2017 the consultant will make a presentation.
Comments followed:
1. Ala Wai Sports Arena Project -- Resident Franklin Chung went to the Neal Blaisdell Center (NBC) workshop. He warned the City of the Ala Wai Sports Arena Complex at the Ala Wai Golf Course.
2. Roads -- A resident noted that last year the City collected $278 million from motor vehicle registration and complained about the City and State roads on Ward Avenue and Bishop Streets.
Neal Blaisdell Center (NBC) Meeting -- Ammons, Foyt, and Chung attended. Chung added that he spoke with Mayor Kirk Caldwell about the opportunity for the City to "partner" with McKinley High School for the benefit for the students. Mayor Caldwell agreed, but when he talked to the McKinley High School people, he was quickly rejected. Per Chung, the opportunity still exists. Ammons suggested to start with the funding first, then develop the project. The workshop was on Thursday, July 13, 2017.
Public Hearing on Rail -- Foyt testified in support of the rail at the City Council and was glad to participate in the NBC discussion.
There were no other reports.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative -- Deputy Director Ian Santee, Honolulu Emergency Services Department (HESD), deferred to Director Guy Kaulukukui, Department of Enterprise Services (DES) and then, to representatives of the Real Property Tax Division, and will return afterwards.
Neal Blaisdell Center (NBC) Master Plan Update -- Director Kaulukukui reported that they are in the Design phase, which started in April 2017 and will be winding down by December 2017. These ideas were shared at the workshop about two (2) weeks ago and will be posted on the website for another workshop in November 2017. The Arena and Concert Hall are 50 years old. The plans are intended to bring the area into the 21st Century to enhance the local and visitor entertainment experience. For the Arena, plans include keeping the same roof and making internal changes, like enclosed walkways for more "back of the house" space for both the Arena and the Concert Hall. Director Kaulukukui said that all the Blaisdell buildings would all be subsumed by the same external structural wall. Thomas Square is not included. The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) will continue to control Thomas Square. An area map was included. Director Kaulukukui noted there were no plans for a Sports Complex at the Ala Wai golf course.
The War Memorial was re-dedicated two (2) years ago and will be become a War Memorial Plaza in the future. More details are forthcoming.
Comments followed: Funding -- Director Kaulukukui responded to Ammons' comment. About $400 million - $500 million was budgeted for the project, but it may be bond funding. Director Kaulukukui was willing to report back monthly if asked.
Residential Use Dedication -- Brent Fujiwara and Steven Takara from the Department of Budget and Fiscal Services (BFS), Real Property Office, presented the following:
• Certain condominium owners may now consider dedicating their properties for Residential Use for a five (5)-year period if their units are being used as a primary residence, or a long-term rental (longer than 30 days at a time).
• This option will allow the properties that are currently on land, zoned as mixed use, hotel, or commercial, and whose Declaration of Condominium or Horizontal Property Regime specifically states that the unit is allowed to be used as residential, to be classified as Residential, and thereby, eligible for the historically lower real property tax rate (instead of commercial).
• On Friday, June 16, 2017, the Real Property Assessment Division will be mailing out letters and petition forms to approximately 8,000 owners whose properties may qualify for the dedication.
• If approved, the owner must commit to a five (5)-year dedication, which is automatically renewable for additional five (5)-year periods, unless cancelled by either the property owner or the Director of Budget and Fiscal Services.
• Upon sale or transfer of the dedicated property, the dedication will continue for the remainder of the dedication, but will not be automatically renewed. Once expired, the dedication will be cancelled, and the new owner must file a new petition to dedicate in order to continue with the Residential Classification.
• Failure to observe the restrictions will result in a paramount lien upon the property, as well as rollback taxes and penalties.
• This Residential Use Dedication will replace any previous methods by which condominiums on non-residential zoned lands were allowed to be classified as Residential. Previously approved Declaration Regarding Condominium Use forms are deemed to be invalid. A Home exemption will no longer automatically qualify a property for a classification as Residential. The deadline to file this dedication is Friday, September 1, 2017. There will be no grace period or extension. Should you have any questions, please contact our offices at (808) 768-3799 or visit the website -- www.realproperty.honolulu.gov.
• A list of the impacted condominiums were on Page 2 of the handout.
Mayor's Representative's Report -- Deputy Director Santee, reported the following:
• Thomas Square Update -- What is the status of Phase 1 of the improvements? Department of Design and Construction (DDC) replied installation of the new irrigation system has been completed and the grass has been planted. The project is anticipated to be completed in September 2017 following completion of the grass maintenance.
• Bike Share Start -- What was the City's role in Bike Share's use of sidewalks, parking spaces, and the station at Thomas Square? Department of Transportation Services (DTS) replied the City provided Bike Share (BIKI) with general guidelines for where stations could be placed and issued street usage permits for the BikeShare stations on City property. These permits are considered temporary and revocable, if a particular location is problematic.
• Vertical Evacuation -- Department of Emergency Management (DEM) replied vertical evacuation guidelines are the same for all high-rise facilities including hotels, condominiums and businesses that meet the structural requirements as listed: Vertical Tsunami Evacuation -- Evacuate to the fourth (4th) floor or above in a reinforced concrete or structural steel building of ten stories or more. All others, evacuate inland to higher ground.
• Listing Subdistricts in MidWeek -- A resident suggested that next time, when posting the names of the Neighborhood Board Election winners, to list the Subdistricts or At-Large seats. The Neighborhood Commission Office will look into the possibility of doing so for future elections.
Comments followed:
1. Department of Transportation Services (DTS) -- Foyt had called DTS about some bad intersections. DTS Engineer Jack Patterson returned her call and said he would follow up.
• Moana Pacific -- At the East Tower entrance of Moana Pacific driveway onto Piʼikoi Street, although there is a left turn arrow (Piʼikoi is one (1)-way north) at the driveway exit, it was put there by the developer and has no legal meaning, except to indicate the road's traffic flow goes that way. Vehicles leaving the Moana Pacific East Tower driveway may also cross Piʼikoi onto Makaloa Street. It is not illegal to do so.
• Rycroft and Sheridan Streets -- There had been several accidents and a recent death, because pedestrians did not seem to be seen by car drivers turning left from Rycroft south on Sheridan Street. A possible solution suggested by a business owner at the intersection was a traffic light updated with a left turn only signal light on it.
Councilmember Carol Fukunaga -- Councilmember Fukunaga reported the following:
• Resolution 17-195 -- After the recent Marco Polo condominium fire, Councilmember Fukunaga and Councilmember Ann Kobayashi introduced Resolution 17-195, seeking an update for the 2005 Fire Safety Advisory Committee Report, which would cover fire-sprinkler installation, insurance, tax credits, loans, and more. A news article mentioned that other major cities have not dealt with the issue of fire sprinklers in residential buildings yet. All interested parties are invited to participate. The resolution was supported by Jane Sugimura, Hawaii Council of Associations of Apartment Owners and Richard Port.
• Plastic Bag Ban Law -- Zehner asked about the ban. Councilmember Fukunaga noted that both the environmental groups and the commercial businesses have found the middle ground. The goal is to eliminate the thicker bags, which will be banned after 2020 and to use the recyclable cloth bags, which could be purchased for 15 cents.
• Enforcement -- Once the ban becomes law, Ammons asked about the focus on enforcement. Councilmember Fukunaga mentioned that Department of Environmental Services (ENV) will look at the disposal of the plastic bags and it is hoped that in the future, community groups could step forward for policing.
• Dog Park -- Chair Tam thanked Councilmember Fukunaga and Councilmember Kobayashi for the Dog Park in Kakaʼako.
Councilmember Ann Kobayashi -- Councilmember Kobayashi reported the following:
• Noise Complaints -- Councilmember Kobayashi is still receiving complaints about early morning trash pick-up at 4:00 a.m. There have been many meetings and the trash trucks try to make the pick-up before the rush hour. In Korea, they do not use trash trucks, but have trash chutes, where trash goes to a central area for collection.
• Sheridan Park -- Because many children played there and there was concern about the homeless, the park was cleaned up. However, the homeless are coming back.
• Sit/Lie -- The bill passed third reading to extend Sit/Lie to King Street and now it will go to final reading before the full Council.
Comments followed:
1. Trash Pick-Up -- A resident noted that the trucks start at 4:00 a.m. on one (1) side (commercial) of the street and back at 8:00 a.m. on the residential side.
2. Homeless -- A resident talked to the homeless people and noted that the HPD does not enforce the "no camping" rules, as they see that the homeless are not camping, because there is no tent. They are cleared, but return. Councilmember Kobayashi added that there is not enough affordable housing, there is a need for more rentals, too. Councilmember Kobayashi is trying to make more incentives for developers to build more affordable units.
Councilmember Trevor Ozawa -- No representative was present; a newsletter was provided.
State Representative Tom Brower -- Representative Brower was no longer present, but he had distributed his newsletter.
House Speaker Scott Saiki -- James Stone distributed a newsletter and was available to hear concerns.
State Senator Brickwood Galuteria -- No representative was present and no report was available.
Governor David Ige's Representative -- The Capitol Connection July 2017 was distributed and Cindy McMillian, Director of Communications, reported the following:
• Congratulations and Welcome -- McMillian congratulated returning Board members and welcomed new Board members.
• Capitol Connection -- McMillian noted that the Governor's innovation vision for Hawaiʼi Century 21 was on Page 1. The Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR)'s report on job growth and the making of an innovation economy were on Pages 2 and 3.
• Emergency Preparedness -- The State has increased the number of days for supplies from seven (7) to 14 days. See recommendations on Page 4.
• Mumps Booster -- The State Department of Health (DOH) is monitoring an unusual outbreak of mumps and recommends older adults to take precautions.
• Roadways -- McMillian thanked the resident, who commented about roadways and will follow up.
Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) -- Garett Kamemoto reported the following:
• Public Hearings -- More public hearings are being held on proposed amendments to HCDA's Kakaʼako Reserved Housing Rules. Revised amendments have been offered and are online on the HCDA website.
o The first hearing is Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
o The decision-making hearing is Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
These Affordable Housing Rules are for the working class people.
• Next Board Meeting -- There is a board meeting next week. The agenda will be out on Thursday, August 3, 2017 and by Friday, August 4, 2017. All materials that will be distributed to the board will be posted on our website.
Comments followed: Vacation Rentals -- Komine asked about enforcement of Vacation rentals. Customers say that they will stay longer, but leave early. Kamemoto wants to know of these situations in order to issue a Notice of Violation. Komine asked about inspectors coming to the condominium. Garett Kamemoto did not know the details, but Komine can contact the HCDA at -- (808) 594-0300, or by e-mail at -- dbedt.hcda.contact@hawaii.gov.
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) -- Pat Lee reported the following:
• Four (4)-car Trains -- The second set of four (4)-car trains has arrived in Honolulu. There will be 80 train cars in the fleet, for a total of 20 four (4)-car trains, with 17 trains operating on the system during peak hours and eight (8) trains during non-peak hours.
• Testing -- Trains undergo both static and dynamic testing before the system can be certified for revenue passenger service. Recently, trains were placed up on the guideway for clearance testing to check the spacing between the guideway structures and the train. Once the third (3rd) rail system is electrified, trains will begin regular dynamic test runs up on the guideway.
• Train Control Center -- HART's train control center in Waipahu will manage all aspects of operations for the rail system. Trains will operate using a driverless, fully automated train control system, which continuously monitors and adjusts the speed of the trains on the guideway to stay within the programmed limits. Safe speeds are programmed to take into account the track alignment, curves, inclines and track conditions. Should the system detect a train exceeding the allowable speed limit, the system will automatically bring the train to a safe stop.
The system also continuously monitors the distance between trains, the position of track switches and detects any unscheduled opening of train and platform doors and gates. If these or similar conditions were to occur, trains will automatically be brought to a safe stop. Even forces external to the rail system, such as high wind speeds and seismic activity, are monitored by the train control system. If detected, all trains will respond with the safest course of action.
The trains operate on electricity, with 14 traction power substations (three (3) Megawatts each) designed for the 20-mile route, and four (4) back-up diesel generators. A platform screen gate system will separate passengers on the boarding platforms from the tracks and is automated to safely open only when a train arrives, and closes as the train departs.
• Rail Car Details -- Each rail car is 64 feet long, 14 feet high and 10 feet wide, weighing 72,000 pounds. Each four (4)-car train will have: Closed-circuit security cameras, Emergency call box, Audible announcements, Visual announcement boards, Air conditioning, Free Wi Fi, Space for surfboards, coolers, luggage, strollers, bicycles and wheelchairs, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant with priority seats onboard, open gangway between train cars for easy access, and three (3) plug-type doors per side on each train vehicle, 12 doors on each side of a four (4)-car train.
• Capacity -- Trains can carry 634 passengers comfortably with a maximum load capacity of 800 riders, which is equal to 10 city buses. There will be 188 total seats per train. Trains will operate from 4:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, and arrive every five (5) minutes during peak time and every 11 minutes during non-peak hours. Rail will be fully integrated with the bus system, with a single system-wide fare and one-pass system for the bus and rail. HART plans to open the first 10 miles (from Aloha Stadium to East Kapolei) for revenue passenger service in late 2021, and pending additional funding, the full 20-mile system could open in 2025.
For general project information, traffic updates, meeting notices and more information, please visit the website www.honolulutransit.org, call the project hotline at 566-2299 or email a question at info@honolulutransit.org
Comments followed: Construction Progress -- Ammons asked about the construction progress. Lee mentioned that construction is ongoing to Middle Street, and preliminary work to Aloha Stadium. Funding is dependent on the State Legislature for the final segment.
Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) -- Chair Tam read the following:
• Main Breaks -- There was one (1) eight (8)-inch main break at 1601 Kapiolani Boulevard on Sunday, June 11, 2017.
• 29th Annual Halawa Xeriscape Garden Open House and Unthirsty Plant Sale -- Bring the family for an entire day of fun and educational activities at the BWS's 29th annual Halawa Xeriscape Garden Open House and Unthirsty Plant Sale. The event is a great opportunity for everyone to learn ways to help his/her garden beat the heat and conserve water outdoors. The event will be held on Saturday, August 5, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. There will be a large variety of drought-tolerant, less-thirsty and native plants at reasonable prices. Some of the activities to be offered include xeriscape workshops by garden experts, keiki activities, educational booths, garden crafts, award winning cactus and succulent display by the Cactus and Succulent Society of Hawaii, delicious food, and more! Proceeds from the event will help support educational programs and classes at the Halawa Xeriscape Garden. For more information, visit www.boardofwatersupply.com or call the BWS Communications Office at 748-5041. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for event details at Facebook.com/BWSHonolulu and Twitter@BWSHonolulu.
Chair Tam asked if any Board member wanted to take over reading the BWS report and Foyt volunteered.
Discuss Board Member Focus Areas and Establishment of Committees -- Previously, the Board had Committees/Sub-Committees in 2005, but Committees are subject to the requirements of the "Sunshine Law," like posting agendas six (6) days before the meeting. Board member may want to think about Committees and focus areas, so Chair Tam deferred this item to the next agenda.
Discuss City Council Resolution 17-133, Regarding the Establishment of an Off-leash Dog Park -- Chair Tam had e-mailed the resolution to Board members. Kolowalu Park was a possible site, but it will now be the access site of a vertical school building. Chang and Chair Tam offered to help on a working group to find a location.
At 8:45 p.m. Chair Tam passed the gavel to Vice Chair Zehner.
Consider Resolution Regarding Bikeshare Hawaii Pricing -- Last month a former Mānoa Neighborhood Board No. 7 member, who became a McCully-Moʼiliʼili Neighborhood Board No. 8 member had a resolution asking for better pricing/access for low income Biki users. Since then, Chair Tam reported that a working group was formed to improve access for low income riders. There was testimony by Natalie Iwasa and others.
Vice Chair Zehner returned the gavel to Chair Tam.
There was more discussion about the expansion of the area of the stations in the resolution.
At 8:49 p.m. no action was taken.
Approval of the June 27, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes -- As there were no objections, the Ala Moana/Kakaʼako Neighborhood Board No. 11 APPROVED the June 27, 2017 regular meeting minutes, as amended, by UNANIMOUS CONSENT, 9-0-0 (AYE: Ammons, Chang, Chung, Cloutier, Foyt, Komine, Oppie, Tam, and Zehner; NAY: None; ABSTAIN: None). The amendment was as follows:
• Page 2, it should read, "3. Full Station -- A Board member asked what happens if a popular destination is full. McCarney responded that there are Biki workers called "rebalancers," who receive remote communications from each station that includes the number of bikes there. These workers do nothing else, but travel among the stations making readjustments."
Treasurer's Report -- Treasurer Oppie reported a balance of $16.23. The Treasurer's Report was filed.
Proposed Amendments to HCDA Kakaʼako Reserved Housing Rules -- Presentation and public hearing on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 9:00 a.m., 547 Queen Street, 2nd Floor at 9:00 a.m. Public hearing and decision-making on Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
Liquor Commission Hearings (held at 711 Kapiolani Boulevard, 6th Floor at 4:00 p.m.)
• Thursday, August 10, 2017: 808 Sheridan Street -- Margaritas (Category 2)
• Thursday, August 24, 2017: 815 Keeaumoku Street -- Club Vegas Star (Category 2, 4)
• Citizen Patrol Training: Monday, July 31, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at Halekauwila Place Community Room (655 Halekauwila Street)
• Lea Lea Charity Run - 5K run on Saturday, August 12, 2017 at 6:00 a.m., Ala Moana Beach Park. Atkinson Street park entrance closed from about 5:45 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
• Next Meeting -- The next Ala Moana/Kakaʼako Neighborhood Board No. 11 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Makiki Christian Church, 829 Pensacola Street
• ʼŌlelo Broadcasts -- Broadcasts of the Ala Moana-Kakaʼako Neighborhood Board No. 11 meetings are on ʼŌlelo 49 on the first and third Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. and every second Sunday at 6:00 p.m.
• Community Neighborhood Watches --
o Mother Waldron Park (525 Cooke Street) -- Mondays, 6:00 p.m. (Early Summer Schedule);
o Sheridan Park (833 Piʼikoi Street) -- Monday/Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m.;
o Keola Laʼi Condominium (600 Queen Street) Tuesdays, 5:15 p.m.;
o Kolowalu Park (1177 Queen Street) -- 1st and 2nd Thursdays, 6:00 p.m.
• No Loitering -- Please do not loiter on Makiki Christian Church grounds after 9:00 p.m. Mahalo.
ADJOURNMENT -- As there was no further business before the Board, Chair Tam adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
Submitted by: K. Russell Ho, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Sultan White, Neighborhood Assistant
Reviewed by: Michelle Foyt, Secretary
Final Review by: Ryan Tam, Chair
Last Updated: 16 August 2017
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